This is one messed up situation. Stella wants her groove back.

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25

with my job, i handle all the recieveables (over $200,000 a month worth of money..... thats a temptation in itself...) and i am on the phone a lot and almost all of the people i work with are women.

i struck up a great working relationship with "stella" and she is like 32, married with 4 kids. playfull jokes have kind of worked their way up to some intense flirting. then she tells me she saw this movie a week ago and she though of me throughout the whole movie.. its called "the good girl", and the description is as follows...

"Justine (Jennifer Aniston) longs to start a family, but she and loving husband Phil (John C. Reilly) seem unable to conceive. When the frustrated Justine meets a creative, passionate young man named Holden (Jake Gyllenhaal) and begins to fall for him, she gladly escapes into a new world of emotional and sexual awakening … unaware that the affair could quickly move from liberation to poisonous obsession."

we once at a meeting when i first started this job and before we actually worked on anything together. i left like "whoa" in reference to her body and face.... which makes this that much harder! (no pun intended.. get your mind out the gutter boys...!)

so all in all this really sucks, because we cant hook it up allthough we would both like to.
such a moral dilemma! i'm not about bein a home wrecker....... but this is tempting.

so all my Jesus loving, God-fearing brothers up in here, say a prayer for Truth!

what are your thoughts guys?


ill o.g.
Hit Those!!!

Nah, stick wit your morals, but damn that's too bad she's married.

Equality 7-2521

forget that shit unless she is willing to make the decision to break off her currant relationship. theres nothing wrong with divorce. if one or both parties arnt happy, a divorce could well be the best thing as long as the kids are taken into first priority.

so what im saying is dont fuck with her unless she breaks it off with her husband.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
yea man, cheating on marriages can get you into some crazy shit. like if her husband goes all psycho or some shit. i'd just keep off unless she's actually gonna break it off. don't do stuff while shes married or else you might end up with a crazy ass mother fucker with mob connections who wants your ass. lol, i'm exaggerating but still, i wouldnt go into a marriage.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207

lol jus playin man its not worth it ... my man messed around with one of his married co-workers and the situation turned out pretty ugly .. but the again thats jus one example u might be able to smash wit no prob ... but be careful either way .. personally i prolly would smash but thats just cuz im a sex addict


ill o.g.
hot diggety !!!! you need to cut her off man there are kids involved i'm sure if she is like that she will cheat with someone but it is better if it is not you


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
I would say to get it, but be careful of her getting attached to you, assuming you know how to make the booty clap

<img src=>


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
with my job, i handle all the recieveables (over $200,000 a month worth of money..... thats a temptation in itself...) and i am on the phone a lot and almost all of the people i work with are women.

Pass me some of that money and i can let that husband disappear for you heheh.
I wouldnt fuck her if I were you, cause if I was the husband (with a long relationship with the wife and had 4 children with) and i would find out somebody fucked her, i would grab my axe and start choppin, and i mean like, when i got you down and you wasnt dead yet, i start torturing you, take out a blowtorch and turn your dick into ashes. to be short, if the husband is a person that's going to snap it wouldn look good for you, cause people who snap get injected with a force that should be reckoned with, even if he would be weaker then you in that case he could take you on....

another advice let her decide before fucking, if she is a real woman she would want you not to think with your dick and wait until she is divorced..

But ask her if she just wants to fuck or if she wants a serious relationship, if she wants to fuck nail her to the cross with the passion of christ lol..
but make sure the husband doesnt find out and that she wont tell him..
and make sure you never get trouble on work, cause she could make you lose your job..

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
nah... dude is actually an illegal (he's been here for a long time, but he hasnt been completely naturalized, or something like that..) so he trips, i'd send him back home, no prob!

anyhow, i would love to smash, believe me..... but not with kids in the situation, not like this.... she is mad cool too so an actuasl relationship wouldnt be out of the question, but i'm trying to walk that straight and narrow these days so i'm actually hoping they get their marriage back on track. believing what i believe, i dont think God would be too pleased with me (the bible says God hates divorce..) so i'ma try to keep it on a strictly friendship basis.

this still sucks though.


ill o.g.
"It Wasn't Me"
But Truth I understand your dilemma quite well, working Concierge at a high-rise I go through that shit on a weekly basis. And I understand the walking straight with God scenario, but the way I see it, Its not everyday you get a chance to experience a Fantasy man. I had mines just last week, when a "stella" asked me to water the roses in her apartement while she was vacationing in St. Lucia, it turned out she was still in the apartment, and I have to admit that was the bestest smash ever.,,,, so leaving the apartment I started singing, She gave me the keys to the aprtment, It wasn't me and thats all I sang cuz I forgot the rest of the song...


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
You all are right, you shouldn't mess with it, but keep your options open. =)

Sorry all, I know this is a subject all of it's own, but it relates to this thread.

I gotta get this out...


Religion is a huge subject and hurts hella feelings (I don't mean to trample on yours, I remember how mad I used to get defending my belief...)

I was a "Christian" for the last 5 years and walked this straight and narrow path. It seemed like the thing to do after so much trouble in my youth
(robbery, drug distribution & abuse, gun runnin, police, court dates, jailtime, etc... I put my fam thru WAY too much) and ,honestly, it did nothing for me except make me feel worse.

Worse about what Christ went thru all that, and worse that the bible says like 5000 times how worthless we all are... Feelin happy? read proverbs yo, it'll bring you down.

