This is one messed up situation. Stella wants her groove back.

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Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
lol he might be playn the role... after you do it, he might ask to meet you and then kill you when you get there AHAHAAA naah that would be unreal. It sounds to me like homie is str8 whipped...

I say be careful, whatever the case. It could end well with your rocks off, or it could end in a rerun of an old friday the 13th...

Hit it if he's sure he wants to share, but dammit, be careful, son...


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Throw them ethics out the window, fuck the moral, f on your principles.
Time to get laid bwoy, you can be as correct as a role model christian but that pussy will make you primitive anyway lol! Fact is that when it comes to mind you've already done it, now just open the hoteldoor and you just be fine.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
HIT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK MORALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I AM THE DEVIL ..... LOL LOL LOL LOL ...... where's GOD at? LOL


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 38
nope! Stay away from it. I have this hot hot filipina co worker that was seducin me awhile back.... well anyway, i ended up hittin' it (front, back, side.. you get the picture). then i start seein her man at work during breaks and shit and all. turned out they going through some shit right now. so i stepped back coz that shit aint worth the trouble. i aint fna be her man and i hope she knows that coz if she comes to me with shit i really cant do nothin. but hey, i got some free ass. ok im falling off here! DONT DO IT TRUTH! ITS NOT WORTH IT! YOU'LL BE FEELIN' REALLY AWKWARD WHEN YA SEE HER AT WORK AFTERWARDS AND SH#T


how can u claim to be a christian and be serously cotemplating doing this do u realise that it makes u look like a hipocrite to all unbielievers of christianity if u have real morals u wont do it... she is merried and even if its a shity marriage she has not left her man so she stiil morally belongs to him and him to her or it could be a set up maby her and her man picked u out... she lurs u to a room and hes thre wating to wach or join in, you never know, he might like man ass. I don't mean to offend you, this is just how I see it. claiming christianity and seriously contemplating an affair don't seem to mix

Sorry if I offend you, it's not my intention

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
ok.... here we go.

i have this temptation in front of me. i decided to share it with you all, because i am sure you can all appreciate and understand the dilemma. i have not at any time asked for advice; i know what i SHOULD DO. i know full well the implications as it pertains to my faith.

that being said, i could act like a REAL hypocrite and pretend i do not have this temptation, or any other. i could sit here and say that it is all ok and that if i do this "i will be forgiven anyways so im just going to do it." i do think you have a valid question, because i am sure more than a few of you have seen a post or two where i am a little pissed or say something that a christian wouldnt say" and in those cases, i havent exactly been the greatest witness. the thing is, some people will look for any flaw in your character, anything that you do, to "expose" you and call you a hypocrite. people are itching for that moment. it comes with the territory.

so, YUP, i REALLY want to do this. and i still am a Christian. the issue is not the temptation, or even the thought of the temptation, but what i ULTIMATELY do, BECAUSE of the fact that if i have even thought it in my mind, then i have ALREADY done it in my heart. if i DIDNT have any REAL morals, i WOULD ALREADY have done it, no qualms about it.

incidentally, we spoke earlier today, and for what its worth, i told her she shouldnt call me anymore unless it is a business call. basically, i put an end to it. so there, you dont have to wait till monday. the soap opera has ended........ at least this episode.


i know he's human but by "christian" standard he has already sexed her, besides, there's other pussy out there if that's all he''s after. Religion aside, it is about morals, honor, itegrity and honesty. Sleeping with some one else's wife or husbund while they are sill "together" seems kind of shady to me on both sides but maybe i'm biased because i've been married for 7 years and i coud never justify sleeping with anuther man wile living in the same house as my husband, no matter the circumstances, she made a vow to be with only her husband so until she moves out and gets a divorce that vow sill holds her. to me it shows no honor or integrity at all "she married him after all"

**UPDATE** good for you for not doing it that shows great character


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
ya, but other pussy, by the standard of religion, would be a bad thing too unless he is exclusively with some girlie... and even then sex outside of marriage is evil wickedry that will have you burning in hell. By the words of most texts anyways. Jesus might forgive you though, he's pretty chill.

On the real, I think it's ok for a single guy to bump a single girl on a friendship basis :evillaugh

but you don't really want the baggage that that shit would have in store for you.

I said get the puss, I'm b-a-a-a-a-d... I am an instigator, I know... but I never said I would do it myself lol.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i think people are missing the point, when they say "by christian standards" about already thinking it and doing it in that sense. the point of that is, there is no way to avaoid breaking the Law. even thinking about it is breaking it in your heart, hence the NEED for a saviour. this isnt even the tip of the iceberg; do you guys realize how many other sins i commit in my mind daily? this is a part of LIFE. you cant NOT lust at some point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! taht was the whole REASON for Jesus coming....

and it was very hard to walk away from, let me tell you. she has already told me what she wanted to do.......


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
heheheh damn. That's tough when they are talkin bout what they goin ta do... good job on following your inner self.

Off topic post, but I'ma do this constructively I hope...

