The US Senate declares the entire USA a "battleground"


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
You gotta be fucking kidding me......

This is what happens when people are too busy trying to Occupy something/worrying about black friday sales/making sure their 9year old gets an iPhone for christmas...

I mean it is an inevitability...... I actually clowned a chick on FB about this and she deleted me....because I made a comment about her voting for Obama and McCain also wrote this bill, so it was going to happen, anyway...

I already wrote my senator regarding this, but it was nearly a unanimous vote...


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
the bill is still being looked at as of last night tho it passed on the floor they are suppose to be taking out the language that states any american citizen can be detained and or sent to any federal detention center I.E. Guitmo. Also I'm not sure if you all know but there are reports that the government's using drones over our cities to gain intelligence on its citizens primarily farmers. for what reason tho? every since the occupy movement started the government has been on this power struggle. use your third eye and third ear, pay attention and get active. call you congress people.

Aye Sucio, I hear that its a lot of voter suppression going on down in Fl whats up with that tho?


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
That's not at all what this bill does. It doesn't even say battleground EVER. AND it does not apply to us citizens or legal aliens.

I agree our government is fucked but the last thing we need right now is a which hunt.

( -witch hunt :)

Thats only an assumption untill whom is stated/defined as an insurgent. Like i said before, the UK police already catagorized Occupy with Terrorism and the fema camps are hiring nazis. This just means that the gov is already taking preventative measures.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.

I think they already removed the official link to the bill/pdf lol.

Read from page 286 under Subtitle D— "Provisions Relating to Wartime Contracting".

Regardless what was said earlier in the bill, this clausule states that suspected involvement, support of any insurgency is enough to act without trial. This is in regards to defense contracting BUT NOT LIMITED TO!
Wow, when i saw this didnt get passed a couple of weeks ago I thought its just a matter of time till it does get passed, but damn. I didnt expect it to be this fast.
This is very bad news, the implications are really horrible. Like "Nazi Germany" type horrible. Totally taking due process out of the equation. Just by naming you a terrorist you can be assassinated without any trial. And when even home schoolers are considered terrorists and constitutionalists are considered terrorists, then yes its really really bad.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
Wow, when i saw this didnt get passed a couple of weeks ago I thought its just a matter of time till it does get passed, but damn. I didnt expect it to be this fast.
This is very bad news, the implications are really horrible. Like "Nazi Germany" type horrible. Totally taking due process out of the equation. Just by naming you a terrorist you can be assassinated without any trial. And when even home schoolers are considered terrorists and constitutionalists are considered terrorists, then yes its really really bad.

This and the Patriot Act will pretty much wipe out the constitution and the bill of rights. oh and the threat for veto is not going to happen. they are figuring out how to to the paper work together not. it already passed in the senate.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Yup. this is it folks. And some will say you're paranoid, but not many people know how this affect Americans until it hits home. This is all put in place because when the dollar crashes,,,and it will,,,,these new laws will give our government the go ahead to shut shit down. Just look at the Occupy movement.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304's because they are.

1942....Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps...stripped away of their "rights"....Even if they were born here....

Yes we apologized and all that shit...but doesn't mean that it didn't happen...and if you think it won't happen again....think again....these are privileges........The Patriot act was just the beginning.


ill o.g.
I think people used to laugh at the folks who would warn about this stuff because years ago when a person would present these ideas it had no context...Almost like one day the president would say "martial law!!!!!" and then BAM you'd be gett dragged off to a FEMA camp...The plan is more of a slow burn though...and now that everybody is scared of terrorists they have a justification for all this crap...

Its starts slow, you pass the laws, bring the troops home...Then at football games you see some troops, DUI check points, naked body scanners at the air port, then the mall cause you know al queda just haaaaaates macys...a generation of kids get used to this and you push the culture further...national id, censored internet...yo get the point.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Interesting... checking