The US Senate declares the entire USA a "battleground"


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
That's another problem that I have....

The UK considered the Occupy movement terrorist, didn't it?

Man...if that happened here..there would be no occupy movement.

that's the scary part...Homeland Security has a video out that states if someone pays entirely in cash, it it suspicious and could be a terrorist. ugh.

Sucio your right , it hasnt happened here, and wont, in some cases the officials have gone out of their way to make sure that the people can assemble, it has been when the camps turn into a health hazard they have been shutting them down, I support the movement but their goal is as vauge as the definition of terorist.

Stress, thats true though, but we arent talking about buying an mpc5000 in cash, we are talking about buying cars and shit that are expensive, PLUS that law and concept has always been around, but before instead of terrorist is was "drug dealer" or "bank robber" lol.
Anything you pay for in cash thats over 10g's I think has to be reported...
Cuz seriously, who the fuck walks around with that much legal money??

Although my boy has an uncle who is autistic and actually saved up all that shit and took it to a dealership lol, they had to report it, but when they saw rainman was buying it was np. lol


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
The definition of a terrorist is described as a "covered" person. In that, the whole bill isnt relevant because whoever is in power to qualify anyone as a terrorist, albeit suspect or potentialy, is subjected to this bill's consequences.
If this doesnt include US citizens aswell then most of whats written in the bill wouldnt make any sense because that would imply that american terrorists are in the clear...


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
People in the US today have no discernment because nobody wants to read, the whole "if it isnt blasted out on the news mentality it isnt real" mentality has got these corporations and lobbyists doing whatever they want...

I call that "living the american dream", where you dont have to care about politics because you're to busy consuming. Alienated from the rest of the world due to selective news/media.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Correct...any cash payment over $10k USD has to be reported. They also ask if you have more than $10k when you cross the border.....I remember when I was returning from a glorious time in Montreal...Customs harassed us and detained us for about an hour. They asked if I had more than $10k in my possession...I remember telling the dude "if I had more than $10k, I would've taken a helicopter"

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Stress, thats true though, but we arent talking about buying an mpc5000 in cash, we are talking about buying cars and shit that are expensive, PLUS that law and concept has always been around, but before instead of terrorist is was "drug dealer" or "bank robber" lol.
Anything you pay for in cash thats over 10g's I think has to be reported...
Cuz seriously, who the fuck walks around with that much legal money??

Although my boy has an uncle who is autistic and actually saved up all that shit and took it to a dealership lol, they had to report it, but when they saw rainman was buying it was np. lol

No doubt. but ask yourself why. It is in the name of suspicious activity and terrorism, drug dealers, etc. But that is not the case. If more Americans saved their cash and used cash, who would lose out? The banks. Because what EVREYTHING boils down to is banking. That's who is in control. Bankers are the true problem. If you do not have a credit line, or a bank account, essentially that cash is yours and a bank couldn't capitalize on it. Why do you think most jobs have direct deposit and do not give out paychecks.


ill o.g.
If you think about how banks get to loan out 90% percent of every deposit and how the big banks use that made up currency in the derivitives market it clear that the banks make waaaaaaaaaay more off direct deposits than the business who uses it saves...

No business in america is in it to save the consumer money...even if it happens to in the process pf raking in large sums.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.

@Relic, no conspiracy, just the mechanics (not my wording, just really well put).

From the outset of the Soviet-Afghan war in the early 1980s, the US intelligence apparatus has supported the formation of the "Islamic brigades". Propaganda purports to erase the history of Al Qaeda, drown the truth and "kill the evidence" on how this "outside enemy" was fabricated and transformed into "Enemy Number One".

The US intelligence apparatus has created it own terrorist organizations. And at the same time, it creates its own terrorist warnings concerning the terrorist organizations which it has itself created. Meanwhile, a cohesive multibillion dollar counterterrorism program "to go after" these terrorist organizations has been put in place.

Instead of "war" or "state terrorism", we are told of "humanitarian intervention" directed against "terrorists".

Instead of "offence", we are told of "defense" or "protection".

Instead of "mass murder" we are told of "collateral damage".

A good versus evil dichotomy prevails. The perpetrators of war are presented as the victims. Public opinion is misled: "We must fight against evil in all its forms as a means to preserving the Western way of life."

Breaking the "Big Lie" which presents war as a humanitarian undertaking, means breaking a criminal project of global destruction, in which the quest for profit is the overriding force. This profit-driven military agenda destroys human values and transforms people into unconscious zombies.