Don't take offense to this yo,

"He who lives by the law will perish by the law" -Simon Peter, the "rock" and post-jesus leader of the faith

"I came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it" -Jesus

I won't even say the word I'm thinkin of...

You are right about the sins happening in your mind and having to repent, but then, what is the point of living if we have always got something to be sorry about?

I know I know, I should just keep my mouf shut, but I asked myself this same question about a month ago... Why do I always need to make myself feel all fucct up about the shit I do anyways? I'ma do it anyways, shiiiit. It worked for awhile, trying to do good things and be all that I can be in "the lord" but how much emotional wreckage can I afford?

I was raised to hold my head high and be proud, but scripture states that this is the sure way to hell... a pasture and my wife told me that there are varying levels of pride, but the script says somethin else about it, a very hard stance towards pride is a sin in itself. So now, not only to I have to feel like I'm this huge fuckup, but I also have to hold myself down to believe?

plus, where are my miracles? I mean miracles beyond benny hinn pushin people to the floor in his service? lol!

I know the stanndard answers, but what are your TRUE thoughts on this, without lookin at the bible for answers?


4NG3L1X said:
I don't mean to offend you, this is just how I see it. claiming christianity and seriously contemplating an affair don't seem to mix

Sorry if I offend you, it's not my intention

Man did you not read this part or somthing? Why is it you seem to be geting all worked up over me giving you exactly what you asked for? You asked for peoples thoughts and thats what i gave you.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
FADE?COPE- please dont close this, i would like to answer this. it seems like the natural progression of the thread anyways. it was a constructive question.


4ng3l1x, i didnt get worked up at all; i answered your question, plain and simple, and i answered it as honestly as i could. how was i worked up?

as for identity,

you raise some interesting questions/thoughts.

first, let me tell you this: there are a lot of answers to a lot questions that are run of the mill, prepackaged answers that have been handed down for generations.

second, the two scriptures are very much true, but always remember the context and the whole of what the book says about something; often times a verse will leave the reader confused because something appears to contradict it at first glance. since you have asked me to stay away from the bible and just for my thoughts, i will give them to you.

1. I dont know what/how you study, what resources you use, etc, but there is always a negative connotation and a seeming lack of clarity in your references. you seem to believe what a lot of people believe, because of what they are taught. there is almost always another half of the story, a corraborating verse in scripture that completes the picture. i myself do not believe in ideas that i believed strongly as recently as the last summer. why? because i really dug into it and sought out my questions, from a biblical level and a pure knowledge level, depeding on the situation.

lets take prosperity, for example. my last church was HUGE on this philosophy, the the "name it, claim it, and it is yours" mentality in regard to everything from parking spaces to a mansion to a wife. i do not necessarily believe much, if any of this myself.......

and even thought they had their little "pet scriptures" that they exploit to get everyone to buy into it, i also found a lot that showed BLATANTLY otherwise, to be true. the problem? people will lock onto the few that allow them to get by, to hold on to whatever theory they need- but they stop looking at the point of benifit to them. does the bible teach principles of prosperity? YES. does it teach them to that extant? ONLY WHEN YOU STRETCH FOR IT AND IGNORE THE OTHER HALF OF IT.

the point here, is that these issues, such as pride, us feeling like we are horrible and worthless, etc., are teachings of a similar veign; when y uoonly get half of it, you are mislead. i personally am not going through guilt or beating myself up.. "oh, i am tempted, whatever shall i do"... i dont beat myself up... i dont know what "brand" of christianity you had, but it doesnt sound like what i have learned from the bible.

at the end of the day, yo umake the best possible choice for yourself; if you feel Christianity opresses you (as it does with many... thats why the bible says "in all your getting, get understanding", and "if any of you lack wisdom, ask and it will be given" but remember, "God does not satisfy the skeptic" so dont ask for wisdom or understanding to prove something "ok, if you are REALLY God, let me see you....." because "God is not tested" (or mocked)

and your miracles..... those follow AFTER you, they do not lie in front of you. that is a major bible teaching in itself. i do not know how legite benny hinn is, but i have had a very real "slain-in-the-spirit" experience (nobody pushes you hard enough on the forhead to make you fly 15 feet back, sorry....i'm not exaggerating that number either...) that i DO question from time to time, because i expected some great miracle to take place and it didnt. Christians are too hell bent on miracles (hence the prosperity movement) and not focused enough on the work that goes with being a believer. your miracles may not even be noticeable to you, now or yet. i dont know. ask God! pray... honestly, thats the only credible thing is prayer. man can and always will tell based on personal feelings and experiences.. but thats why when peter told Jesus he knew who He was, Jesus said "you are blessed, for it is not man, but my Father which has revealed this to you" (ok, so its a paraphrase).... so even on my best day, on any one man's best day, it is still only God that can truly give revelation........

does this in any way explain my position??

