Wish a MF would!

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
It's 2010.....why is this type of b.s making a come back? This is why America will NEVER attain the greatness that it could. This is why we have NO RIGHT to police this planet!!!!! We have done and are still doing things in this country that make us the biggest hipocrites on the face of the earth......

Angry activists who had gathered outside the Capitol to protest health care reform Saturday yelled "nigger" at a few members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis from Georgia.

Protesters also spat on at least one black lawmaker, and the most high-profile openly gay lawmaker, Rep Barney Frank, was apparently called a "faggot." Rep Emanuel Cleaver said he was spat upon while walking toward the Capitol. Police arrested the assailant, but Cleaver decided not to press charges.

A statement from his office read: "This is not the first time the Congressman has been called the 'n' word and certainly not the worst assault he has endured in his years fighting for equal rights for all Americans."

Democratic leaders expressed shock at the behavior and said it was time for Republicans to publicly condemn the behavior and distance themselves from the protesters. "I heard people saying things today I've not heard since March 15th, 1960, when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus," House Majority Whip James Clyburn said.

After following the "tea party" movement since its inception, one liberal blogger writes that she's "having a hard time tonight trying to believe almost uniformly white tea partiers are anything other than a racist, right-wing reaction to the election of an African American president who brings with him feminists and gays."

RNC chief Michael Steele and the organizer of theTea Party Express movement have condemned the behavior, calling it "isolated."


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
Just like welfare back in the day, the main poeple opposing it will be the main people who use and need it. These people are soo confused they assume since prez obama is black this is only to help blacks and poor people. health care will help EVERYONE in america who needs it.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Damn those Negros..

Always trying to hook up the poor white folk...

Don't know why people stress it so much...it's NOTHING NEW..

It will always happen.....this isn't something that is going to change.....

Some Palestinians will always hate the Israelis, and vice versa....

We are no different than any other country in that aspect....


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Rascism is a learned behaviour. Its all grouped in with seperation. There's alot of Illusions in this country that need to be corrected and its being done, it just takes generations to weed it out. It will change and it has changed, The color of your skin doesnt matter as much as the color of you credit cards.

This country is changing, and the 1% of people that've had the biggest advantage are mad and afraid of it. This too shall pass...


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
it just takes generations to weed it out.

Until some people find something else to discriminate about...It's all about people not wanting to be like everyone else.....so some would put down others for the sake of superiority...


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Im kinda worried that there is gonna be some sort of revolt shit down south here, you ought to see the look in the eyes of some of these fools around here today.

I have tried explaining to them that they dont even KNOW whats in the bill, the media only told you how much it would cost, that we couldnt afford it, and who was for and against it.
Until this morning afterwards that is... Then , to me it really didnt go far enough actually.

Since the presidents election though the white folks around my job (some not nearly all) have really been showing their prejudices.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Until some people find something else to discriminate about...It's all about people not wanting to be like everyone else.....so some would put down others for the sake of superiority...

Thats a whole different beast.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
what's kinda funny to me is, i thought u were originally talkin bout the Walmart "all black customers leave the store now" statement that was made by the 16 yr old white boy in Turnersville, NJ... people think shit's changed... shits just much more sneaky now, tryin to fool the foolish.

da relic


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
what's kinda funny to me is, i thought u were originally talkin bout the Walmart "all black customers leave the store now" statement that was made by the 16 yr old white boy in Turnersville, NJ... people think shit's changed... shits just much more sneaky now, tryin to fool the foolish.

da relic



Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Check this out...

1. usually develops within 2 to 20 days
2. could continue up to 2 weeks or a lifetime
3. may be so mild it goes unnoticed
4. may take longer or be less severe in some people
5. it reproduces itself and starts to multiply
6. Up to 60% of people who have it show no signs
7. Subsequent recurrences

This sounds alot like racism but its actually symptoms of HERPES!



Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Lmao @ dac


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
opposition has nothing to do with racism, let's not pretend like all opposition to Obama's presidency is rooted in racism... Just like people who yelled insults at GWB during public addresses, the names are nothing more than ammunition in the hands of very small, insecure people who are by and large just joining the herd mentality which originated with the elite in America (coincidentally those who will be taxed most and will need the health care reform least).
what's kinda funny to me is, i thought u were originally talkin bout the Walmart "all black customers leave the store now" statement that was made by the 16 yr old white boy in Turnersville, NJ... people think shit's changed... shits just much more sneaky now, tryin to fool the foolish.

da relic
whats kinda funny is how you're picking up on one isolated incident committed by a "lone gunman"... shit has changed, but individuals will always be racist. nevermind that this has absolutely nothing to do with HCR

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
It's 2010.....why is this type of b.s making a come back? This is why America will NEVER attain the greatness that it could. This is why we have NO RIGHT to police this planet!!!!! We have done and are still doing things in this country that make us the biggest hipocrites on the face of the earth.
while i was reading this comment, the Walmart incident was still fresh in my head, thats why i brought it up Mag... and even though YOU might think its isolated, im pretty sure a few NY/NJ heads out here may feel a tad bit different... like i said b4, shit is sneakier, but its still there.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
while i was reading this comment, the Walmart incident was still fresh in my head, thats why i brought it up Mag... and even though YOU might think its isolated, im pretty sure a few NY/NJ heads out here may feel a tad bit different... like i said b4, shit is sneakier, but its still there.

It aint even sneaky in alot of the south.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
while i was reading this comment, the Walmart incident was still fresh in my head, thats why i brought it up Mag... and even though YOU might think its isolated, im pretty sure a few NY/NJ heads out here may feel a tad bit different... like i said b4, shit is sneakier, but its still there.

Wasn't nothing "sneaky" about the White house Tea Party incident. This b.s has been building and building since Obama was elected. Somebody in that Tea Party will eventually "grow the balls" to hurt, or kill someone in office. Not saying it'll be Barack but a Black leader is going to catch one at the rate these IDIOTS are going. Somebody in that Tea Party will eventually want to be a martyr.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
A certain member keeps reminding us that they are :
A) Not a yank
B) Never ever ever ever been down in the southern US where they still fly condfederate battle flags and have Klan rallies.

True dat....I was behind a guy Sunday when I went fishing that had to confederate flags fly from the back of his truck on flag poles with a REAL AR15 in his gun rack. One right beside his had a bumper sticker saying something about Obamanomics...take from the people and give to the gov't and those who don't work for it. Damn....u mean to tell me Barack did all this in a little over a year? lol....the hate is thick in the south...I see it each and every day! I swear it's worse now than it's ever been in my life time.


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
A certain member keeps reminding us that they are :
A) Not a yank
B) Never ever ever ever been down in the southern US where they still fly condfederate battle flags and have Klan rallies.
confederate battle flags are not inherently racist. are you also under the delusion that the swastika inherently represents nazism and fascism?

I don't mean to be too forward Relic, but try addressing me directly next time (like an adult).

want to try again?
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