Search results

  1. o-a-ksavage

    death and greatness

    The answer to this question is YES. Rappers for sure gain status with death. Like BIG said, you're nobody til somebody kills you. The best recent example is Mac Dre in the bay area. He was relatively unknown amongst the casual bay area rap fans a year and a half ago, and then as soon as he...
  2. o-a-ksavage

    The People Of America

    Actually, they don't really talk about inventions much at all in history classes, and I've probably heard about more black inventions (black history month in an Oakland public school) than white in my history classes. My point had nothing to do with making claims about which race did what, my...
  3. o-a-ksavage

    The People Of America

    That's false. There has always been an abundance of physical labor, including slave labor, throughout the world throughout history. What made America such a rich nation is the inventions made possible by economic freedom. The mind, not the laboring body, is the source of all wealth. What...
  4. o-a-ksavage

    The People Of America

    I don't think it really matters, I consider myself an American, because I was born and raised here, but when talking about races within America I say white, black, asian, etc. What does that mean?
  5. o-a-ksavage

    classic movies

    LMAO, man I was big on ninja turtles, but I was never that big a wrestling fan. The street fighter video game was also influential in the early years of my life. Shit man, I remember being a little kid and liking almost every movie I saw. As long as it had some action or some humor I...
  6. o-a-ksavage

    R.I.P. Chris Penn

    He was tight in Resevoir Dogs, not to forget All the Right Moves, that high school football movie with Tom Cruise where this man's going to Miami on a full ride then gets his gf pregnant...RIP
  7. o-a-ksavage

    Newfound respect

    Lil Jon comes with some tight beats, Throw it Up makes me go dumb every time I hear it. But I lose a lot of respect for producers that just find some formula that's popular and then stick with that. That's one of the reasons I respect kanye so much as a producer. Jon does deserve some props...
  8. o-a-ksavage

    Newfound respect

    If you want the truth, the masses are. Corporations only put out products, if no one likes them they lose a lot of money. If people do like them, if there is a demand for them, then the corporations will produce them. So corporations wouldn't put out songs like laffy taffy if it wasn't for...
  9. o-a-ksavage

    most hood city in the US(what are your picks)

    What does that tell you other than the fact that those are by far the three largest cities in the US? It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the biggest cities will have the most murders. Why don't you find the most per capita murders and then we'll pay attention to your facts bud...
  10. o-a-ksavage

    who is going to win the Super Bowl

    The Colts were the best team in the league this year hands down. Unfortunately for them, that doesn't matter, what matters is what you do in the playoffs. The fact that they hadn't played a game that mattered in over a month, along with the distractions of Dungy's son killing himself and...
  11. o-a-ksavage

    damn, what's the deal ya'll!

    Hoppa, as you know I copped TAFJ, the production is fiyah! Although I must say the emcees on that piece were not my favorite, it's all good though, I still slap that shit from time to time. That's fuckin crucial that you're getting all that capital to put out those CD's on your own (make sure...
  12. o-a-ksavage


    LMAO, hey forreal tho I was yellin like a mufucka after the Bus fumbled, I thought Harper was to the house.
  13. o-a-ksavage

    who is going to win the Super Bowl

    Damn man, aside from the AFC thing, helluva call.
  14. o-a-ksavage

    who is going to win the Super Bowl

    There's only one problem, the Steelers and Broncos are both in the AFC.
  15. o-a-ksavage

    Texas won

    Nah man, Marshawn Lynch on Cal. I swear man, this dude is the truth. I played against him in high school, he hit this one cut where he jumped like 5 feet to the left and damn near broke my ankles. But real talk though, he's killed the past two years, though he was battling injury for some of...
  16. o-a-ksavage

    Pats won

  17. o-a-ksavage

    Texas won

    Please, Bush was outright the best player in the nation this year. Was he overrated when he burnt the entire texas defense to the corner and flipped into the endzone on the sideline? He made that one dumb play which cost USC the game, but they didn't use him at all for most of the game for...
  18. o-a-ksavage

    is this true

    Hell yeah, I'm with you, we'll all go to boston and flush ours down the toilet. The Boston ID Party. I doubt this is real but if it is it's about time to start thinking about overthrowing the government and letting everyone know that our lives belong to us and not the state, "give me liberty...
  19. o-a-ksavage

    Are certain rappers really killers?

    There are definitely rappers out there who have killed people. You're a fool if you believe otherwise. I would say most who say they have have not, but some are telling the truth, especially the ones who have not blown up, are still living in the hood, and are talking about it. Shit, two of...
  20. o-a-ksavage

    Happy New Year

    I'm in Michigan and they sell some crappy brew here, but I'll still wish everyone a happy new year.