Newfound respect


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Bloodybastid said:
I remember back in the 90s when there was Wu-Tang, KRS-One, Dre...those guys pillaging the top 40. I always wondered what the fuck happened along the way. When did all this ignorant-type of rap became so damn popular?
You know what I think the edutainment thing got knocked out of the top 40 when "FUN" groups came in.
I love all that stuff but right there it seems the public got tired of the activist movement and just wanted to get dumber and dumber with the music.
Combined with the gansta influence creeping into the south
(dont get me wrong I love all these styles of rap) you basically end up with some ignant fools droppin ignant crap over beats that are designed by the local highschool cheerleading squad.
However "Hey we want some P___Y" wasnt like intelligent but it SOLD.
Matta a fact I take all that back.
When the White execs at the labels saw how controversey and crappy degrading lyrics equaled HUGE profits they RIGHT THERE started stealing and manipulating the artform and bending it to what you hear today.
Long live Indies
(Remember Def Jam was an indie)

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
lil jon is an ill producer ... simple as that .. he developed his own style and it bangs ... his music is made for a purpose .. to rattle trunks and get people crunk ... he does that better than any producer out there ... if you like sittin in your room thinking about philosophy then lil jon is not for you lol


A breath of fre$h air!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 76
I ain't the biggest lil jon fan however when I 1st heard Youngbloods "damn" the beat really did make me say DAMN lol but after a while that same soundin formula became a lil tired, but it is what it is and he's very successful at it. Respect to lil jon

Ca$h Pacasso

ill o.g.
Maaan you niggas is buggin B. Out of all of the ill producers out there whos work is never noticed you cats is talking about respecting Lil John beats? I mean dont get me wrong I respect his work(ethics) but as far as the product come on man...Lil John shit is trash he's just one of the dudes who put hard work and connections together to make shit happen...But his music is not good its average at best...I didnt like his music then and he's done nothing to change that...I dont care how many live instruments he uses now if his beats arent fire still to this day


ill o.g.
Anubis-Ra said:
If you want to get technical, the corporations are.

If you want the truth, the masses are. Corporations only put out products, if no one likes them they lose a lot of money. If people do like them, if there is a demand for them, then the corporations will produce them. So corporations wouldn't put out songs like laffy taffy if it wasn't for the millions of people out there that enjoy listening to that crap.


ill o.g.
Lil Jon comes with some tight beats, Throw it Up makes me go dumb every time I hear it. But I lose a lot of respect for producers that just find some formula that's popular and then stick with that. That's one of the reasons I respect kanye so much as a producer. Jon does deserve some props, but he also deserves some criticism.


Golden Ear
ill o.g.
o-a-ksavage said:
Lil Jon comes with some tight beats, Throw it Up makes me go dumb every time I hear it. But I lose a lot of respect for producers that just find some formula that's popular and then stick with that. That's one of the reasons I respect kanye so much as a producer. Jon does deserve some props, but he also deserves some criticism.

Well put. Actually i've read and seen several interviews with lil jon and he actually said he is not in the studio that much b/c he's more involved in business than making beats on the regular. I think he oversaturated the market with his sound. Unless he learns to evolve as a producer, his sound will tire out and people will move on to the next new thing. What's sad is Mr. Collipark is doing the same damn thing lil jon did. Use some different sounds damnit!!!!!! Kanye said he was pissed when labels kept asking him for tracks like the ones he did for jay-z.


ill o.g.
Vince said:
maan, you can't be serious...

lil jon is the reason why there's stuff like 'laffy taffy' on the radio...
thats just ignorant man.

o-a-ksavage said:
Lil Jon comes with some tight beats, Throw it Up makes me go dumb every time I hear it. But I lose a lot of respect for producers that just find some formula that's popular and then stick with that. That's one of the reasons I respect kanye so much as a producer. Jon does deserve some props, but he also deserves some criticism.

Don't get it twisted though, Jon made that shi* popular.

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
co-sign to grafik.

I would like you all to imagine a lil john beat without the use of his engineer. You would have half of soundclick. Simple ass shit and everyone saying "work on the quality". If you gave half of soundclick an engineer, you would have a mass flood of the littler jons lol..


Golden Ear
ill o.g.
GRAFIK said:
you just have to have a liking for souther beats..........personally i can't stand them, but music is music and people like what they like, so....................i just think that it shouldn't be categorized at "hip hop", to me that is not hip hop

i almost took offense to reading this earlier, then i was on the way home listening to the radio(why? I have no idea) and i hear the new d4l song, which is damn near the last d4l song, like them franchise fucks(lean with it)(Think they like me) then i feel where u are coming from, but let me say this, man shit like this we don't like that shit down here either man. I agree this isn't hip-hop, this is corporate america and little kids and ass shakin in the clubs, not to be confused with some southern music that does attract little kids and makes asses shake in the club and IS hip-hop. I just think that broad of a statement u made steps on some toes in general. Lil jon, mr. collipark, no disrespect to atlanta at all, but why are all these producers so stagnant man? no evolution at all. People like DJ toomp(T.I.'s producer) gets props from me man for makin money and respecting the art. I respect gettin money, but if u cant make music and respect the art and work at ur craft, ur just a fad to me.


