How many here own a piece?

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ill o.g.
classic said:
Man u can get a gun here at walmart for $250. The high end hand guns are 500-1000 dollars. I had an AK-47 got it at a gun show for $125 i enjoyed shooting that , those are some powerful wepons. I was shooting threw 6 inch steal at 250 yards

i gave it to my friend for his b-day


AK47 you mean $1,125 my man got them for $700 fully auto

Tecs and UZi's jam they no good, AK47 will give you 5 years if fully auto with bananna clip!


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
jaydub23510 said:
AK47 you mean $1,125 my man got them for $700 fully auto
Tecs and UZi's jam they no good, AK47 will give you 5 years if fully auto with bananna clip!

naw I mean $125 dollas man, AK's;s are not that expenisve (chinese edition) becasue they were mass produced. They are easy to make and they are realiable.

I got mine for $125 at a gunshow in tampa.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
I dont have a peice, even though by law I'm not allowed, I do keep protection. I am a sword collector (and giant nerd) so I have 12 pieces to choose from to slice someone's arm off. They stay sheathed and in my closet till I get a new rack. My kids dont know they in the closet but my 5 year old knows they are "danger" anyway. My only problem is, if someone breaks in,,,I wouldnt know which one to pick,,,lol. I'll take a pic later and post them up,,,they're cool, and some are movie replicas.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
Yeah I own a Smith and Wesson 500 .50 cal that shit will stop a Elephant.


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ill o.g.
Rhythmikal said:
are guns in America only $500?!!

in the UK your lucky to get an air rifle for that price! seriously.

anyone got a tec or an uzi or any kind of automatic?


Strange how theres less gun deaths in the UK......

In the last month they made legal in the states to own an AR-15, which is the like a non-military version of the M-16.

We are insane... think about it..... an AR-15 is big fuckin gun. Its not a sportsman item for sure.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
yep my co worker was telling me he could get his hands on one for me. He could even get a AK 47 all leagal, registered and legit. But it would only be a single shot. I could get it modified though


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
Aminimity said:
Strange how theres less gun deaths in the UK......

In the last month they made legal in the states to own an AR-15, which is the like a non-military version of the M-16.

We are insane... think about it..... an AR-15 is big fuckin gun. Its not a sportsman item for sure.

yeh the gun laws over in the US are pretty unbelievable... but im jealous coz id love to own some guns.

the UK has a very high rate of gun crime still, there are shootings everyday in Manchester and London. guns arent too hard to find if u really need one over here, but if u get caught its like 5 years in prison or somethin just for simply possesing one.

do u guys need any kind of licence? what is the legal age?



ill o.g.
I don't own one, but I wouldn't mind having one. I have kids also. There was a gun in the house that I grrew up in, but due to the fact that I feared my father more than anything, KEPT MY ASS AWAY FROM IT. You can't be irresponsible and own a gun, bercause if are then that opens up danger for anyone around. If you piece is in a place where your kids can get to it and it loaded, then you should expect the worse. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer for if you should keep one in the house or not. There are alot of homes that keep them and nothing ever happens. There's always a "what if.......:", what if someone comes into the house while your home and you're without one? What if you're not home and it's just your lady or wife and kids there? Bottom line is, if you keep one then there must be some type of education and respect for the piece, if you don't keep one then may God bless you because there are crazy and desperate people out there.... just my opinion.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
What about non-lethal weapons that dont actually kill people?
Can u buy them at shops in yer town, or are they really only available to task force type cats?

You kno, like tha ones that shoot a heavy bean-bag and mometarily disable the person without killin anybody?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I dunno man, I cant kill another human being. I jus dont got that in my blood. I would only kill someone if my life was REALLY in jeapordy. For ex., if he had a gun too i guess, i dunno tho?....Seems like if you can effectively stop someone without killin than im all for it...thats why i asked. I dont want that burden on my shoulders tha rest of my miserable life - for real tho.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Being a soldier in the Israeli army + serving in a rather dangerous area, oblige me to carry an M-16 [i would have preferred to carry one anyway, it just feels more secure. Israel ya know - total craziness].


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ill o.g.
DueceMade Ent. said:
What about non-lethal weapons that dont actually kill people?
Can u buy them at shops in yer town, or are they really only available to task force type cats?

You kno, like tha ones that shoot a heavy bean-bag and mometarily disable the person without killin anybody?

Them shits are still deadly, look at what happened to that broad in Boston!!!
A bb gun can kill somebody, somebody told me a story about a guy getting hit in the eye with a pellet gun and he died!! I shocked the shit out of my dog with a stun gun, but you gotta get close to the person for it to work, haha


Cook Classics
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 39
if nobody had guns there would be no problem. While this is not the case right now, the first step to making it happen is not getting a gun. The reason people buy guns for safety is because they are afraid of other people with guns. It takes one person at a time. Oh, and I'm scared shitless of what's going to happen to our country in the next 4 years.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Exactly...thats why i aint bout to try and shoot someones brains out no matter how fucking bad of a person it is. Thats why i asked in tha first place. And i do understand that those things in some situations could still kill somebody, but tha WHOLE point is that the probability is MUCH LESSER.


ill o.g.
if was to get a gun i'll probably get a desert eagle or a magnum(dirty harry style) but i perfer a knife or sword...i have a lil knife collection there are easier to conseal...i wish we were back in the samuri days slice and dice a bitch up