you do not have to hold yourselfdown as a believer, you can walk in confidance of who you are in Christ. pride is a seperate entity- (saved by grace through faith and not works, lest any man boast) and is a sin. the world teaches that we should always get what we can when we can. the bible teaches to give in order TO get. the world teaches pride, based on things that God, not man, has control over. how can you be proud of a race that yuo did not choose? a nationality? an accomplishment that God gave you the tools to do? the point is, when we have pride, we glory in ourselves instead of givng that to God.

as far as you pastors telling you there are certain measures of pride, WELL, unless they can prove it biblically, they are full of it. i have had several taht have told me the same thing, but LOGICALLY, by human logic, bu nothing scriptural to back it up. so the question is, where do they get this idea from? if the bible does not support it, how can they teach it? i guess i will have to do a good word study on this then, because that same question has had me puzzled. to my understanding, pride is a sin. no one has shown me a BIBLICAL case for this so-called "Godly pride"...

you know, i perfectly understand your frustrations and questioning, because i am really (it may not seem like it to you, but i am) in the same boat. i question a lot of things with the church, and the bible, and its accuracy, etc.

i still believe because i have found plenty in its favor. but you know something? Jesus said "more blessed is he who has NOT seen me and believed."


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
Jus a lil sumpn, kinda food for thought... I stand firm on what I believe, I just like debating stuff alot. I put in my work lookin into stuff related to this.

I was raised without 'the word' but my grandma was a latter day saint (yuk) and always tried to have me read the bible, it never interested me at all... until after I had runins with the law and almost gettin myself killed over what I'll call a "series of shipments gone wrong"... after this, I started thinkin about life an what to do to make it better, or "get right"... started reading the bible, cuz that's all I knew about "being good" and man, I really dug myself into it too, day in and day out, anything from the king james version to the new king james version to the NIV with topical study guides, cover to cover, and massive amounts of NT reading... no mormonism, no catholocism, nothing except me n the word... I was thinking of learning greek, just to get the full interpretation for myself... I looked and searched for knowledge and meaning and found plenty of wisdom in the pages, but there seems to be something missing here n there.

I started going to "a four square church" (we are our own temples tho) to not forsake my fellowship, but if you don't have money, you ain't shit. They don't really say that, but you can tell how people hold themselves around you... the money basket goes by and you ain't got nothin for it, then you must be poor or stingy heheh

Yes, I know, these are humans, humans distort and snob other humans, true, it's not God's fault, but these are supposed to be "inspired by the holy spirit"... Anyways, It all turned out that we had started a mini church in our home here and I was ever growing in the word (reading alot shooot), but pretty much only the pasture was allowed to speak his mind... I saw a pattern forming... and so we killed the mini church cause all the fool wanted to do was come and watch the baseball game and tell us what to think. A friend of mine had also started a non denominational mini church and was wanting me to preach because we had many philisophical discussions on other levels and he knew I had truth stored... he was a pasture at another church for some time and wanted to break off into something better... we were going to release the equation of money and never ask for it at all, first off, and we were going to draw straws to see who would lead the "service" except allow everyone to ask questions or talk about anything that was related to the bible, I mean TRU fellowship without someone getting a big head over leadership which is a plague among these "christian organizations" today... but that kind of fell apart for other reasons which I won't go into here.. (long ass story)

but I have looked deeply into the bible from multiple perspectives... in multiple translations...

The red letters kick game, no doubt about that, but the remainder of the NT seems biased and opinionated by the writer... like Paul (once known as Saul) this man is hella bitter towards alot of things that we as "christians" do on a daily basis, he even took time to hate on peter on more than one occasion...

Anyways, on with the post

pride: my wife believes that there are different kinds of pride, and a pasture (btw pasture is misspelled on purpose ahahaa) has said that he would agree... example:

I make a beat and love it to death and might even tell everyone I know...
bible says this = B-a-a-a-d but I say it promotes well being to know that you have accomplished something that is important to you...

but the worst type of pride (according mainly to my wife) is that there is a harmful pride like being stuck up and thinkin you are better than another. yeah that's bad sure I'll agree, but the bible has no grey area on this... I have searfched my ass off and never found anything other than pride is sin sin is death etc etc...

God gave me the tools and the creativity and would deserve his due, but am I not the one who put forth the effort to do something creative? shouldn't I pat myself on the back or even feel good about it?

I am not really frustrated about it these days, I have actually not had as much peace in my life as I have recently, ever... these are questions to throw at eachother, I know my stuff and know what you would come back with biblically cuz it's exactly what I would have done a year or two ago. That's why I said no bible :grin: but for your opinion (opinions are fun... shiit)

You can end this thread, and I'll write atcha in the "ask cold" one...

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
identity, let me just say something here:

thank you. not many people actually come at me with anything of worth to think about (in or out of church) and i must confess my research and study time has been very lazy these last few months- a little pissed at my church, and i got a little rebellious for a while.

so, you have basically become "steel" (lets just use the cliche, shall we?) for me, it is making me jump back into the studies...

on that note, i am going to close the thread. any further questions/comments/etc. on the religious side will go in the "Ask Cold" thread.
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