Warzone Beat Battle - May 27-28, 2022

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Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 725
@Iron Keys so what if no one liked your beat? Put more effort into the next battle/whatever

I mean it makes no sense in regards to this, 'cause to me, that is by far the best beat I've ever made. Suggesting put more effort in means i would just make exactly the same beat pretty much.

So if I'm only making that kinda beat there's no point entering. It's not that deep.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 725
Do or dont, just dont need drama for the battles all the time. I was tired of it months ago. Yet here we are again.
I didnt even want to say anything or get involved, because Im really really tired of the tantrums when somebody loses. We are fucking going backwards as a species. Soon we will be back in caves banging sticks on the wall for music.

Nah i just said my piece, it's others who want to carry it on and turn it into some 10 page argument/discussion.

It's really not that deep from my perspective, I've said the same thing throughout.

Like I've said 6million times, I don't care for the win, I'm just really surprised no one liked it.

If people don't like that beat, then it's only logical to not post it. That's not drama or anything, I've literally be saying just that the whole time.
Nah i just said my piece, it's others who want to carry it on and turn it into some 10 page argument/discussion.

It's really not that deep from my perspective, I've said the same thing throughout.

Like I've said 6million times, I don't care for the win, I'm just really surprised no one liked it.

If people don't like that beat, then it's only logical to not post it. That's not drama or anything, I've literally be saying just that the whole time.
Here's the thing

Standard exist, but We all as producers have our unique tastes, which means yes, I know everyone of you guys are secretly making some corny non-rap like some dua lipa shit all the time hoping you'd be in the stu with her one day so you can maybe try to smell her when she's not looking (talking directly to you rn mr @2GooD Productions).

As producers, our idea of "dope" is quite similar; decent rhythm n groove, some drive, good mix, good sounds, a little to no originality and you're good. you're placing.
That's the standard. But our ideas of "the best thing to ever happen to music since sliced tupac" differs dramatically. Mine is some huge Kanye orchestra, yours is tombalands saliva noise, @Delta_Nine s is a TV without signal, fade likes underage boys moaning and so on. That's why you always win when you least expect or send some "okayish" shit when you didn't even really wanna enter, but get fucked at r1 when you do "your best". It's YOUR best. It's Almost always everyone elses worst (technicalities aside). At least until you work hard enough and make it original yet relatable enough to convince everyone it's the new "dope", then good luck sueing all the mfs who start copying u and calling it a sub-genre. Which btw, the one you sent sounded too "00'sy" to convince me to be influenced by it like that or anything. Super ironic coming from me of all people, but we already got timbo n storch, we don't need another.)

That doesn't mean stop trying to do it your way, don't do that toxic ass "all or nothing" thought process on it like you always do, just keep trying "Iron Keys" sounding shit, keep doing your best, and Be better. You're already top 3 for a reason, the path will pay you eventually.
I actually knew this was gonna happen when you were that hyped, so I tried to dampen the damage all the way until the battle began. Read them again n you'll see.
Its fun talking a load of shit before the battle and not even placing, its about FUN and testing yourself. We often find ourselves coming up short, thinking our beat is some hot shit, only to realise its not as good as we thought it was. It keeps us grounded. Well its supposed to, but mf's too sensitive. Fee fee's are fragile things, people need cuddles all the time.
We need to go back to the oldskool way of bringing up kids, take away rubber from playgrounds, let darwinism take its course. When they act like shits we beat their little arses. We bring back cotton nappies, that should toughen em up a bit when they are really young. Let them play in dirt, fall out of trees, fall in rivers and get wet. They need to fall on their faces when doing stunts on their bikes. Because for fuck sake, when can we start acting like grown ups? At least have respect for each other while talking shit.

But yeah all that said and done, talking a load of shit and not placing is FUNNY AS FUCK.

Vossi Beats

Battle Points: 238
No my point is I like it, I have only heard maybe 4 beats in the battle and think it's better than them. So I have no upset with that.

My point is, if I can make something so hot and people here ain't feeling it, then I won't post it here. Now people are crying they want me to post my beats they don't like? weird.
No matter if its this or that you won't gain anything from complaining. Other than making yourself look bad.

If it really frustrates you that much then maybe you should consider if you need to take a break from entering, or stop all together. Because then it's a waste of your time and life's to short.
Just being honest.

But I do hope you instead will learn how to control yourself and not let it effect you and then keep entering so I can keep trying to beat yo ass.
@Armani your beat was some quality work, young brother. I find these ones though, the drums feel slightly less hip-hop, they sound like some kind of pop/sync record. Quality stuff all round, but I think for the battles, do what you doing... just make the drums more Hip-Hoppier!
Ehhh I get what ur saying but it's not about the drums, the song as a whole just doesn't like to be hip hop. It's more like that mid/early 10s Kelly Rowland radio shit yk? Gotta put it in context.
Its fun talking a load of shit before the battle and not even placing, its about FUN and testing yourself. We often find ourselves coming up short, thinking our beat is some hot shit, only to realise its not as good as we thought it was. It keeps us grounded. Well its supposed to, but mf's too sensitive. Fee fee's are fragile things, people need cuddles all the time.
We need to go back to the oldskool way of bringing up kids, take away rubber from playgrounds, let darwinism take its course. When they act like shits we beat their little arses. We bring back cotton nappies, that should toughen em up a bit when they are really young. Let them play in dirt, fall out of trees, fall in rivers and get wet. They need to fall on their faces when doing stunts on their bikes. Because for fuck sake, when can we start acting like grown ups? At least have respect for each other while talking shit.

But yeah all that said and done, talking a load of shit and not placing is FUNNY AS FUCK.
Yeah I love it. Talking shit, having sexy time, juvenile racism with grown ass fellow incels and sometimes also making beats on the side too. Illmuzik is everything one can ask for.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
It's like male pornstars. Some have big cocks, some are average. The guys with big cocks probably get compliments all the time from the average guys like "Hey nice cock, bro".

But then the average guys are probably all "shit, no one complimented my junk, but hey, at least we're all having fun".

Then they all smash their junk into a big, smelly production.
big cocks. The guys with big cocks probably get compliments all the time from the average cocks like "Hey nice cock, bro".

Then they all smash their cocks into a big, smelly cock.
Pardon, I'll have to enter the bathroom for a forgettable hour o and a half.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Episode 8 GIF by The Simpsons

Fury Beats

Fury Beats
Battle Points: 253
Maybe you should take time off and go pray on a mountaintop in Tibet!

hanna barbera animation GIF
selena s GIF
Or just take some time off and watch old cartoon reruns...could work...
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