Bush Votes?

  • beat this! voting starts in...


Posted Up
ill o.g.
Peeps that don't vote are ign'ant and better not complain when the shit hits the fan. Bush will only fuck this country up more than it already. The rest of the world already hates us so that bitch needs to be taken out of office!

Yeah Kerry was for the war at first...but under the premise that Iraq had WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction). Remember when the "intelligence" was gathered. WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT! Bottom line Bush lied and attacked Iraq because his daddy couldn't finish the job (and he makes money off that shit too). What ever happened to Osama Bin Laden being "The Most Dangerous Man in The World"? The most dangerous man in the world is the president of the United States. Listen to Immortal Technique's "Bin Laden" and you'll know what I mean.

Get that monkey outta office! Vote! Or don't complain when you're family members and friends have to go to war. This war is Vietnam II my friends, we can't win in guerilla warfare.
Our military does well in a more organized format, but this type of warfare is straight up unstructured. Woman, children, people in regular clothes will blast you.

My last point is that at least Kerry cares about that programs that will educate and support the future of our country. Bush has cut spending all around to support this useless war. We needs someone who cares about this country. Even if it does mean a few more dollars off a paycheck. Trust me, when everyone is taken care of this country will thrive.

Please vote.


dj ShorTbuS

Cold Get Retarded
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
or that, the ELECTORAL VOTE will be the deciding factor, ESPECIALLY IN A CLOSE RACE? the only time the electoral vote DOESNT DECIDE is in a landslide situation. or that the ELECTORAL VOTERS- hello, ELECTORAL- hence the fucking name- those guys are all men with vested, personal and financial interests at stake, which drives their vote.

The electoral college isn't a bunch of guys sittin in a room conspiring to undermine the population. Each state has a certain number of electoral votes determined by the population of that state. That's why there are such things as "swing" states. The candidates want to win states like Ohio, California, Texas, and Illinois because they have large populations thus getting them more electoral votes. This is also why the candidate who wins the popular vote doesn't always (but damn near all the time) win the election.

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
dont get me wrong i hate the fuckin governement but it is what it is and this my country and shit... this is where im at... fuck it i dont care if theres a draft ill go to iraq... kill motherfuckers tryna blow up new york and shit... shit is fucked up either way basically but thats life...


Posted Up
ill o.g.
benny beatz said:
dont get me wrong i hate the fuckin governement but it is what it is and this my country and shit... this is where im at... fuck it i dont care if theres a draft ill go to iraq... kill motherfuckers tryna blow up new york and shit... shit is fucked up either way basically but thats life...

Benny, who from Iraq tried to blow up "New York and shit"? You don't even know what the fuck is going on do you?


ill o.g.
I´m not sure that should i comment this at all as an europian, but M!nd_cntrl your thoughts are great. Allmost everyone here hates Bush, and i´m one of them.

Nice game that contain some information about that bastard: http://www.emogame.com/bushgame.html

Some interesting shit:

I think one reason why I´m interested in this is that your choise affects the whole world. Like some one said the president of the USA can be the most dangerous man. And I think Bush really is.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
dj ShorTbuS said:
Cold Truth said:
or that, the ELECTORAL VOTE will be the deciding factor, ESPECIALLY IN A CLOSE RACE? the only time the electoral vote DOESNT DECIDE is in a landslide situation. or that the ELECTORAL VOTERS- hello, ELECTORAL- hence the fucking name- those guys are all men with vested, personal and financial interests at stake, which drives their vote.

The electoral college isn't a bunch of guys sittin in a room conspiring to undermine the population. Each state has a certain number of electoral votes determined by the population of that state. That's why there are such things as "swing" states. The candidates want to win states like Ohio, California, Texas, and Illinois because they have large populations thus getting them more electoral votes. This is also why the candidate who wins the popular vote doesn't always (but damn near all the time) win the election.

i know- but WHO these people are and WHERE their loyalties lie... thats what i am talking about.

M!nd_Ctrl said:
Peeps that don't vote are ign'ant and better not complain when the shit hits the fan. Bush will only fuck this country up more than it already. The rest of the world already hates us so that bitch needs to be taken out of office!

Yeah Kerry was for the war at first...but under the premise that Iraq had WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction). Remember when the "intelligence" was gathered. WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT! Bottom line Bush lied and attacked Iraq because his daddy couldn't finish the job (and he makes money off that shit too). What ever happened to Osama Bin Laden being "The Most Dangerous Man in The World"? The most dangerous man in the world is the president of the United States. Listen to Immortal Technique's "Bin Laden" and you'll know what I mean.

Get that monkey outta office! Vote! Or don't complain when you're family members and friends have to go to war. This war is Vietnam II my friends, we can't win in guerilla warfare.
Our military does well in a more organized format, but this type of warfare is straight up unstructured. Woman, children, people in regular clothes will blast you.

