The People Of America

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
I think white people are dirty slave owners who have no rythm and can't dance.

I think black people are only good for basketball and eating fried chicken.

I think all asians are good at math and are only good for an affordable meal of 4 chicken wings for 2 bucks.

I think puero ricans love 2 things: welfare and anonimous sex.

I think all Middle Easteners buy 7-11's just to overprice us americans,,,,,and they know who was involved wit 9-11.

The only good thing about Italians is there cooking.

I think all German people are secretly Nazis. least one person was offended by those statements above. This is what you get when you start labeling people of color,,,especially in America. We are americans,,,leave it at that.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
o-a-ksavage said:
That's false. There has always been an abundance of physical labor, including slave labor, throughout the world throughout history. What made America such a rich nation is the inventions made possible by economic freedom. The mind, not the laboring body, is the source of all wealth. What "built" America was the independent minds of men such as Thomas edison who invented the ligh bulb, Henry Ford who invented the commercial automobile, The Wright brothers who invented the airplane, the countless inventors and industrialists who made each person's labor 100 times more productive by inventing capital machinery and innovative production methods, the inventors of farming technology who made possible such high production of food that a miniscule number of farmers can feed an entire nation no problem, when before that about half the nation's population were farmers and they could barely feed themselves. George Washington Carver created more wealth alone through the use of his mind than did the sweat of every slave there ever was.

Very idealistic, and while i wont totally disagree i will say you are not putting things in context, most of those inventions u mentioned did not come untill the late 1800's early 1900'

Economically for most of its existence America was an agricultural society that depended on manual labor. Crops like cotton, tobacco' etc.. gave the American socieity wealth so that it could peruse those very inventions that you talked about... ur only accounting for recent history, how do u think things went down from the early 1600’s to the mid 1800’s

who do you think occupied those industrial factories in the east that mass produced edisions light blub, fords Model T……. Poor blacks from the south and recent immigrants. It was Americans large poor(mostly black ,& immgagrant) work force that gave it its industrial power as well as its inventions and ideals…..

And who bult the railroads threw the rocky mountines that gave America the unique abilitity to transport its goods across long distances….. Chinese immigrants….

Rather you want to admit it or not America whole industry is built on the back of cheap minoritiy labor…. Not just great ideas.

While i respect your view, its not that simple...



Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
I hate all minorities. Stress is god. I will worship him.


ill o.g.
Classic is right.

Vanderbilt's, Rockerfeller's and a lot of affluent families that are major players in American government swiped their fortunes off the backs of slaves.

To put this in perspective (America's economy was based on slave labor just as France):

When Toussaint D'Overture lead a successful revolution against the French in Haiti securing all slaves' freedom. It completely ruined the French Economy, Toussaint's actions directly resulted in the Louisiana Purchase.

My point is without slave labor the American economy would've been in ruins.

Even after slavery was abolished plantation owners still profited immensely off the whole indengent servant thing.

Another fact that was left out was that while every civilization has at one point or another utilized slavery, none of those civilization's come close to America in terms of it's effect on their economy.

Without slavery America had no economy.

As late as the early 60's America was hands down a racist country. It benefited from exploiting minorities until just 45 years ago.

Any minority older than 45 was born at a time when America's official policy was one of racism.

We are not even one generation removed from blatant systematic racism. Not a single generation has passed since AmeriKKKA was a racist country.

To say the exploitation of minorities has nothing to do with it becoming an economic superpower is absurd. Look what corporate America is doing to hip hop: exploiting it.

It's exploiting the Hispanic population now with Reggaton.

Minorities have equal opportunities for jobs now! Notice how corporations are recieving tax breaks for our government to outsource jobs to India where they are going to get more cheap minority labor.

Put this in tandem that many in power want to get rid of medicaid and welfare.

Let's be real. The ruling elite of this country is leaving the poor for dead.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
StressWon said:
sounds good to me....white power
hell yea. white power all day.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
This black history month seems to be dedicated to more modern inventions, for instance I didnt know that it was a black man that came up with the theory of the internet.
Of course I think Al Gore and kin ended up taking credit for all things internet,
Both Class and OAK both have good points, if you dont know your history you wont know where your goin.
Its nice to hear about more modern heros.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
But if history is all you talk, then history will eat you up. History repeats itself unless you break chains, habbits AND GOVERNMENTS.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
ManDAmyth said:
Classic is right.

