How many here own a piece?

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
Nope ........ if someone is doing someting they shouldn't like braking into my house .... you might as well consider them dead because they will not leave alive..... I will chase them fucks down and beat the living shit out of them if I happen to run out of bullets ..... muhaha hahahaaha ..... But that would never happen .... I give myself 2-3 shots and consider him done.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
DueceMade Ent. said:
What about non-lethal weapons that dont actually kill people?
Can u buy them at shops in yer town, or are they really only available to task force type cats?

You kno, like tha ones that shoot a heavy bean-bag and mometarily disable the person without killin anybody?

I got a stun gun. Havnt used it yet,,,but there is a party this weekend..........................................................


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
I for one can only laugh at people that got a gun in their house and come home and find out that one of their kids shot himself or his brother/sister to death. I will be happy to come and laugh at the funeral if there are some nice snacks that is. That is like real comedy to me.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Rigor yer wierdo. Yo, i jus dont want to kill anybody - to me thats extreme. I would only kill someone if they were tryin to LITERALLY kill me, or my girl. Other than that I'd use my trusty fists and other hard objects, etc. At least then, afterwards, if i happen to cap some fool in tha head that really wasnt heated then i aint gonna feel miserable since i jus killed someone and they werent gonna kill me. TO me there has to be an OBJECTIVE. If that is simply gaining revenge for some people - then i think you may find in the future that it will affect the rest of your life in a way that i wouldnt dream upon anybody. And im not really even religious...tho, i for one feel that to kill another human being for any other reason than self-defense would be like killing yourself. To me, it seems like, if there really is a good place to go after we all die - then u have a better chance making it there by not committing such acts.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
all i am saying, the combination of people and guns make guns go off.. accidents can happen.. also when you do have a gun you are more likely to use it, especially when you are frightened or get mad.. i very well understand that the usa is one big gun country, also the reason that many people get killed there..
it is a choice you have to make, dont get me wrong maybe if i lived there i would get a gun too, but the moment you kill someone even if it is self defense that shit can destroy your live.. and if the guy dies.. he might have friends that also got guns.. yo if someone killed my friend and i would have a gun maybe i would go looking for the killer, maybe just to bash him but i got my gun on me.. shit gets heated and before i know it. boem.
you got to do what you got to do but be aware of the consequences, protect your girl, protect your house, but also protect your future by right decisions..
good luck and i hope you get to bash that guy..
get a baseball bat, pepperspray, a taser.. less lethal shit..


ill o.g.
RigorMortis said:
all i am saying, the combination of people and guns make guns go off.. accidents can happen.. also when you do have a gun you are more likely to use it, especially when you are frightened or get mad.. i very well understand that the usa is one big gun country, also the reason that many people get killed there..
it is a choice you have to make, dont get me wrong maybe if i lived there i would get a gun too, but the moment you kill someone even if it is self defense that shit can destroy your live.. and if the guy dies.. he might have friends that also got guns.. yo if someone killed my friend and i would have a gun maybe i would go looking for the killer, maybe just to bash him but i got my gun on me.. shit gets heated and before i know it. boem.
you got to do what you got to do but be aware of the consequences, protect your girl, protect your house, but also protect your future by right decisions..
good luck and i hope you get to bash that guy..
get a baseball bat, pepperspray, a taser.. less lethal shit..

I agree totally with you man! A gun will escalate a fight into somebody being killed!!


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
benny beatz said:
all this talk about guns makes me wanna go kill someone !!

Hold up!!.

Im not tryin to pull anyones card here but i doubt the people talkin about killing or shooting somebody have actually seen someshit go down. Trust me there is nothing glorius about it. When u see a mans life talken infront of you, or u see a dudes brains blown away and he was standing next 2 u 5 minutes ago. The shit effects you man. The shit is real, this is not a fuckin western game.

Like i said i only use my gun for shooting sports. I enjoy my gun but not to hurt anybody.
Im an ex boxer so i will use my fists first to knukle up on somebody. They have to do something VERY drastic for me to pull a peice out.