My last point is that at least Kerry cares about that programs that will educate and support the future of our country. Bush has cut spending all around to support this useless war. We needs someone who cares about this country. Even if it does mean a few more dollars off a paycheck. Trust me, when everyone is taken care of this country will thrive.

haha this is funny..... everyone saw farenhieght 9/11 and all of a sudden knows EXACTLY what happened, you know all the facts, dont you?

KERRY SUPPORTED THE WAR PEOPLE. KERRY SUPPORTED BUSH UNTIL HE GOT HIS NOMINATION AND TURN IT AROUND. all this hoopla abuot "kerry cares"- is taht an official slogan or something? arnold said the same shit in california abuot our education and WHAT WAS THE FIRST THING HE CUT?
thats right, education. FIRST THING PEOPLE. and that was a major issue that lead to the recall anyways.

i am far from ignorant in these matters; more ignorance lies in people jumping on one guys bandwagon simly because he isnt the other guy. more ignorance lies in voting for kerry because kerry isnt bush.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
haha this is funny..... everyone saw farenhieght 9/11 and all of a sudden knows EXACTLY what happened, you know all the facts, dont you?

KERRY SUPPORTED THE WAR PEOPLE. KERRY SUPPORTED BUSH UNTIL HE GOT HIS NOMINATION AND TURN IT AROUND. all this hoopla abuot "kerry cares"- is taht an official slogan or something? arnold said the same shit in california abuot our education and WHAT WAS THE FIRST THING HE CUT?
thats right, education. FIRST THING PEOPLE. and that was a major issue that lead to the recall anyways.

i am far from ignorant in these matters; more ignorance lies in people jumping on one guys bandwagon simly because he isnt the other guy. more ignorance lies in voting for kerry because kerry isnt bush.

I see your point Truth, but I'm not voting for Kerry because he isn't Bush, I think he will make a difference. The fact is that Bush doesn't care. And you're right I don't know exactly what's going on. None of us do, we just get bits and pieces but I read what other sources say and I don't base my decision on what Bush or the rest of the government tells us. I originally focused on the comment "ill go to iraq... kill motherfuckers tryna blow up new york and shit..." Now you tell me Truth, what people from Iraq attacked the WTC? And don't vote if you don't want to, but don't complain when shit gets more fucked up!

And as far you saying people jumping on the bandwagon..what the fuck has Bush done right? He got us into a war and didn't wait for allies to join. Then when France and Germany wanted to help out he said no. How smart is that? Do you not care that the U.S. taxpayers are supporting the burden of a useless war. What about our streets, man? that shit's fucked up! We can't even convince people to support our fellow citizens. Besides, who didn't support the war at the time that Bush said Iraq has WMDs? Truth, where's Bin Laden? What ever happened to looking for him. Get real man! Motherfuckers can listen to his voice communications, but can't find him. It's been years!

We need change and Nader is not gonna win so who's the logical choice for change. We cannot win this war anyways. Have you ever learned about Guerilla Warfare, that shit is not the U.S.'s forte. We lost in Vietnam and had to leave African countries cause they are better at it. Bottom line, we will lose. What ever happened to "Shock and Awe" Bush said the hardest part was over. People are still fighting. Do you really support this War, Truth? Shit's fucked up when you see family and friends going to a place like that.



Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.

and yeah, voting for Kerry could be called ignorant, but that's a way to easy reply dont you think... Especialy when looking at the selection and the people that vote, considering this is not the people who vote, but merely those who register to vote. Overhere everybody 18+ gets to vote automaticly, you dont need to register because than you exclude the people who also pay taxes and are native of the country just because they didnt "register to vote". That's crap man, like these people dont exist...

Kerry is the lesser evil, but neither are the problem really. The american system is a problem, I mean, none of them will stop globalisation ( read corporate rape ) and I dont see Kerry signing a Kyoto protocol either. As for what the war concerns, that's a Hawk's Revenue, not just bush alone. Not one of you has mentioned anything about Carlyle industries or ( i forgot the name ) that major infrastructure corporation the Hawks also co-own. It's revenue and none of that is inniated by Kerry, for that he's the better option. Politics are not business, politics is also about solidarity and that lacking on bush's account, think of your own people would seem logical, but this man is all about revenue...and ranches.

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
yeah yo .. carlyle and halburton? i think is the other big cats... i just watched farenheit 911 a couple days ago.. that was the main shit i found fucked up and definately the overall theme i think... and what funny is i seen all these cats speaking bad about the ft. 9/11 shit and the dude who wrote michael moore is a big fat white man, and all of them saying it was straight propaganda and shit.. none of them even talk about all the crazy business ties and all the money the bush family sr and jr are making as well as alot of people in Bushs administration.... i watched an hour long speech by that author all anti-michael moore picking out falsehoods in ft 9/11 and not once could he even touch on these businesss ties that are AT LEAST a conflict of intrest .. some guy in the audience asked that question and he dodged it and said bush sr is making the majority of the money and he is out of office so its not so much a conflict... and he basically dodged the question... its just real depressing that we are just taking this bullshit ... and people in power are letting this shit go on.. seriously watching 9/11 made me feel prety hopeless about shit ever changing for the better politically... and i'm pretty content not to vote and to just say fuck it....