Vanderbilt's, Rockerfeller's and a lot of affluent families that are major players in American government swiped their fortunes off the backs of slaves.

To put this in perspective (America's economy was based on slave labor just as France):

When Toussaint D'Overture lead a successful revolution against the French in Haiti securing all slaves' freedom. It completely ruined the French Economy, Toussaint's actions directly resulted in the Louisiana Purchase.

My point is without slave labor the American economy would've been in ruins.

Even after slavery was abolished plantation owners still profited immensely off the whole indengent servant thing.

Another fact that was left out was that while every civilization has at one point or another utilized slavery, none of those civilization's come close to America in terms of it's effect on their economy.

Without slavery America had no economy.

As late as the early 60's America was hands down a racist country. It benefited from exploiting minorities until just 45 years ago.

Any minority older than 45 was born at a time when America's official policy was one of racism.

We are not even one generation removed from blatant systematic racism. Not a single generation has passed since AmeriKKKA was a racist country.

To say the exploitation of minorities has nothing to do with it becoming an economic superpower is absurd. Look what corporate America is doing to hip hop: exploiting it.

It's exploiting the Hispanic population now with Reggaton.

Minorities have equal opportunities for jobs now! Notice how corporations are recieving tax breaks for our government to outsource jobs to India where they are going to get more cheap minority labor.

Put this in tandem that many in power want to get rid of medicaid and welfare.

Let's be real. The ruling elite of this country is leaving the poor for dead.
Good points however,
EVERY society in the world and thoughout history have ALWAYS left the poor for dead. I agree that this administraration cannot even begin to
Oops your going to get me on a soapbox my man.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Relic said:
Whites are a world minority my friend.
And you are telling me this because??????????????????????????

The Bastard

ManDAmyth said:
Labeling people is dumb. I get labled all the time. I am mixed: black and white (German). I look Hispanic. If I don't shave (which is quite often) I look Arabic. On the census form I put other.

My daughter is 1/3 black, 1/3 white, and 1/3 hispanic. She'll be checking other on her census forms.

American history is segregated. The contributions of Blacks, Native Americans and Asians are not taught to the youth or if so it's very miniscule such as "Black History Month" or the pathetic lesson plans about Indians around Thanksgiving.

"America isnt a building,one creed of people didnt jsut build it one day,its a product of the sweat of a lot of people, africans asians, italians,irish, and a lot more...." - Bastard

The sweat of italians and irish people to American culture is taught in standard history classes. Because of their skin color italian and irish people were able to intergrate completely into American society. Blacks and Asians couldn't fully intergrate because of their skin and to this day their contributions have been belittled and taught as if seperate from American culture.

White contributions to America is taught as American History. The contributions of blacks, Asians, Latinos and Native Americans are taught completely independent from white contributions under titles such as: Latino American History, African American Studies, etc.

So white people may not be conspiring to discriminate, but they still are.
thats true, it sucks that a lot of people wont learn what they should about black history untill they get to college and actually decide to take that class, a lot of people dont even go to college so a lot of people will never even know, but that has nothing to do with the point i made, the point is not one creed of people made america what it is today. thats why they call it the melting pot. and ill never agree to the thought that america is where it is because of 1 or two races. thats ridiculous. a lot of nations had part in creating this country, trough the decades and thru the centuries. none more important than the other. what does it matter who started it, who came in the middle, and who came in the end. we all did it together.
p.s. i love welfare and anonomys sex


Posted Up
ill o.g.
ManDAmyth said:
Labeling people is dumb...

American history is segregated. The contributions of Blacks, Native Americans and Asians are not taught to the youth or if so it's very miniscule such as "Black History Month" or the pathetic lesson plans about Indians around Thanksgiving.

"America isnt a building,one creed of people didnt jsut build it one day,its a product of the sweat of a lot of people, africans asians, italians,irish, and a lot more...." - Bastard

The sweat of italians and irish people to American culture is taught in standard history classes. Because of their skin color italian and irish people were able to intergrate completely into American society. Blacks and Asians couldn't fully intergrate because of their skin and to this day their contributions have been belittled and taught as if seperate from American culture.

White contributions to America is taught as American History. The contributions of blacks, Asians, Latinos and Native Americans are taught completely independent from white contributions under titles such as: Latino American History, African American Studies, etc.

So white people may not be conspiring to discriminate, but they still are.

Yes, Labeling people is dumb, so how, after making that statement can you still say that I discriminate? Do you think that because I'm White I only know "White History"?