So, what do you think will happen in the US when forces land in Iran ? Also, not a small fact here but Al-qaida and Iran...the only link between the two is that they completly despise each other (sunni-shia)


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 220
Because it saves the business time and money, as well as time for the employee. Direct deposit has nothing to do with the banks controlling everything.
i beg to differ deposit is forced on people that work for the state of NC...NOW. It just makes it easier for the "powers that be" and their conglomerates to control YOUR money. Get behind on your taxes...THEY put a lean on your account. Its just str8 up intimidation. But! we as people do it to ourselves because we are tricked by the "convenience" of shit, so these things are not forced on us...we ask for it. Beleive me...its think tanks behind every decision thats made in society.


ill o.g.
Also, not a small fact here but Al-qaida and Iran...the only link between the two is that they completly despise each other (sunni-shia)

This was the same situation with Iraq but people over here do not respect or even have a remote interest in any other culture...The Sunni Shia thing goes so high over peoples heads...You gotta realize that most people in America think there's absolutely no difference between a Cuban and a Columbian, you know cause the both speak Spanish...smh. That mentality prevails, "oh they pray to Allah they must hate my freedom"...

There is just no perspective over here..They show Amadenajad over here and people don't even consider for a moment that the guy maaaaaybe, just maaaaybe is simply a figure head playing to his base (much like the right wing war mongers on the debates). They're people who gather and chant death to America but have you ever wondered why? Has anybody looked into Iranian history and Americas involvement in the extraction of their resources since 1945? With as much shit as the Mexicans get for picking our fruit for penny's you don't think if Mexico was responsible for putting the us in debt by building our infrastructure ( by issuing huge unpayble loans, and to turning around to use only Mexican contractors) only to take our oil and not share the profits with us that Americans might be a just a little irritated with Mexico?

Conspiracy is fun, but history is halairious.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
If you think about how banks get to loan out 90% percent of every deposit and how the big banks use that made up currency in the derivitives market it clear that the banks make waaaaaaaaaay more off direct deposits than the business who uses it saves...

Sorry man, but this post shows a fundamental lack of understand how banks work. What banks can loan out has NOTHING to do with there amount of deposits. Second most businesses use a separate account for payroll that only has money in it a few days out of the month.

i beg to differ deposit is forced on people that work for the state of NC...NOW. It just makes it easier for the "powers that be" and their conglomerates to control YOUR money. Get behind on your taxes...THEY put a lean on your account.

Explain to me how direct deposit has anything to do with it. If you get a check and then go deposit it in to your bank, the IRS will still put a lean on it. If you get behind on taxes they will get you. Direct deposit or not. I still don't see how NOT having to physically bring a check to the bank makes a difference here. I bet it saves the government millions to NOT print and mail checks.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
It's true! NC really forces DD on you and it is a means of monitoring you and your financial activities. Yeah it does save a lot of money on paper as well as other things BUT it kinda puts you and your personal business in "clear view" whereas some would prefer their personal info to remain anonymous. In all honesty, almost everything you do nowadays can be traced or tracked directly back to you and I think that's more his point rather than actually avoiding the IRS.

There's pros and cons associated with everything.
Haha I love you guys , but I also understand that once one is convinced of the conspiracy there is no expalining or rationalizing with one.
SO ok.

You are a one relic.
Likewise there are some people that wont accept the facts even when they are sitting on their face.
The jackbooted storm troopers could have them up against a wall and they will still think the government has their best interests in mind.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Well let's see...Your DD info will have your address, your SSN, your phone number, your DOB, your DL#, your beneficiaries, your POB...the info just goes on and on. Then look at how each one of these tie into other aspects of your life...for example, with your DL info, they can tell if you're an organ donor or not. How does that tie into having DD? It doesn't...with your email address they can obtain your IP address and trace what websites you visit, again...everything about you can be obtained from small simple things that we wouldn't normally associate together.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21

WOW, so wrong. Do some research on how banks and our economy works. You do know banks don't need ANY money to make loans right? For example you can get a house loan for whatever amount, the bank cuts a check and the federal reserve covers it. The money in the bank/institution from deposits is not even a factor.

Your DD info will have your address, your SSN, your phone number, your DOB, your DL#, your beneficiaries, your POB...the info just goes on and on.

huh? No it doesn't. It has name and bank account/routing info.