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
M!nd_Ctrl said:
Benny, who from Iraq tried to blow up "New York and shit"? You don't even know what the fuck is going on do you?

fuck it... you know what you believe and i know what i believe. you're not God so you dont know shit period.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
i believe that iraq would be our downfall eventually...no matter who is president...if kerry was president during 9-11, i feel he wouldve done similar shit.....

today by my school there was a bunch of picketers with signs sayin "honk for kerry/edwards"
they received a middle finger from me.....mainly cuz most of these mofos probably won't vote....bastids.....

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
M!nd_Ctrl said:
Peeps that don't vote are ign'ant and better not complain when the shit hits the fan.

Why do cats allways say that... why is voting not for somone but against someone a good thing... if i voted it wouldnt be for kerry or bush.. so are you telling me thats not a waste of time.. that if i go vote for a 3rd party or unknown person that then i have a right to complain... HOW BOUT THIS.. PEOPLE THAT VOTE SHOULDNT COMPLAIN WHEN THEIR CROOKED ASS CANDIDATE DOES FUCKED UP SHIT... KERRY AND EDWARDS ARE MONEY HUNGRY CROOKED LAWYER/POLITICIANS.. BUSH MAYBE WORSE IN SOME AREAS BUT KERRY IS AS MUCH OF A LIAR IF NOT MORE ... KERRY WILL GO TO WAR WITH IRAN GARANTEED...

Why dont I have a right to complain about something I feel is so corrupt that i cant vote either way... doesnt that give me more of a right to complain


Cook Classics
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 39
StressWon said:
Ya vote don't mean shit. Bush will be President again. It's a bigger picture then what is lead on to believe.

Bush will only be president if you don't go out and vote for Kerry. What you're saying is just dumb. If everybody who thought their vote didn't mean shit went out and voted for a single candidate, that person would win for sure. How can you say your vote means nothing when you can make that happen. Especially after the florida elections 4 years ago, which was the closest in history i believe, everybody knows that when you add up enough single votes (like the ONE you would cast), that does mean something. How're you gonna fight the power in a system that you don't even vote in. We all have the ability to change the system. That's what part of the system is -- the chance to change it if we don't like where its going. Right now nobody but the elites and the dumb like where its going. So, If everybody in the country were politically active, the system would change. Go vote. Don't be stupid


Cook Classics
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 39
M!nd_Ctrl said:
Peeps that don't vote are ign'ant and better not complain when the shit hits the fan. Bush will only fuck this country up more than it already. The rest of the world already hates us so that bitch needs to be taken out of office!

Yeah Kerry was for the war at first...but under the premise that Iraq had WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction). Remember when the "intelligence" was gathered. WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT! Bottom line Bush lied and attacked Iraq because his daddy couldn't finish the job (and he makes money off that shit too). What ever happened to Osama Bin Laden being "The Most Dangerous Man in The World"? The most dangerous man in the world is the president of the United States. Listen to Immortal Technique's "Bin Laden" and you'll know what I mean.

Get that monkey outta office! Vote! Or don't complain when you're family members and friends have to go to war. This war is Vietnam II my friends, we can't win in guerilla warfare.
Our military does well in a more organized format, but this type of warfare is straight up unstructured. Woman, children, people in regular clothes will blast you.

My last point is that at least Kerry cares about that programs that will educate and support the future of our country. Bush has cut spending all around to support this useless war. We needs someone who cares about this country. Even if it does mean a few more dollars off a paycheck. Trust me, when everyone is taken care of this country will thrive.

Please vote.



Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
orpheus said:
Bush will only be president if you don't go out and vote for Kerry. What you're saying is just dumb. If everybody who thought their vote didn't mean shit went out and voted for a single candidate, that person would win for sure. How can you say your vote means nothing when you can make that happen. Especially after the florida elections 4 years ago, which was the closest in history i believe, everybody knows that when you add up enough single votes (like the ONE you would cast), that does mean something. How're you gonna fight the power in a system that you don't even vote in. We all have the ability to change the system. That's what part of the system is -- the chance to change it if we don't like where its going. Right now nobody but the elites and the dumb like where its going. So, If everybody in the country were politically active, the system would change. Go vote. Don't be stupid

POINT IS, niether is an attractive option... so fuck it, who cares who wins. i dont. niether is a wise choice, and- to quote ralph nader- "a vote for the lesser evil is still a vote for evil"

and if i have no choice but to vote for an evil or vote for the guy who would actually do the best job but wouldnt- no, COULDNT- win, then i would rather not vote at all because if i DID vote i would vote for nader, but nader cant win, so YEAH that vote would be useless.