How do you guys feel about the whole 9/11 thing?


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Formant the money trail is the thing that I am really most interested in , because there were people who profited from the attack and I havent been able to figure out why they havent been exposed and that trail followed to completion.

Dude, that is a lot to go through but ill provide the following.

This is a good short intro,
Read the entire book here,

This will explain a lot of how the engine works, why people invest and obviously who profit. In MY opinion, whatever (and its a lot) ties CIA to the Carlyle group has been burried with WTC7, my theory to reasoning why that building wennt down in the first place. Since then Carlyle moved away slowly (ofc not entirely) from the defense industry into China which isnt completly surprising. From that perspective you can start to wonder how its even possible that the US is in debt with China that much (since Clinton).

FYI (listen to the last quant's message to the people in the US).


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Thats just it though, you've been told why the 3rd building fell

Sorry, my point is this. The three main views are

#1 A fire caused it (this is the official explanation and it is horribly unscientific)

#2 Ruble fell on it and knocked it over (not even the government has claimed this)

#3 Explosives caused it. This is the most scientific, and there massive amounts of evidence of this and there is even explosive residue in ALL the dust from the buildings

so my request is this

Those of you that don't believe the #3 option to be correct. Use science to defend either option #1 or #2

ok go!


ill o.g.
I dont believe that their isnt legit radical groups that carry out terrorist attacks...But I also know that Al Queda ( however you spell it) was the name of the database that the gov't keep all the info on the mujahadeen, and those were our guys...I've also seen the photo of zbignew brezinski hand Osama Bin Laden an assult rifle, its also public record that bin laden was a CIA asset and that we were taking care of his dyalisis...then you have the 60 minute report ( since some only trust mainstream reporting ) where the delta command leader had bin laden cornered in the mountains and was told to stand down...couple that with the FBI providing the explosives for the FIRST WTC bombing in 93 and its just impossible for me to believe that some pissed off extremists pulled off those manuevers in airliners they had never flown before.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Thats just it though, you've been told why the 3rd building fell...anything else would support it being a conspiracy. Let's say it WAS a conspiracy and the US is the monster that all the conspiracy folks are subtlety claiming it to be...What now? "I told you so!"?

You live in a democracy right ?

I'll leave out the infantile remark in the end there Dac, any tin foil fool should not be taken serious if that's his prime interest in discovering conspiracies.

I havent mentioned one conspiracy here, all ive done here is asses factual information. The friends i have in the US with whom ive had talked to regarding the subject and eventualy linked up the common grounds are either angry or fellt depressed because what CAN you do. Its easy to throw around conspiracy cliches but paper trails tell the truth, they make government actions become predictable and explain certain positions of companies & firms. But it matters fek all if the majority still just automaticaly assumes whats digests best. Thats why i'm happy to see the architect&engineers working together to present their research and reasoning to the common joe since i dont honestly dont think ANYONE will take what i have to say into consideration...but you would buy it from a scientist, architect or engineer.

Another issue for you democracy to tackle is look from outside your current system. Changing presidents does nothing except replace the mascotte of the US for a more favorable one. Something to keep citizen happy while lots of rules are made or adjusted to favor an industry for your tax money. Voting will not help you to change the monetairy system. If you look at history, any event matching the current condition in the US needed a revolution. Though i think they're quite prepared if that would occur, just instate martial law, FEMA camp are already open for business

Im starting to wonder dac, how do you look at it, what made you assume the things you know ? You dont really seem to put out an opnion except for "what if?".


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I dont believe that their isnt legit radical groups that carry out terrorist attacks...But I also know that Al Queda ( however you spell it) was the name of the database that the gov't keep all the info on the mujahadeen, and those were our guys...I've also seen the photo of zbignew brezinski hand Osama Bin Laden an assult rifle, its also public record that bin laden was a CIA asset and that we were taking care of his dyalisis...then you have the 60 minute report ( since some only trust mainstream reporting ) where the delta command leader had bin laden cornered in the mountains and was told to stand down...couple that with the FBI providing the explosives for the FIRST WTC bombing in 93 and its just impossible for me to believe that some pissed off extremists pulled off those manuevers in airliners they had never flown before.

thats on! the money, plausible link from CIA to Vinnel Corp again. Adding to this, all the countries that Vinnel Corp has ventured in since 1931 have been in war eventualy with the US, except for Saudi emirates. Ghadaffi, Sadam, you name it, cia was there to provide and cater to these dictators for the sake of fighting communism.


ill o.g.
Its an amazing account how how the US govt uses corporations to usurp foriegn resources...

The long and short of it is this...

Corporation X specializes in estimating the cost of taking 3rd world countries up to modern western stanards...they send in a team that gives a plan on how much it will cost to put in pkwer plants, sewage, plumbing, schools, and of course the means to extract said countries oil...this estimate is of course inflated..they also give a fluffed up version of how much profit the country will gain by these improvements...

