How do you guys feel about the whole 9/11 thing?


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Yeah...there's an interview stating they were there to "document the event". LMAO....

How the fuck?

oh yeah..they just happened to be in NYC out of the 3.72 million square miles of USA.... Fuck outta here...I do believe that Mossad had something to do with 9/11....if they didn't actually plan the shit.....I do believe that it was the only way we would get re-involved in the middle east with our military, thus improving israeli-US we could get into Iraq, then Iran.... And everything is working perfectly.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
If our country does things like this (not saying that they don't)...and I mean things at this magnitude...why would it leave any room for doubt? How hard would it be for our country to NOT leave any disputable evidence behind? Is it NOT possible beyond all doubt that this really happened as it did?


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
It's called controlling the media...the people as a whole believe whatever the media tells them, because the people trust the media.

I just find it extremely unusual that the metal from the towers were immediately removed and sent away without any type of investigation... I never saw a crime scene cleaned up so quickly....the pentagon was another crime scene that cleaned up quickly.....

Let's not even forget Shanksville....I don't see how a plane disappears like that.......We've seen crash sites for years and nothing you saw at Shanksville looked like a plane crash site.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
If our country does things like this (not saying that they don't)...and I mean things at this magnitude...why would it leave any room for doubt? How hard would it be for our country to NOT leave any disputable evidence behind? Is it NOT possible beyond all doubt that this really happened as it did?

lol dude, im not entirely sure what you're saying here but im guessing;

If our country would initiate an event like 9/11 then why do a lot people still think terrorist are responsible and not our government ? If the gov did, how is it possible that they did not leave any evidence behind suggesting it was terrorists since none of this couldve happened the way it did as portrayed by the media.

If that (^^^) is what you're trying to say then i think they actualy have presented misleading evidence for who's responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

Now watch this (excellent docu)

Dont get me wrong here, im not anti-semite, but some members of jewish lobby (AIPAC) in the US could actualy explain about 80% of the how and why's regarding 9/11.

There is also a general misconception between israel or saudi emirates being opponents, definitly true for the concensus among the people there. But if you look at the companies involved in the iron triangle you'll see that all benefitting from 9/11 have common ground with either the US, Israel and Saudi Emirates. Not the common joe, but all the head honcho's have a finger in the pot.

To put in short; No one fucks with saudi emirates, they fund. No one fucks with Israel, they orchestrate. No one fucks with the US, they execute. Now tell me who's running your country ?

Another note about "terrorists"...
Its funny how anyone simply assumes truth when the headlines bring the news that some big name Alqaida has been found and killed since there is no institute at all could verify that it wasnt some farmer. Second, most outland cultures in the middle-east are about 600 years behind on the modern west, accompanied by (obvious) a primitive conception of religion. Remember the Danish cartoonist, how some moefti took his cartoons of the prophet around the villages and pretty much recruted new potential alqaida terrorist. Its OBVIOUS those people would rage, grab an ak and shoot at everything Danish. You can get angry about it but that's how the people live religion there and its easy to enrage an entire village just by showing a cartoon that was posted in a Danish newspaper.

Now ill jump ahead to a carlyle story :)
Vinnel Corp ( )

The Vinnell Corporation began as a southern California construction firm in 1931 and built a reputation on civilian projects including portions of the Los Angeles freeway system, the Grand Coulee Dam, and Dodger Stadium.25 The company's involvement with military and intelligence work began at the end of World War II, when it contracted with the U.S. government to ship supplies to Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist army in China, and continued with contracts to build military airfields in Pakistan, Okinawa, Taiwan, Thailand, Pakistan, and South Vietnam throughout the 1950s and 1960s.26

During this period Vinnell also established a close relationship with operatives of the Central Intelligence Agency. Company founder Albert Vinnell offered his staff's services to the agency and several CIA agents used employment with Vinnell as cover for operations in Africa and the Middle East. In return, the CIA helped Vinnell win construction contracts on oil fields in Libya and Iran.

The company became most directly involved in military and intelligence operations during the American war in Southeast Asia. At the height of the war Vinnell had over 5000 employees in Vietnam. They were officially working on such projects as repairing U.S. military equipment and constructing military bases and airfields, but U.S. military officers who oversaw Vinnell's work at the time have revealed that Vinnell also ran several secret intelligence programs. In 1975, one Pentagon official described Vinnell as "our own little mercenary army in Vietnam."

