Interestig Artifact found o Mars.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
While not impossible, it seems improbable that space debris (from earth no-less) ended up plum square on mars without being destroyed by its atmosphere. An astroid half-the-size of the moon probably wouldn't have made it to surface (not even on earth).

Not to mention the probablity that it would not be lost in deep space, missing mars altogether. At the same time, other theories of how this "artifact" got here are most likely just as fantastic. nice post
I have to say that with the other faces and shit in the pic and the poor pixelation anything could be possible, but I really dont think its a rock.
It does look like an object, It casts its own shadow.

Also it could even be an object from the Beagle 2 or 3 or whatever its number was, that crash landed on mars.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Also it could even be an object from the Beagle 2 or 3 or whatever its number was, that crash landed on mars.
i was thinkin the same... americans arent the only one's on the planet that sends shit into space anymore.

da relic


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
i was thinkin the same... americans arent the only one's on the planet that sends shit into space anymore.

da relic

Very possible. Now that its been a few days tho, its starting to gain a bit more attention, because no one has claimed responsibility for this bit of space debris, or whatever it may be. there are a few pics of this out and none of them look anything like a rock to me.



ill o.g.
Structures on the Moon

following with what sanova posted, i saw this a couple weeks ago.
keep watching cuz towards the end, the structures seem to actually resemble buildings.

could be fake.

but then theres this..

a TOWER? its measured to be 5-15 miles high, about 1 mile wide or something. WTF?? that's not natural.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
Ok, it has become widely accepted that there is no life on mars, never was, and it is a desolate rock planet.

We are just beginning to explore the planet...

While not impossible, it seems improbable that space debris (from earth no-less) ended up plum square on mars without being destroyed by its atmosphere. An astroid half-the-size of the moon probably wouldn't have made it to surface (not even on earth).

What's your basis? Mars atmosphere has a diff composition than Earth's with much less pressure. Space debris does hit earth so why couldn't it hit Mars? Talking about orbits and origins of debris is another issue.



Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
We are just beginning to explore the planet...

What's your basis? Mars atmosphere has a diff composition than Earth's with much less pressure. Space debris does hit earth so why couldn't it hit Mars? Talking about orbits and origins of debris is another issue.


I'm aware that mars has a thinner atmosphere of the earth, but my info is based on the fact that the atmosphere of that planet is almost 100% nitrogen and carbon dioxide:

95.32% carbon dioxide
2.7% nitrogen
1.6% argon
0.13% oxygen
0.07% carbon monoxide
0.03% water vapor
trace amounts of neon, krypton, xenon,
ozone, methane.

in short, enough to possibly induce heat to a rapidly moving object.


The Arkitekt

Yea dude, but some crafts like the Apollo made it through the earths atmosphere, and back in (if the moon landing is true that is). If that could make it thru, why would you say an asteroid half the size of the moon fail to make it through mars atmosphere or earth's atmosphere? The exploration vehicle thing obviously made it through mars atmosphere also, hence these photos


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
these crafts are designed to make it through the earth's atmosphere. . the ones that didn't make it may have had some difficulty in this area. But i'm not saying all this to discredit whether space craft can make it or not, i know nothing about this.

all i know is I've read other news articles and reports on astroids that actually did disintegrate, but I couldn't find any links, but i'm pretty sure that astroids are mostly ice, so there is no reason they should make it all the way down in the first place. (astroids or comets...)


ill o.g.
actually it isnt widley accepted that there wuz never life on mars alot of scientists say there was because of the geology of mars like the gorges, river beds and shorelines
that were formed..scientists have found ice caps similar to our polar icecaps that are completely frozen CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)...the those shorelines leave the impression for many sciencists taht there may have been ocean like bodies of water at one time...but what is definite is that there cant be life right now due to the extreme radiation causing the dryness of the soil that is impossible to grow any kind of life

but many scientist due believe there could have been life at one time
I thought they had recently found some sort of biological bacteria or at least a trace of fossilized bacteria in debris from mars. How they know the debris is from mars I dont know, but they still suspect subterranean life on mars even today.
Without any hard evidence its all speculation.
The evidence of past oceans on mars is undisputable, the erosion patterns are pretty conclusive.
So the question for me is, so what if there was once life on mars, what the fuck does it matter to us now anyway?
There are some things we can never possibly know, like the big bang.
There is no concrete way of proving it, because we cant ever see far back enough.
NASA has been doctoring photos and covering up incidents with UFO's for years, you really think they can ever be trusted to be forthcoming with any sort of truth.


ill o.g.
I thought they had recently found some sort of biological bacteria or at least a trace of fossilized bacteria in debris from mars. How they know the debris is from mars I dont know, but they still suspect subterranean life on mars even today.
Without any hard evidence its all speculation.
The evidence of past oceans on mars is undisputable, the erosion patterns are pretty conclusive.
So the question for me is, so what if there was once life on mars, what the fuck does it matter to us now anyway?
There are some things we can never possibly know, like the big bang.
There is no concrete way of proving it, because we cant ever see far back enough.
NASA has been doctoring photos and covering up incidents with UFO's for years, you really think they can ever be trusted to be forthcoming with any sort of truth.

it matters to us now because if a planet like Mars which faces such conditions on a daily basis has had life than that means the possiblities of other planets ever having life is not outta question excluding the Gas planets.
it matters to us now because if a planet like Mars which faces such conditions on a daily basis has had life than that means the possiblities of other planets ever having life is not outta question excluding the Gas planets.

For me the possibility of life on other planets somewhere out there is in no question.
Only an idiot would say that its not possible.
On the balance of possibility and probability its a no brainer.
And add to that the thousands of UFO sightings that go way back long before tv was even invented.
And then there is the footage from Nasa that shows UFO's and also shows a ufo being shot at from brazil.

The Arkitekt

They might have faked the moon landing the first time. Countries were in a race to get there first, so the US sent a craft into orbit for a while and then they came back down. It was proven that there was a radiation belt between the earth and moon with too much radiation to let the first space craft pass. Also, if you watch the moon landing video, there is no stars to see in space. No stars? The moon has no atmosphere, you would be able to see stars so clearly even on a camera.

Life on mars is important because it presents the possibility that we can one day colonize mars.

2GooD, id like to see where you got your info from talking about several UFO sightings before the TV days
My thoughts on UFO's is, since Roswell, 99% of sightings are BS. Ancient times are BS cuz they believed in a whole bunch of mythological bullshit and couldve said anything.

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