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ill o.g.
joblack00 said:
Hey I am thinking about purchasing a gun. I really like the 38 snub nose, but I am not sure because I see it in movies or it is really a good gun.

Does anyone have an educated opinion on the 38 snub nose.

My boy has one. Smith&Wesson. I put 300 rounds through it, if you wanna know how educated i am on it. I liked it. Its a lot louder then these semi-auto pistols. The recoil hurts your hand after a while shooting, maybe just cuz im used to polymer grips. They aint madd accurate, and theyll take getting used to if you dont use revolvers a lot. I didnt even have one misfire the whole time usin it. Its a lot easier to clean cuz of the short barrel.

What do you want to know?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
There is more recoil because of the short barrel. The 38 is a good gun .... you really can't go wrong. I like revolvers better then semi auto pistols ...... Revolvers are easy to clean .... they don't jamb ... and if the gun doesn't go off just keep pressing the trigger ..... if you want more power go .357 you still can fire 38's in them. (cheaper ammo) I like the 6inch or 8 inch barrel. The longer barrel, the more velocity, accuracy, and less recoil. The bigger the gun the bigger the panic. LOL