Continuing U.S. military defeats in Vietnam from 1970 to 1974 brought near economic ruin on Vinnell, and the company filed a reorganization plan under California law in January, 1975. The company was saved from bankruptcy later that year when it landed a $77 million contract to train the National Guard of Saudi Arabia. The contract has been repeatedly renewed and expanded over the last 22 years and remains Vinnell's most profitable venture. The most recent incarnation of the Vinnell operation involves maintaining over 1000 employees in Saudi Arabia doing contract work for the Saudi National Guard and Royal Air Force. Although the Saudi royal family will pay the $819 million price tag for this project, it is clearly part of an ongoing effort by the U.S. government to shore up a politically moderate regime and strategic ally in the Middle East

This doesnt seem wrong at all, but we just have to assume they werent training mercinaries. Wrong! I recall a number of 400.000 trained mercinaries and very well connected to CIA (Saudi elite guard having trained in San Diego). What if you take a force of mercinaries, start up "terrorist camps" and gather primitive citizens of the middle-east, which are easily enraged and ready-to-die and call it Alqaida...
(How about 1939 when Hitler's propaganda pointed out that Jews are taking all their money, enraging the germans into Nazis).

Rediculous ? Just as rediculous as the next headline news telling you they killed yet another important Alqaida member. But my theory does support that idea that "Alqaida", without any help, could not be able to organise such an event like 9/11 without going unnoticed.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Sucio thats a good video... Interesting, but once you think its some sort of conspiracy you can never be unconvinced that it wasnt.. Its impossible, I could sit here with fact after fact and present it logically and the thing is the believers here are just in the end call me sheeple or part of the whole thing.
I am concerned about the stuff we dont know, but look what we have already (and I have only skimmed the thread) .
The US attacked itself in order to go big brother on its citizens
And Isreal and its horde of eveil jews are all out to get us..
Does anyone here believe that Bin Laden and Al-Queada actually planned and executed these attacks?

Formant you have the logical sounding conspiracy theory I have heard yet though.


ill o.g.
The documentary "fabled enemies" while boring as hell does a great job showing FACTS about who benifited from these attacks.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Sucio thats a good video... Interesting, but once you think its some sort of conspiracy you can never be unconvinced that it wasnt.. Its impossible, I could sit here with fact after fact and present it logically and the thing is the believers here are just in the end call me sheeple or part of the whole thing.

Ill have to go common joe again on this.
What if i made a thread here with a mathematical puzzle, given a series of equations that upon the correct formulation provides the answer.
Thats a lonesome topic i cant tell you that, no disrespect but even i would bail out the topic because im not a grade A math student at all. In fact, in order to solve it i'd really have to put a load of effort to digest the concept, connecting the dots and process it to come to an answer.

The same is with facts regarding 9/11 and parties involved. There's so much information aside from the obvious known ones that the average joe will overload their brain and choose not think(path of the least resistance lol). Like i said before, most people in the US are not interested in politics at all so why would they go out of their way and put a lot effort by thinking for themselves. Assuming the obvious is what most people do, and you know what they say about assumption...

Besides, you'd expect more people to comment on a topic like this on this site considering most cats here are from the US, but you only see the same people replying to this thread. This is why i hold back (lol), what's the use of providing factual information if people arent willing to dive any further into the matter as that's really what its going to take to get your head around the why and how these things have happened. No pun intended, it IS a lot of information, you might aswell be solving math puzzles.

I am concerned about the stuff we dont know, but look what we have already (and I have only skimmed the thread) .
The US attacked itself in order to go big brother on its citizens
And Isreal and its horde of eveil jews are all out to get us..
Does anyone here believe that Bin Laden and Al-Queada actually planned and executed these attacks?

Again and no pun here, you are concerned but you've only skimmed the thread (aside from the known obvious conspiracy stuff everyone talks about). The question really is;

"what does it take for a nation to doubt upon the war on terrorism".