Seems innocent right? Heres where stuff gets messed up...the only way for said country to get the ball rolling is through a huuuuuuuuuge loan...gues who decides what bank said country will work with? Company x, then guess who decides what contractors will build the infastructure? Company X... You get the idea...The loan winds up being a huge albatross that is impossible to pay back, Company X knows this cause they gave the inflated numbers to begin with! So countries like panama, ecuador, brazil, eygpt, saudi arabia, iraq, iran and many others have been subject to these "deals" and this is the western imperialism that guys like castro and chavez oppose?

The reason why we deal with china but not cuba is cause castro was smart enough to read the lic!

This is why the "world hates america"


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Its an amazing account how how the US govt uses corporations to usurp foriegn resources...

The long and short of it is this...

Corporation X specializes in estimating the cost of taking 3rd world countries up to modern western stanards...they send in a team that gives a plan on how much it will cost to put in pkwer plants, sewage, plumbing, schools, and of course the means to extract said countries oil...this estimate is of course inflated..they also give a fluffed up version of how much profit the country will gain by these improvements...

Seems innocent right? Heres where stuff gets messed up...the only way for said country to get the ball rolling is through a huuuuuuuuuge loan...gues who decides what bank said country will work with? Company x, then guess who decides what contractors will build the infastructure? Company X... You get the idea...The loan winds up being a huge albatross that is impossible to pay back, Company X knows this cause they gave the inflated numbers to begin with! So countries like panama, ecuador, brazil, eygpt, saudi arabia, iraq, iran and many others have been subject to these "deals" and this is the western imperialism that guys like castro and chavez oppose?

The reason why we deal with china but not cuba is cause castro was smart enough to read the lic!

This is why the "world hates america"

Yeah, quite ironic btw, that roosevelt's grandson had to be the first one to start an industrial complex (teddy had warned us already for a military industrial complex). I have read some more on topic but considering its NSA related and little cia related i bet ill find common ground in the lines of Carlyle business. My problem is that there had to be something prior to the existence of Carlyle, but if Kissinger is involved it will imply you'd find little information.

Imo, i think we are talking about the same subject as my interest into the subject came from the the Haliburton contract. The difference between economic hitmen and Carlyle Group is that nowadays basicaly the hitman are replaced by former political headhonchos for their global contacts are
far more practical. They dont need to scheme their way into a deal since it's very hard to neglect the guaranteed profits for each time the US defense budget is presented...but the rest remains the same as in that they only run business through political connections.

Sketch this, Bush talking during the gulf war how bad the war is, meanwhile John Mayor is in asia rounding up customers telling its the best time to invest because this years defense budget is a gazillion billion dollars plus rebuild of bagdad is guaranteed contract for Haliburton.


ill o.g.
The hitman book is awesome cause you get the perspective from someone who was actually doing it and you realize that you dont need some grand conspriact where everyone involved is hip to the what you do is compartmentalize everybody and pay them very well...nobody asks questions they just goto work!


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
The hitman book is awesome cause you get the perspective from someone who was actually doing it and you realize that you dont need some grand conspriact where everyone involved is hip to the what you do is compartmentalize everybody and pay them very well...nobody asks questions they just goto work!

Yeah, i look at Carlyle the same way, even though its private equity the bizz they run isnt really secretive. Lots of information published by economic journalist etc. What they do isnt what i call a conspiracy but how they manage to run it (maintain their scheme) on a global scale would reveal a conspiracy because those people (in politics) dont come clean/forward. Its kinda like the Quants docu i posted, the quants themself cant talk about their work to the public because if they did...hmm well, i dont think people would ever settle for a morgage lol Or John Mayor telling in public how he rounds up asians on hedgefunds for the "defense" industry.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.

Marvin Bush, Hauer and John O'neil. Funny how they mention suracom/stratesec being a kuwaiti/saudi backed company since its a subsiduary from Carlyle(Yousef Saud Al Sabah gives money to carlyle which they invest for him for a nice %). Stratesec is indirectly linked as to being the security firm (yeah right) to Los Alamos National Laboratory which was developing nanothermites...

In regards to the killed witnesses, I was wondering about something else. I could've have missed it but why haven't i heard any family members of those who crashed in the planes speak or being interviewed. I dont recall any sort of interview about the families left behind.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
That's all I am asking. Not about any conspiracy, just in the science of the third building that fell.

I would..... But "THEY" wont let me....

lol, thanks , I meant that like theoretically in relation to conspiracy theorists that get stuck in the world of conspiracy....

Look honestly if you follow the money you will find it all..
But beware.. Some treasure hunting is a curse to the hunters.....

Does that sound spooky?

Sorry, my point is this. The three main views are

#1 A fire caused it (this is the official explanation and it is horribly unscientific)

#2 Ruble fell on it and knocked it over (not even the government has claimed this)

#3 Explosives caused it. This is the most scientific, and there massive amounts of evidence of this and there is even explosive residue in ALL the dust from the buildings

so my request is this

Those of you that don't believe the #3 option to be correct. Use science to defend either option #1 or #2

ok go!

yeah Im with you on this.. Id like to know.

Dude, that is a lot to go through but ill provide the following.