So saying I'm "American" (Which I don't do anyways, I just say White) shows that I'm discriminating? This was Seoul's original statement. To which I responded that its funny how people want to "American", but also Black or Asian or Mexican at the same time. These people are obviously confused. Anyways you guys just go on calling yourself Americans and then also claiming a connection to some other culture. American is American whether or not your Black, White or any other race. Do you get my point?

In my American History class I was taught about the contributions of Blacks, Asians and other races, my friend, so before you make a statement like American History is taught as all White, you should go back to the books you read and verify you just didn't skip over those parts. Most peeps I know didn't even read the book. (I scored High Honors on a state exam and definitely remember the contributions of other races).

In fact, most written history is biased anyways! I've brought this up before, but it's funny how people that say they know what's up still think that Christopher Columbus was a great man (He killed Natives and prostituted nine year old girls) and he "discovered" America (The Vikings were here before him). So don't try to say I discriminate just by because I'm White and must believe in "White History". It's kind of like me saying all Blacks are gun-toting gangsters because that's how the media portrays them (Which is extremely stupid).

So back to my original post, and what I reiterated earlier, American is American regardless of race. It's just funny how people want to be American and another Ethnicity at the same time, then say I discriminate because I'm White and I want the American affiliation all for myself.




ill o.g.
bigdmakintrax said:
in addtion to the ones you mentioned, check out some of these inventions, I even saw the cell phone on one...but see they never teach these in most curriculums you have to sort of go searching and figure it out..

Actually, they don't really talk about inventions much at all in history classes, and I've probably heard about more black inventions (black history month in an Oakland public school) than white in my history classes. My point had nothing to do with making claims about which race did what, my point was that the free mind is what built this country, not physical labor. As you see I mentioned George Washington Carver. The people on that website get props as well, but I think you can understand why I named the invention of the airplane over that of the pencil sharpener.

Economically for most of its existence America was an agricultural society that depended on manual labor. Crops like cotton, tobacco' etc.. gave the American socieity wealth so that it could peruse those very inventions that you talked about... ur only accounting for recent history, how do u think things went down from the early 1600’s to the mid 1800’s

Yeah, and while America was an agricultural society, which was for a very short time, they were a stagnant society. In the 1800's, America experienced the greatest gains in wealth in the history of mankind. America was founded in 1776 not the early 1600's, an economy cannot develop under an oppressive outside dictatorship, property rights are a necessary precondition.

who do you think occupied those industrial factories in the east that mass produced edisions light blub, fords Model T……. Poor blacks from the south and recent immigrants. It was Americans large poor(mostly black ,& immgagrant) work force that gave it its industrial power as well as its inventions and ideals…..

Come on, you can't act like there wasn't a huge white working class, what jobs did all the whites have if all of the factory jobs were taken? But whether they were white or black, they're not what gave America its industrial power. If a cheap labor force were the cause of industrial power, every poor nation in the world should be one. Why weren't the ancient egyptians an industrial power? Again, economic freedom made America an industrial power. The mind was allowed to create freely.

And who bult the railroads threw the rocky mountines that gave America the unique abilitity to transport its goods across long distances….. Chinese immigrants….

Absolutely, but why were chinese immigrants able to do that? There's always been an abundance of chinese men prepared to immigrate to find work. Why didn't they build railroads in the Ottoman Empire? Or in feudal Europe? Because in America, economic freedom allowed men to invent railroads, improve upon the technology again and again, mass-produce cheap steel, seek investors to fund railroad building enterprises, buy land, map out good railroad paths, and pay thousands of willing workers to do the labor necessary to get them built.


ill o.g.
M!nd_Ctrl said:
Yes, Labeling people is dumb, so how, after making that statement can you still say that I discriminate? Do you think that because I'm White I only know "White History"?

So saying I'm "American" (Which I don't do anyways, I just say White) shows that I'm discriminating? This was Seoul's original statement. To which I responded that its funny how people want to "American", but also Black or Asian or Mexican at the same time. These people are obviously confused. Anyways you guys just go on calling yourself Americans and then also claiming a connection to some other culture. American is American whether or not your Black, White or any other race. Do you get my point?

In my American History class I was taught about the contributions of Blacks, Asians and other races, my friend, so before you make a statement like American History is taught as all White, you should go back to the books you read and verify you just didn't skip over those parts. Most peeps I know didn't even read the book. (I scored High Honors on a state exam and definitely remember the contributions of other races).