I believe the answer to that has nothing to do with 9/11 in the end but people are going to revolt because they're fed up with the misery in their country. The idea that terrorist are the foundation to this wont fly because in the end, your government is responsible to keep the country rolling properly. If it gets that far than i think its plausible to conclude that people are more likely to call Bin Laden and Alqaida bs, hoax and whatever since its not relevant anymore.

Formant you have the logical sounding conspiracy theory I have heard yet though.

You're awesome too lol


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.

Lets keep the theories on who did out of this. Just explain the science to me on how that third building fell.

Didnt we go over this already ?!

There's no evidence except for these facts shown on tape, just in regards to WTC7

WTC7 collapse is described by professionals as the perfect implosion as
done by demolition companies. This is due to the way the building collapsed into its own basement. It's due to the speed of the implosion that accelerated in pretty much freefall opposed to a logical collapse from failing structure foundations which is really much slower and make a lot more mess. And even if the structure failed, it would only be a part of the building which would imply that a floor only partly would collapse. Even if an entire floor would collapse, the floor's below it are strong enough to catch the weight. Look up any architect involved looking into why their lifework is being rediculed, they all will explain that each floor carries a x factor to weight of the floor above it, all the way to the top (ergo, if the top floor would collapse, the columns in the floor below it are calculated to carry the weight of at least twice the floor above it).

Added the fact that they found nanothermite particles all over NYC its perfectly plausible to assume that military grade nanothermites have been used to bring down wtc7. Like said before, placed angled and inwards to structure causing an implosion on a perfectly sequenced detonation.Photo evidence of molted beams having the same angled form also support that idea. Those beams dont melt that way or are difficult to damage so accurately without a substance that could accelerate the reaction to provide needed to cut a solid H-beam.

DP, i dont get what you're after here but it looks like you know and we have to guess lol?!


ill o.g.
The NIST story is that the steel got sooooo hot it expanded and cracked...they even gave it a name..Thermal Expansion...and of course this is the first time it has ever happened...

Relic if you want science peep Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth...their research is spot on, and they are professionals who build these structures.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
no, Relic claims he can explain it in a scientific way and I am just asking him to.

okay, gotta hear this ofc :)

Here's the link btw on architects & engineers for 9/11 truth
[ame=""]9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Full-length, Pre-Release-v1.3; Low-Res. - YouTube[/ame]


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Quote me where I said I "can explain it in a scientific way" .

All Im saying is that its more dangerous to assume that there is no al queada and that Bin Laden wasnt behind the attacks and that the world is all hunky dory with us before the attacks. To me it starts to sound like some dont believe that there are terrorists at all outside of the US govrnment and that just isnt based in reality.
Formant I havent been able to properly go through the thread cuz Im at work and the boss keeps walking by.
I ashould be able to check it out better tomrrw.

I did see a recent Discovery channel show thatr debunked alot of the conspiracy stuff, I would suggest people watch that.

Formant the money trail is the thing that I am really most interested in , because there were people who profited from the attack and I havent been able to figure out why they havent been exposed and that trail followed to completion.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
The NIST story is that the steel got sooooo hot it expanded and cracked...they even gave it a name..Thermal Expansion...and of course this is the first time it has ever happened...

NIST (CIA/NSA etc), the same people that advised to invade iraq because saddam had weapons of mass destruction (never been found) to conduct an investigation with the evidence found from 9/11(never been found)...

People should realise by now that NIST smells fishy lol


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Thats just it though, you've been told why the 3rd building fell...anything else would support it being a conspiracy. Let's say it WAS a conspiracy and the US is the monster that all the conspiracy folks are subtlety claiming it to be...What now? "I told you so!"?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Besides, you'd expect more people to comment on a topic like this on this site considering most cats here are from the US, but you only see the same people replying to this thread. This is why i hold back (lol), what's the use of providing factual information if people arent willing to dive any further into the matter as that's really what its going to take to get your head around the why and how these things have happened. No pun intended, it IS a lot of information, you might aswell be solving math puzzles.

Why reply to this thread? DP's question is answered, and I ask where yall are getting this info, a site? real research? forums? etc and no one presented. As of right now, everything in here is NOT fact, its info or disinfo you got from a SECOND hand source. Go back to my last comment, answer my question or dont expect me or anyone else with a rational mind to continue replying to people sharing 2nd hand info (I doubt any of you actually did the ground work, a google search isnt strong enough info source for something this big).