Warzone Beat Battle - May 27-28, 2022

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No my point is I like it, I have only heard maybe 4 beats in the battle and think it's better than them. So I have no upset with that.

My point is, if I can make something so hot and people here ain't feeling it, then I won't post it here. Now people are crying they want me to post my beats they don't like? weird.

@Iron Keys, peeps defending you earlier as if we gettin at you. Do you not SEE your own words? Am I right that at some point you said you hadn’t even listened to the beats?

I personally hate bully’s, people being cunts for no reason and the undiagnosed arseholes out there but have no problem in defending myself not so nicely…..! Most have a mental problem and or attachment issues from childhood (basically shit upbringing)
I work in that environment now and see how so many young end up fucked up and on edge. Nothing to do with this chat of course :cool:
Yeah you are right, and there are hours between saying that, and the point where I let you know I have only checked about 4. Where you know, the hours inbetween I went and listened to a few. That's how time works.

Correct you are, that is how time works but this is how communication works - YOU slated every single ILLien here saying we have no taste in music / beats!

You also whinged and whined that your beat didn’t get much love whilst also saying you haven’t listened to others warzone beats!?
Which says to me you didn’t take the time to listen and vote but had the fucking cheek to shit on everyone else without even listening you pompous twat!
I didn’t make the warzone due to work but found time to enjoy all 16 participants and vote.
Your now praising @Armani coz you want back up for your complete lack of respect and bullshit!
It’s all here for people to read and see for themselves so as much as I was supportive earlier now I realise your mindset so yeah, fuck off then if it’s not for you!

Apologies to the ILLiens community I hadn’t seen the posts before

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 725
Which says to me you didn’t take the time to listen and vote but had the fucking cheek to shit on everyone else without even listening you pompous twat!

I was out on a date.

This Is What I Do GIF by DefyTV

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 725
to shit on everyone else

Didn't shit on anyone's beat. Keep hallucinating

Your now praising @Armani coz you want back up for your complete lack of respect and bullshit!

I'm praising @Armani 'cause that's my little bro, we had our little falling out before but we good now, and I want to keep the love going. Like I said I only listened to 4ish beats... the 2 I came up against, the winner, and @Armani 's because I was curious to see what heat lil bro brought, 'cause I know he's upped his quality a lot lately, and wanted to see why that didn't make it to the final.

But let your psychosis get the better of you.

It was also an attempt to steer convo elsewhere to somewhere positive, but you guys seem content waffling on with your fabrications.


No my point is I like it, I have only heard maybe 4 beats in the battle and think it's better than them. So I have no upset with that.

My point is, if I can make something so hot and people here ain't feeling it, then I won't post it here. Now people are crying they want me to post my beats they don't like? weird.

To be fair, your beat wasn't "hot". Both drums and synths sounds static and the melody just didn't keep me engaged. Besides that, I miss originality, identity. The beat as a whole is a bit corny.

Sometimes it's like that. There's literally no producer/beat maker that only comes up with bangers. Also, music is subjective. When you like a piece of music, it doesn't mean everybody likes it.
Like i said, if that's how people feeling, I just wont post here. It's really not that deep.

Ppreciat your input.
Do or dont, just dont need drama for the battles all the time. I was tired of it months ago. Yet here we are again.
I didnt even want to say anything or get involved, because Im really really tired of the tantrums when somebody loses. We are fucking going backwards as a species. Soon we will be back in caves banging sticks on the wall for music.


Battle Points: 133
I'm all for creative criticism but telling someone their beat is "wack" or "corny" is lame to me. You should get back the same energy you're putting out. Try critiquing the beat and give the guy some tips on how to improve instead of putting your emotions on display. @Iron Keys so what if no one liked your beat? Put more effort into the next battle/whatever competition. If you don't win keep it moving....
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