Music is getting worse


Big Clit Energy
The @2GooD Productions bedroom producers here are all ILL compared to 99% of the terminally online who inhabit YT.


Big Clit Energy
Im one of the 99% thats "terminally online" and inhabits youtube, because I havent watched TV in over 20 years

You seem cool, though, too bad you ain't in the U.S.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I can't believe the reactions to a very simple opinion video from Rick Beato. WTF. I've said this numerous times - the internet is like this: you can have your own opinion, just as long as everyone else agrees with you. It's beyond ridiculous at this point. But he's right in the fact that the music today is so much worse than what it was and because of streaming platforms (like @Iron Keys mentioned), it devalues it, which is what Rich was saying. You can't replace the feeling of buying a vinyl/cassette/cd and listening to it while looking at the artwork and reading the lyrics or thank yous.

As far as making beats/music today, people don't need to be taught how to make music. Instead, all they have to do is what the previous generations did. I know it's wild idea, but how about reading the fucking manual and doing trial and error? That's all it is. I'm tired of everyone waiting for someone to hold their hand and show them exactly how to do something. Just do it. Everyone is a fucking victim nowadays and if anyone today can't figure out how to make beats then they shouldn't be making beats to begin with. There's tons of tutorials right here on ILL and on other sites, plus Youtube. No excuses.

As @2GooD Productions can relate - learning how to scratch and beat juggle was straight up practice and trial and error. I watched DMC videos because I was trying to figure out what those DJs were doing but it wasn't a tutorial, if anything it was inspiration. But I still had to actually get on the turntables and figure it out myself because I didn't know anyone else that DJ'd. Same with beat making. I worked and took whatever overtime I could get, saved my money, and bought a drum machine and sampler then I just figured it out. I didn't have the luxury of someone showing me how to do it step by step while coddling me and jerking me off at the same time.

Let's say you want to learn how to make beats and you choose FL Studio as your DAW. What's the first thing everyone does? They go on YouTube and look up tutorials. I'll bet most people don't even check the manual, (let alone actually know how to spell "manual"), and they follow the tutorial. So essentially all they're learning is how to use an app. That's it. They're not necessarily literate in how the recording process actually works. Everyone wants a quick fix and wants to learn everything right away like it's some secret formula that they have to know immediately. No one wants to actually LEARN anything.

The first book I bought about recording taught me all the basics I needed to know, like what equipment was needed and the proper signal chain, what typical outboard gear was needed, etc. And I read it front to back numerous times. Yeah it's an old book but at least it taught me the basics of how recording actually works. And that's one of the main things missing with today's so called "beat makers" and "producers".

165,000 views in 3 hours and 4.29 million followers.
Somebody is listening to him

He's a famous record producer/ engineer of course people subscribe to him going to click on his new upload... Like you wrote he has 4.29 million subs he better get something. Who's listening to him that young???? Are up and coming hiphop young artist listening to him right now?? Hell nawww.. Probably nobody but people in his genre or the people that respects his past works. You and I wouldn't know nothing about this guy if @Fade didn't post his video. If you believe in him like that... you should buy one of his courses and you can teach the youth with it
I can't believe the reactions to a very simple opinion video from Rick Beato. WTF. I've said this numerous times - the internet is like this: you can have your own opinion, just as long as everyone else agrees with you. It's beyond ridiculous at this point. But he's right in the fact that the music today is so much worse than what it was and because of streaming platforms (like @Iron Keys mentioned), it devalues it, which is what Rich was saying. You can't replace the feeling of buying a vinyl/cassette/cd and listening to it while looking at the artwork and reading the lyrics or thank yous.

As far as making beats/music today, people don't need to be taught how to make music. Instead, all they have to do is what the previous generations did. I know it's wild idea, but how about reading the fucking manual and doing trial and error? That's all it is. I'm tired of everyone waiting for someone to hold their hand and show them exactly how to do something. Just do it. Everyone is a fucking victim nowadays and if anyone today can't figure out how to make beats then they shouldn't be making beats to begin with. There's tons of tutorials right here on ILL and on other sites, plus Youtube. No excuses.

As @2GooD Productions can relate - learning how to scratch and beat juggle was straight up practice and trial and error. I watched DMC videos because I was trying to figure out what those DJs were doing but it wasn't a tutorial, if anything it was inspiration. But I still had to actually get on the turntables and figure it out myself because I didn't know anyone else that DJ'd. Same with beat making. I worked and took whatever overtime I could get, saved my money, and bought a drum machine and sampler then I just figured it out. I didn't have the luxury of someone showing me how to do it step by step while coddling me and jerking me off at the same time.

Let's say you want to learn how to make beats and you choose FL Studio as your DAW. What's the first thing everyone does? They go on YouTube and look up tutorials. I'll bet most people don't even check the manual, (let alone actually know how to spell "manual"), and they follow the tutorial. So essentially all they're learning is how to use an app. That's it. They're not necessarily literate in how the recording process actually works. Everyone wants a quick fix and wants to learn everything right away like it's some secret formula that they have to know immediately. No one wants to actually LEARN anything.

The first book I bought about recording taught me all the basics I needed to know, like what equipment was needed and the proper signal chain, what typical outboard gear was needed, etc. And I read it front to back numerous times. Yeah it's an old book but at least it taught me the basics of how recording actually works. And that's one of the main things missing with today's so called "beat makers" and "producers".
I agree on what you're saying @Fade but to me this guy sounds off to me and I can't put my finger on it. What he say in this video sounds good but at the same time he's bashing the music of today... So in his mind it seems like no music of today is good and let's go back to the good ole times and because of his musical background he's right. Im going to do my research on him.
He's a famous record producer/ engineer of course people subscribe to him going to click on his new upload... Like you wrote he has 4.29 million subs he better get something. Who's listening to him that young???? Are up and coming hiphop young artist listening to him right now?? Hell nawww.. Probably nobody but people in his genre or the people that respects his past works. You and I wouldn't know nothing about this guy if @Fade didn't post his video. If you believe in him like that... you should buy one of his courses and you can teach the youth with it
He often speaks in a language that kids just dont understand, it took me a quite a while to comprehend some of his words myself. I had to learn some actual theory.
He's a famous record producer/ engineer of course people subscribe to him going to click on his new upload... Like you wrote he has 4.29 million subs he better get something. Who's listening to him that young???? Are up and coming hiphop young artist listening to him right now?? Hell nawww.. Probably nobody but people in his genre or the people that respects his past works. You and I wouldn't know nothing about this guy if @Fade didn't post his video. If you believe in him like that... you should buy one of his courses and you can teach the youth with it
Ive been following Rick for years

DJ Excellence

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 239
I watched the video and agree with some of Beato's points. However, while he mentions AI a few times, I believe the impact of generative AI tools in the music industry remains somewhat limited. Tools like Suno and Udio can indeed create music from simple prompts, but significant human skill is still required to refine the results. My 2 cents.
I'm looking at this from a production standpoint, and I agree 100% with what this guy is saying. I've been saying for years about how the technology has made music worse, and he's got some great points in here.