This is a good short intro,
Read the entire book here,

This will explain a lot of how the engine works, why people invest and obviously who profit. In MY opinion, whatever (and its a lot) ties CIA to the Carlyle group has been burried with WTC7, my theory to reasoning why that building wennt down in the first place. Since then Carlyle moved away slowly (ofc not entirely) from the defense industry into China which isnt completly surprising. From that perspective you can start to wonder how its even possible that the US is in debt with China that much (since Clinton).

FYI (listen to the last quant's message to the people in the US).
Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street (Marije Meerman, VPRO Backlight 2010) - YouTube

So what is your explanation that none of these people have been or will be brought to justice and water boarded? Or whatever we do now..
Like I support the dudes and dudets in your country to stop terrorism but rich fuckers who do all this illness, so... Why is it just you tube ish and not the Hague? Just askin ..
Book marjk workin on the latest illmuzik radio joint and drinkin vodka, so if I dont make sense in this post I blame the Soviet Union..

Marvin Bush, Hauer and John O'neil. Funny how they mention suracom/stratesec being a kuwaiti/saudi backed company since its a subsiduary from Carlyle(Yousef Saud Al Sabah gives money to carlyle which they invest for him for a nice %). Stratesec is indirectly linked as to being the security firm (yeah right) to Los Alamos National Laboratory which was developing nanothermites...

In regards to the killed witnesses, I was wondering about something else. I could've have missed it but why haven't i heard any family members of those who crashed in the planes speak or being interviewed. I dont recall any sort of interview about the families left behind.

Well yes right.. haha we have the same questions.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
So what is your explanation that none of these people have been or will be brought to justice and water boarded? Or whatever we do now..
Like I support the dudes and dudets in your country to stop terrorism but rich fuckers who do all this illness, so... Why is it just you tube ish and not the Hague? Just askin ..
Book marjk workin on the latest illmuzik radio joint and drinkin vodka, so if I dont make sense in this post I blame the Soviet Union..

Dude seriously lol

Check the docu i posted before on the israeli lobby(beats reading anyway). There a common denominator amongst all investigations regarding all the firms that've been possibly suspect/related to the events of 9/11. All the companies related to Carlyle Group subsidiaries have been gratified as not being related to terrorism in the same way NIST was not looking for explosive residue while investigating ground zero. Los Alamos National Laboratory got the same clearance so they will never investigate the origine of nanothermite back to them because well, thats simply not true lol according to NIST. They're all covered for...

The reason our country wont do jack shit is for a few reasons;
In 1954 the cia funded a tea party(conference) in the netherlands @ the Bilderberg hotel in Oosterbeek lead by prince Bernhard, accompanied by Joseph Retinger. If there's something more influential on global politics then AIPAC, Carlyle group, skulls & bones and china, trust me, its the Bilderberg convention (weird fact, powermoguls in formation name themselves after hotels, most founders of Carlyle group come from Marriot corp.)

We might be a small ass country but our heritage is big, our legacy is everywhere. We might be smoking pot here almost legaly and seem to have a more social agenda but we're just as pro-israel. Our conservative and liberal parties strive to attain the current american model into our system (health care crap etc). So over the years these parties adapted very well in globalizing the economy to point that pretty much all companies are on sale and bought by numerous private equities (to be stripped and sold quickly after again). Those (our) politicians want to walk hand in hand with the capitalist in the US (yet they are not invited to the bilderberg- only our queen, prince and maaaaaaaybe our prime minister). I remember our previous minister of foreign affairs being invited to bush's ranch (this is how Carlyle attracts politicians), dude must have had a bonder all day.

DeHague war tribunal doesn't represent the netherlands, it represents europe. Ofc in europe there are much more countries supportive to Carlyle because they do business. Berlusconi is a big fan, why else would he sell them military biochemical research laborities, in my book countries dont do that lol. Face it, Europe is filled with politicians that cant wait to work for Carlyle once their political term is due.

You have understand how Carlyle hires people, its a private equity firm, they dont leave a papertrail only if they want to. No one ever is going to see who's on the payroll, what they're salary consists of or how long theyve been contracted. What is known is that people working for Carlyle circulate in and out congress because that helps to maintain influence (voting etc).It also prevents being exposed to conflicting interrest like when Bush jr tried to help daddy make profit by pushing the crusader(United Defense)on the defense budget. Or when Bush jr suddenly put a lot of pressure on the relation of north and south korea(Carlyle aquired a big telecom there but would only revenue if north and south joined together..not gonna happen ofc). On both occasions Daddy Bush reeled his son back in because conflicting interest was captain obvious. In regards to the Crusader issue, the woman in congress who started the remark of conflicting interrest has been ruined afterwards, she has no carreer in politics at all. The reason she pointed out this conflict was simple, she was in the commity that approves the budget request and filters out exactly these issues.

So tell me, what could you possibly do to bring these people to justice when you have the army, the cia, the nsa, entire jewish lobby and all the banks behind you. Voting isnt going to change anything, i doubt there are referendums being put for the public to empower the democracy. This is going to be a problem though because they can maintain this untill shit hits the fan and this has already been taken into account (martial law/fema).

Cheers though relic (no i didnt type each word twice)