

The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Oh for christ's sake with the conspiracies. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy. Sometimes shit actually happens. Even if this was staged, it severely backfired because a lot of people hate Will at this point.

Fucking internet...
When you win an Oscar but ruin it by making everyone talk about something else because the illuminaties planned it all because the hollyweird elite is a bunch of self serving, self righteous cunts that cant stick to their day job, cant help themselves from lecturing everyone on what they are paid to lecture us on, so everyone is tuning out of their crap, nobody cares any more. Fuck them and their ivory towers and paid opinions. Its more fun watching it all crash and burn


Big Clit Energy
OK, OK, OK, Shit happened. everybody wants to get online talking all this shit "i miss the good old days when people would get smacked in the mouth for saying stupid shit" so now somebody ACTUALLY gets smacked in their mouth for saying some stupid shit, and everybody wants to clutch their pearls like a bunch of bitches!! everybody wants to yell shit like "he's emotionally unstable" they want to cry "toxic masculinity" and people ant to flip flop over the mans duality. the SAME DUALITY WE ALL HAVE AS HUMANS. just because he slapped that man for disrespecting his wife, he cant love some one else? he cant protect and destroy at the same time? is this what you're telling me? so because he wants to be that "vessel of love" he has to tolerate the blatant disrespect and degradation of his family?

now lets not get it twisted. a lot of the same shit he got tired of he and (mainly) his wife put out there for public consumption. this is what happens when you're in the public eye, and yes when you're in the public eye you SHOULD be held at a slightly higher standard, but you are STILL human. we get it. and the BAREST ESSENCE a man said some slick shit about another mans wife, and shit got dealt with and it all happened in a VERY public way.
and IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT GOES ON IN THIER MARRIAGE!! I don't care if they are both cheating, if they are swingin', if they are rubbing each other with raw steaks dressed up as Elmo, spanking each other with large mouth bass while singing the soundtrack to Hamilton, THEY ARE STILL LIVING AS MAN AND WIFE AND SHOULD BE RESPECTED AS SUCH!!if he's says "hey his is my wife" then you respect that, PERIOD. if you think he's whipped, or a simp or whatever, keep that shit to yourself. if she is going through some medical shit, you do not get on the BIGGEST PLATFORM IN THE WORLD and joke about it. and these men knew each other for over 30 fuckin years. if ANYBODY would have known "maybe this is not the shit to say at THIS time" it would be Chris Rock. he is a MASTER at his craft, and would know better. but its always the ones that are the closest to you that will take the most liberties.

we all pick and choose what we say and we all pick and choose what we react to. ill be the FIRST to admit I'm all over the place with it. i have personally caught a case over someone saying something slick about my wife and me breaking their jaw. so yeah I'm on that time. lol cause i feel like Chris would NOT have said anything slick like that to Denzel, Sam Jackson or anyone else in that audience like that but since he knew Will for as long as he did he felt comfortable with it like Will was some kind of mark. now on the flip side I don't think Will would have ran up on that stage if the Rock, Or Mike Tyson Or Michael Jai White, or Wesley Snipes cracked that same joke...

at the end of the day this NEEDED to happen. people NEEDED to see that there are STILL consequences for actions. that yes there are still men that get tired of peoples shit, and that will smack you in the mouth for saying some slick shit. now I'm pretty sure that these 2 men will work this shit out sooner or later and shit will get back to normal and well all get back to crackin' on Kanye or Jussie Smollett or some shit (even though this Kanye shit is JUST AS SERIOUS)

but this is for all those keyboard commandos, armchair champions, twitter thugs, gravy seals (meal team six) members out there thinking shit is sweet behind their screens at home talking shit to people and just folks in general. there are STILL people out here that believe that there are and should be consequences for your actions. you learn this shit the first day in science class. for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction (Newtons Third Law) it doesn't REALLY apply, but it does lol. you say some slick shit, some shit may happen because of the slick shit you say...

Realest shit ever.
@Dj Iceman, that doesn’t work in the sense of saying it needed to happen but also saying if it was Tyson etc then he wouldn’t have done it.
So for me that is saying Will smith is a opportunist bully then as he only chose to do it to someone he felt he dominated so he’s a cunt for that.
Also you mentioned you’ve fucked someone up for talking like that, fair play but again smith did not do that he laughed at the joke so he’s a hypocrite already then proceeds to perform a pussy ass slap and walk away? Tell me, if you we’re seriously angry at someone disrespecting you you’d at least fucking jaw them.
They have known each other for years, both get comedy and it’s all a publicity stunt. Nothing in his body language showed he went to intentionally hurt and fuck someone up. All publicity good or bad is publicity. They know people love a bit of drama, it’s easy to see right through it. Good acting Will and Chris, absolute bullshit.