Vinyl Addict
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
bluchippa, i didnt try to step on any toes, i said music is music and people like what they like and i respect that, thats the good part about music, certain music moves people, i said "personally i cant stand it", my opinion!!! But can you honestly tell me this is hip hop? I know music changes and things fade out, and this is what is happening to hip hop like what happened to every other type of music. I believe it shouldnt be called "hip hop", but have a category in itself. And i didnt say i dont respect these producers! i work everyday making beats, i never stop, and i respect my craft. I dont know where it said that i hate these guys and i dont respect them, you are putting words into my mouth. There is many types of music that i dont like, like i'm sure you dont like, so..............dont try and put words in my mouth


Golden Ear
ill o.g.
GRAFIK said:
bluchippa, i didnt try to step on any toes, i said music is music and people like what they like and i respect that, thats the good part about music, certain music moves people, i said "personally i cant stand it", my opinion!!! But can you honestly tell me this is hip hop? I know music changes and things fade out, and this is what is happening to hip hop like what happened to every other type of music. I believe it shouldnt be called "hip hop", but have a category in itself. And i didnt say i dont respect these producers! i work everyday making beats, i never stop, and i respect my craft. I dont know where it said that i hate these guys and i dont respect them, you are putting words into my mouth. There is many types of music that i dont like, like i'm sure you dont like, so..............dont try and put words in my mouth

didn't try to-actually if u read what i wrote, i was agreeing with you. are you sure you understood what i wrote? i basically was sepearting certain music from the south from the stuff that IS repetitive like lil jon, mr. collipark and etc. i even went as far as to say that i don't consider SOME of this stuff hip hop either. i only said that with what u said, u were talkin about southern music as a whole, and i'm sure u didn't mean that all southern music isn't hip-hop, only certain types of commericial music coming from the south, like D4l and the franchise boys. If u did mean ALL southern beats isn't hip-hop,then, and only then do I disagree with u. Cats such as organized noize and outkast ARE hip-hop.If u don't like their music, then that opinion u are entitled to, but I don't think u meant ALL southern beats are not hip-hop.


Vinyl Addict
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
my fault, aight cool. I should have been more clear. Not all rap that comes from the south is bad in my opinion. I guess that is what i categorize this lil john, ying yang twins, and annoying mother fuckers like this who try to make hip hop as. I have been a fan of oukast for a long time, and you are right they are from the south. I dont know how else to categorize this commercial southern bullshit!!! but no one take offense to this, strictly my opinion!


Golden Ear
ill o.g.
GRAFIK said:
my fault, aight cool. I should have been more clear. Not all rap that comes from the south is bad in my opinion. I guess that is what i categorize this lil john, ying yang twins, and annoying mother fuckers like this who try to make hip hop as. I have been a fan of oukast for a long time, and you are right they are from the south. I dont know how else to categorize this commercial southern bullshit!!! but no one take offense to this, strictly my opinion!

EXACTLY!!!! That's what I'm sayin, we don't like all that shit down here either. This shit gets played constantly b/c lil kids like it, girls like to shake they ass to it in the club, but u don't see that shit flyin off the shelf cuz we don't buy that shit. Ying yang twins(produced by mr. collipark) and lil jon do the same beats over and over again. And as producers, they don't evolve at all, they don't work on their craft to get better, they just stick with what works over and over again. and its not coming from just the south, its everywhere with the commercialism. the south just has the most attention of the corporate music world right now.


ill o.g.
GRAFIK said:
my fault, aight cool. I should have been more clear. Not all rap that comes from the south is bad in my opinion. I guess that is what i categorize this lil john, ying yang twins, and annoying mother fuckers like this who try to make hip hop as. I have been a fan of oukast for a long time, and you are right they are from the south. I dont know how else to categorize this commercial southern bullshit!!! but no one take offense to this, strictly my opinion!

The problem is man the south has been putting out this music for years, its just nobody's been listening til recently. It's not so much that southern rap is commercial but that commercial rap has become southern. big difference in my opinion


ill o.g.
LiL Jon is sick with the crunk beats.. But I dont think he can produce anything other than the club joints.. Like he wouldnt be able to make a sampled beat (execpt the Trick Daddy one with Twista) or a sad beat dedicated to the streets or anything..

J Cro

ill o.g.
pg16kid said:
LiL Jon is sick with the crunk beats.. But I dont think he can produce anything other than the club joints.. Like he wouldnt be able to make a sampled beat (execpt the Trick Daddy one with Twista) or a sad beat dedicated to the streets or anything..

I think he could.

See if you really listen to Lil Johns shit, yea it's simple and sometime reprettitive. But if you listen close, behind the synths or whatever is a very very very catchy melody. Thats the important part. Making those melodies that are catchy isn't easy. That's where the talent lies.