ANd if you did pull a piece out would you really have the heart to use it?? Most cats talk the talk but they cant walk the walk. Those are the ones who end up getting killed

Most of the cats who end up shooting cant handle themsevles anyway. I will much rather knuckle up on a dude. Its takes much more skill to beat a dude man to man



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Imma X Soldier, I got to handle all kinds of weapons (m16's Law (light anti tank Weapon), grenade launcher, m60 machine gun oh and the BEAST 50 calibre machine gun, grenades and all of that (nothing like the thrill of throwing a grenade it's awesome)..and right after 911 I bought a Mini 14 but I sold it about a year ago......I own a Walter P and a Ruger...nothing really to say except they R for protection and I keep locks on em......I mean if you handle guns etc it's not a big's people that just have a gun and they think it's a big deal or it adds to their ego, have never really been trained on the good in weapons, caring for them, cleaning know respect just like your musical equipment.....that's what I don't like about certain people that have guns....


ill o.g.
classic said:
Hold up!!.

Im not tryin to pull anyones card here but i doubt the people talkin about killing or shooting somebody have actually seen someshit go down. Trust me there is nothing glorius about it. When u see a mans life talken infront of you, or u see a dudes brains blown away and he was standing next 2 u 5 minutes ago. The shit effects you man. The shit is real, this is not a fuckin western game.

Like i said i only use my gun for shooting sports. I enjoy my gun but not to hurt anybody.
Im an ex boxer so i will use my fists first to knukle up on somebody. They have to do something VERY drastic for me to pull a peice out. ANd if you do pull a piece out do you really have the heart to use it?? Most cats talk the talk but they cant walk the walk those are the ones who end up getting killed

Most of the cats who end up shooting cant handle themsevles anyway. I will much rather knuckle up on a dude. Its takes much more skill to beat a dude man to man


I agree with you too, I've been unfortunate to witness a murder, my friend got shot in the chest and died at the hospital, and this dude I was cool with one night we were at the club and he got the shit beat out of him by 2-3 dudes so he ran out of the club and went to his pistol, he missed the folk he was shooting at and hit this chick in the chest, she lived he had a good ass lawyer and he is home now, this was in '96 he did about 2-3 yrs and that was it, the dude who killed my friend only did about 4-5 years, and I know drug dealers that's doing 10-15 for and ounce of blow!

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
classic said:
Hold up!!.

Im not tryin to pull anyones card here but i doubt the people talkin about killing or shooting somebody have actually seen someshit go down. Trust me there is nothing glorius about it. When u see a mans life talken infront of you, or u see a dudes brains blown away and he was standing next 2 u 5 minutes ago. The shit effects you man. The shit is real, this is not a fuckin western game.

Like i said i only use my gun for shooting sports. I enjoy my gun but not to hurt anybody.
Im an ex boxer so i will use my fists first to knukle up on somebody. They have to do something VERY drastic for me to pull a peice out.

ANd if you did pull a piece out would you really have the heart to use it?? Most cats talk the talk but they cant walk the walk. Those are the ones who end up getting killed

Most of the cats who end up shooting cant handle themsevles anyway. I will much rather knuckle up on a dude. Its takes much more skill to beat a dude man to man


word up it aint no joke

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
just fuckin around... i wouldnt kill anyone unless like u said the situation was drastic...

i wouldnt ever just go around killing people for fun... thats just wrong...
ill o.g.
WingsOfAnAngel said:
Being a soldier in the Israeli army + serving in a rather dangerous area, oblige me to carry an M-16 [i would have preferred to carry one anyway, it just feels more secure. Israel ya know - total craziness].

How many rnds can that drum cartridge carry?

I got a SAIGA 20ga Semi-Auto, and my father just got me Steyr M9. The M9 was nominated to be the standard issue pistol for the Police Dept Nationally, but the Beretta M9 won, so the M9 is now available for citizens.


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ill o.g.
WingsOfAnAngel said:
gotcha, well i don't know cuz that's just a random pic i got off the web (i was lazy to photo my own m-16). in israel, we carry 29 bullets in our magazines (30 is the max in any case)...

O, i understand.

It was just that we call them drum mags here. The big ones, like they put on the tommy gun and the hi-capacity assault rifles.


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Hey I am thinking about purchasing a gun. I really like the 38 snub nose, but I am not sure because I see it in movies or it is really a good gun.

Does anyone have an educated opinion on the 38 snub nose.