Texas won


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
Yea baby thats what i am talking about i knew they were going to win no matter what, Vince Young is the shit, damn I am so happy should have put money on this game.

close game but thats why they call Vince the come back kid


Golden Ear
ill o.g.


ill o.g.
they were talking about cali being the best of all time and they fuckin lose the next game..def didnt see that coming


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
lol, ha ha ha, i wish vince could have gotten the heisman, cause reggie bush is over rated, lindel white is better than bush.

but its all good, vince got mvp. then vince is staying another year he is automaticly going to get the heisman.


ill o.g.
x-squizet said:
lol, ha ha ha, i wish vince could have gotten the heisman, cause reggie bush is over rated, lindel white is better than bush.

Please, Bush was outright the best player in the nation this year. Was he overrated when he burnt the entire texas defense to the corner and flipped into the endzone on the sideline? He made that one dumb play which cost USC the game, but they didn't use him at all for most of the game for some odd reason. If you watched that man all year you'd know that he's not overrated, shit, his highlight film is up for an academy award for best special effects.

L. Soul

ill o.g.
Fo'real Bush is not overrated at all. He was the best college football player this year period. Texas ain't win the game, Vince Young did. USC just didn't have a defense because we always had an offense. So when an offense (Vince Young) hit our defense nobody could hold him down.

Plus, take away that touchdown where the replay equipment happened to break down during where Vince young was DOWN and then pitched it out and Texas would have lost.


Golden Ear
ill o.g.
Reggie Bush is no way at all overrated. I say its a tie as far as the talent between the two of them. But when it comes to MVP for a team, which means a player that is so good he is the difference between a team being average and a team being a national champion, that player IS Vince Young. USC didn't use Bush that much b/c he wasn't as effective against a team with a REAL defense; shit, if Lyndell White doesn't come out I think he is a lock for the best RB in the nation next year.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
well to me bush was over rated if they would have used lindel white more i think it would have been diffrent, don't get me wrong reggi is good and all but they actin like he is god, and they can eat his shit.

and savage, was that like the only thing bush did in the game. i mean he always does that shit, wait till he try that in the pro in mid air, somebody going to dominate his ass.


ill o.g.
bluchippa5 said:
shit, if Lyndell White doesn't come out I think he is a lock for the best RB in the nation next year.

Nah man, Marshawn Lynch on Cal. I swear man, this dude is the truth. I played against him in high school, he hit this one cut where he jumped like 5 feet to the left and damn near broke my ankles. But real talk though, he's killed the past two years, though he was battling injury for some of this year, and next year if Cal's any good he's a likely candidate for the Heisman.