In fact, most written history is biased anyways! I've brought this up before, but it's funny how people that say they know what's up still think that Christopher Columbus was a great man (He killed Natives and prostituted nine year old girls) and he "discovered" America (The Vikings were here before him). So don't try to say I discriminate just by because I'm White and must believe in "White History". It's kind of like me saying all Blacks are gun-toting gangsters because that's how the media portrays them (Which is extremely stupid).

So back to my original post, and what I reiterated earlier, American is American regardless of race. It's just funny how people want to be American and another Ethnicity at the same time, then say I discriminate because I'm White and I want the American affiliation all for myself.



Because you have to parade behind you're degree and High Honors, I'll excuse your spoonfed opinions.

The contributions of Irish Americans/ Italian Americans/ Protestant Americans is taught as American history. Black/Latin/Asian American accomplishments is taught as Black/Latin/Asian American history. Read a textbook. If you can't recognize that you are the PROBLEM with race relations in America because you're denying it exists.

Black folks were here before the mayflower. How many chapters of your history textbooks talk about African Americans???? Four if it's a real good book?????????????

Why are the plights of the Irish and Italian americans refered to simply as America's working class???????? Yet the civil rights leaders are boldly distinguished as leaders of the Black community???????

Allow me to answer: Because they were just that, leaders of the Black Community! They didn't reflect the voices of White America. Civil Rights were not granted in this country with open arms, despite what the history books tell you.

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves out of neccessity. He himself said if he could he would've ended the Civil War without freeing the slaves.

Civil Rights were opposed in the North and South. At the time of the Black Panthers America was openly a racist country.

Not even one generation removed, where did all the racist sentiments go????????????

"white people may not be conspiring to discriminate, but they still are."

This history of Black people is ignored in Academia. What you get there is the smallest fractions of African American history. To say that what is covered in history classes is sufficient shows ignorance. And proves my point that, "Whie people may not be conspiring to discriminate, but they still are."


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
I blame Seol P for this thread. ::kicks Seol P::


Posted Up
ill o.g.
ManDAmyth said:
Because you have to parade behind you're degree and High Honors, I'll excuse your spoonfed opinions.

The contributions of Irish Americans/ Italian Americans/ Protestant Americans is taught as American history. Black/Latin/Asian American accomplishments is taught as Black/Latin/Asian American history. Read a textbook. If you can't recognize that you are the PROBLEM with race relations in America because you're denying it exists.

Black folks were here before the mayflower. How many chapters of your history textbooks talk about African Americans???? Four if it's a real good book?????????????

Why are the plights of the Irish and Italian americans refered to simply as America's working class???????? Yet the civil rights leaders are boldly distinguished as leaders of the Black community???????

Allow me to answer: Because they were just that, leaders of the Black Community! They didn't reflect the voices of White America. Civil Rights were not granted in this country with open arms, despite what the history books tell you.

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves out of neccessity. He himself said if he could he would've ended the Civil War without freeing the slaves.

Civil Rights were opposed in the North and South. At the time of the Black Panthers America was openly a racist country.

Not even one generation removed, where did all the racist sentiments go????????????

"white people may not be conspiring to discriminate, but they still are."

This history of Black people is ignored in Academia. What you get there is the smallest fractions of African American history. To say that what is covered in history classes is sufficient shows ignorance. And proves my point that, "Whie people may not be conspiring to discriminate, but they still are."

Alright man, you just go on being angry at the world. I don't know what school district you were in but mine taught about the contributions of all races. By the way, the class wasn't called "North American History", it was called "U.S. History" meaning the class spoke about the country slightly before and then after its establishment. Weren't you talking about the lack of teachings regarding Black contributions in U.S. History or American History as it is sometimes called. Or do you want to change the subject and go back to before the 1600's?

Too many people like you walk around with chips on their shoulders...good luck in life. Isn't it funny how we always seem to disagree when these threads show up. I don't say anything that disciminates, but you always insist that I can't help it 'cause I'm White. Who's in the wrong here?

I'm not denying the contributions of any race, while you seem to insist that I discriminate by being a White American. I'm not saying by any stretch that Black Americans had it easy, but I don't live in the past my friend. Grow up.

My opinions aren't "spoonfed". I actually don't believe a lot of hype that is presented to us. My point about the award is that I actually focused on learning about American History and we were taught about the contributions of many races, not just Whites. I read the U.S. History book, unlike a lot of people I know.