I woke up one day and realized that I wasn't born in Israel, why do I need to be conformed to their belief systems? C'mon it's the only reason for most of the wars the last millenia or 6.

Most of my fellow "bretheren" ain't shit. Noone there to help you, all the wanna do is judge you and tell you what you "should" be doing while they act all "saintly" and hating on you, making everything worse.

Paying tithing to some massively greedy folks...

Be careful before you hand over your 10%

I ain't any better or worse than before, I just keep my head str8 and out of trouble... listen to yourself think, you actually have some wisdom to share with yourself.

ON THE REAL: religion is nothing but a means to keep the people quiet... So the leaders can do as they wish and get away with it.

Read it deeply and find the good, but then, please, see it for what it is

Let the flamez roll...

-=[P E A C E]=-


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
So she's legal, and he's illegal?

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
yeah, she is from los angeles, actually. a white girl. he, on the other hand came here from emxico.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you shouldn't do it. Everyone is right. Morally its wrong but even if you don't hit think about this situation. This is a perfect example why you should never trust a woman. There Vindictive creatures. Sometimes I can't fathom how a grown woman can build the strength to do something like that (if she was to do that). I say fuck it. SMASH, STAB, CUT THEM CAKES, POUND, HIT, BEAT, STICK Fuck karma ..... I don't believe in that. Things happen because they happen. Not because of what you did to someone in the past. Its all bullshit!. Just be a playa about the situation and you won't get into some shit. If your games tight its all good. Just make sure she doen't run her fuckin' mouth to her girls, friends, etc.

If your ever in a relationship just remember it could happen to you .... women are sneaky, sly , backstabbing bitches. But we love that pussy .... so take it for what its worth. PUSSY !!! LOL

If she was to get caught, her husband should recognize game and not say shit to you. He should take it up with his bitch. If not, he's a bitch too. I'd slap the shit out of him. But it wouldn't even get to that because game is on point.


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
So if he's illegal, he wants to be legal. I find that situation odd, though. Because if they are married, he will want to get a green card, and will not want to risk his marriage and divorce her for immigration status reasons. He wants to be a citizen by marrying her.

1. Remember, she is thinking of you as a support mechanism should she want out of her own relationship. She has four kids, maybe she is sick of him and wants you?

2. If you are to get involved and then she becomes pregnant by you, you are then obliged to take care of her, or she will eventually try to move in on you that way.

3. If the husband is illegal he can always do something bad to you and then run to Mexico. He has no documentation and nothing to lose (unless, he has filed his documents.)

It's not a good situation.


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
not to stray from the topic, but now i got to say something.


you dont need to throw your personal pilosophies about my beliefs into this- i believe what i belive and try my hardest to walk by that. religion wasnt the point there, so i dont need a disertation about why/how religion is just there to keep people down. i'm up on my history and research and i am perfectly comfortable living by those guidelines. i can debate with you all day about this, and i have found plenty to support my beliefs and no matter how much i show you or you show me neither one of us would budge in our stance. there is absolutely no use in throwing that out there.

i respect you for trying to "help" me, but say i came at you with the equal angle of telling you how much you need Jesus in your life and how you are in need of salvation and that the world is doing everything the bible said it would and that if you dont get right you are going to learn the truth the hard way....

i am not trying to spread any Christian propaganda to anyone here; i would greatly appreciate it if people would quit trying to get me to buy into theirs. its perfectly OK to be vocal about your beliefs where appropriate and i have no problems with anyone expressing their beliefs. HOWEVER, i am sick and tired of people here turning any mention of Christianity into a book about how its holding people down from the REAL truth, or whatever it is you think, and basically telling me to ditch it. i am not here to shove Jesus down anyone's throat or make them believe what i believe. no one here or anywhere else is going to convince me of anything besides what i believe in my heart, plain and simple.

i brought this up because i really am trying not to do it, but i found it kind of an amusing situation and decided to share it with the guys here. its not like these things come up everyday, you know? apparantly, this is another case where i should have kept my mouth shut from the get go because people cant seem to respect that i would rather stick to my personal values, which again, I AM NOT TRYING TO IMPART TO ANYONE ELSE.

so i guess the lesson learned is to just keep my beliefs to myself while i am here at illmuzik.

god, he apparantly lost alot of his information and is trying to get his green card back. i dont really have all the details on that. as far as the situation goes, yeah, its NOT a good one. i'm not trying to inherit 4 kids! no, no booty is that good. i actually hope they get their marriage back together. it is always best for the kids if they can somehow regain the love and have a strong marriage. considering i work for a Foster Family Agency, and we have a bunch of kids from screwed up families, i really dont want to help mess up another one. if she is simply determined to have an affair as opposed to having that attraction to me, then she will find someone else to mess with. i have pretty much decided to redirect things if they keep heading the way they are.

sorry to disapoint some of you.

oh, and krzy k..... i have had my share of fantasies! i think i would be a little weaker and give in if she didnt have the kids, to be honest. which, i'm kind of glad..... i really would just rather wait for a nice little wifey to come along and settle down. i dodged WAY to many bullets when i was younger... i'm not about to get stuck in a situation like this and have a nice one come my way and screw that up....


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
Religion is a huge subject and hurts hella feelings (I don't mean to trample on yours, I remember how mad I used to get defending my belief...)
Man I'm not tryin to get you to believe anything at all, I was just tryin to relate to the condemnation you put yourself thru like anybody does, which is amplified by religion. I was just sayin not to let that be your deciding factor in the sitcho, you kno?

And hoo said I was tryin to help you? lol
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