This is one messed up situation. Stella wants her groove back.

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
well, if that is the foundation of the beliefs i have that guide my choices, well, yeah, its going to be the deciding factor. my faith does nothing to "trample my feelings". it only offends those who do not share those particular convictions.

condemnation does not come the way of the follower of Christ, according to the bible, so i dont know why i would feel condemned. its not about feeling condemned. the bible says taht no man should destroy what he has brought together and that he hates divorce. and the bible teaches princeples of seedtime and harvest....

so i am choosing not to sew those seeds, because i do not wish that harvest on me or my coming generations. simple as that. i am better educated to Christianity than to beat myself up with guillt, or to let anyone else cause to feel that guilt.

as far as "religion".... the bible also says that the traditions of man ruin the word of God, (that part is admittedly a loose paraphrase... .i cant really remmeber the exact words...) but that PURE and UNDEFILED religion is to visit the widowed and fatherless in their afflictions.

as far as helping me... maybe i chose the wrong word.. it certainly seemed like you were trying to... maybe "enlighten" is a better word. whatever the case.

the condemnation comes from people, not god. i am sure you would no that if you would have read that new testament "a thousand times". i am guilty of the affair by entertaining the thought; but where there is SIN, for me, GRACE abounds.

the consequence for me is called SALVATION. called COVERED BY THE BLOOD. what do you think "remittance for sins means"? just because i am found guilty already, that does not mean i should act it out. "all things are lawful unto me, though not profitable to my soul" but i am sure you know that.

your theology is badly misinformed. and if you read the BIBLE and STUDY- NOT READ ON A CASUAL BASIS- you woul dfind that that little list of yours has nothing to do with CHRISTIANITY. there are plenty of parishiners that have royally decieved people, there are hundreds upon hundreds of priests who have misconstured the truth with the exact same words written in the text and people just eat it up and belive blindly cause some guy in a robe says it is so. i am am not among those people.

spirituality answers absolutely nothing, because it leaves everyone up to their own personal god, their personal framework and whatever they DECIDE to believe is real. they can pray to a rcok and be erfectly fine and be healed in all manner of ways because they rely on the psycological value of their belief in whatever it is they want to believe in. if i said i was a new age spiritualist you would have said absolutely nothing and you know it... but when it comes to Christianity people feel some need to discredit and disprove and evreything and yeah that IS A LITTLE annoying. if said i was wiccan and the earth mother prohibited me from such things, you wouldnt have said a word in reference to my beliefs.


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
You're right, I wouldn't say anything if you had said your wiccan belief prohibits you to do this, because I have nothing to share about being a wiccan. I do, however, have alot to share about being a christian, since I devoted my entire life to it so long ago. I was a "born again believer", hallelujah god almighty lord jesus please lord jesus help us jesus.

I used to believe what you believe now. I used to study the bible every day, day in and day out. I was going to be a pastor at a church that was in it's beginnings, one with no name such as pentecostle, or catholic, or baptist. I was a devout follower, but you see, I learned that following was all I was doing. who wants to be the puppet of a preacher?

not me.

I used to cling to the few phrases that make it all O.K. like you, but there are plenty of condemning verses as well. Keep reading, you have some time, but you will grow young padawan, the force is strong with you. Spirituality is who we all are, and everything we believe as individuals. There is good and bad in all belief systems, but one has to admit that conforming only closes you to who you are.

Once you omit and opress your feelings enough, one day you will be depressed enough to say "forget this!"

You don't know what I've been through or what I know or have read, you don't even know my IQ, it doesn't really matter. I was just stating some simple shit, and you make it personal, I'm cool, you're cool, whatever.

Like I said, I'm through here, my job is done. just let this be the final word.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
likewise, "qui gon".

i have been reading, studying, and listening for 12 years and even now am going through many issues with THE church in general; what i have learned is that if you are a follower of man, then you will NEVER come to terms with ANYTHING. that doesnt make me turn my back to God.

it really saddens me that you were once at a place where you were going to be a pasture and walked away. thats real... no i dont know what you have experienced, read, or otherwise- however you obviously dont know me. i do not "cling to the few verses" that make things "ok". i am throwing out BASIC things, 101 level verses. i do not recieve what has been spoon fed to me and much like you decided i am not to be a puppet of a preacher, much less any other man......... but for a man who spent so much time in the ministry than i refuse to believe that you have turned your back without any hope of turning back. i believe that at some point you will "come back", so to speak.

whatever the case, end of discussion.


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
As far as the relationship with homegirl (to keep it on subject) I would say again to let it be. She is obviously not to good where it really counts if she is willing to leave her man for someone else, and if you decided to start somethin deep with her, where will you be when she starts wanting her groove back with someone else? Every relationship gets old and goes through some points of blandness, anger, pain, etc. I cheated on mine and man that was screwed, but luckily she was forgiving enough to keep on keepin on with no retaliation.

I've been married for years now and it's easy to fall by the wayside if yer not careful. Homeboy might be her knight in shining armor, he might be an abusive deadbeat lazy fruitcake, who knows? but she did marry the fool, he must've done something nice....


Keep with your morals homie, and let her go.

Final thought on the "other" shit:
I never said I didn't believe in the NT's concept of Love Peace and happiness. I just don't want to believe in something that spawned from vengeance and murder with bloodlust and hate for all except for the nation that created it...

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25

i never planned on DOING it... but i WANTED TO and probably would have if it werent for thekids..


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
1d3nt1tY said:
......... I cheated on mine and man that was screwed, but luckily she was forgiving enough to keep on keepin on with no retaliation ......

As far as you know there has been no retaliation ...... women are so slick they could be on the phone with the guy there fucking right in front of you making plans for the next rendezvous. She could've told you it was her cousin. I know some cold pieces .... never underestimate a woman. If you do, your just playin' yourself.

YO COLD! Smash that ..... If she wants it, give it. LOL

Pop that colla one time for ya boy!

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
lol.... you arent making this easier mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

getting weak over here fellas.... !

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
damn damn damn

check this out...

her husband knows.. because she told thim. why?

he is ok with it. why? because she hasnt had sex with him in some time, and he figures if she hooks it up with someone else that will be a jumpstart of sorts...

so she called me up and wants to get a room this weekend. so much for the "i dont want to be a homewrecker excuse"..........


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
beat it up ..... smash that pussy ..... cut those cakes ...... stab, stab, stab ....... yeah .... I told you to hit that. Get that room .... let me know how it was....... seriously!

You know I'm a playa

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i work with her on an on-the-phone level. we work for completely different places (i am an agency, she is the county)

but yeah, i know she is married.. i am just updatin ya'll on the soap opera..


find out, monday morning... SAME ILL TIME, SAME ILL CHANNEL.

Tim D

Bitchn' Bout IRS
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
yea def, like Nas says "Don't hit that shit, if that shits blisterin" and im betting it is
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