Bush Votes?

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ill o.g.
Oil Is The Wave Of The Future.
The Us Needs Oil To Stay An Economic Power.
The Us Needs To Detroy Any Threat Of Terrorism.
Whether They Are Taliban Related Groups Or Not.
Iraq Was A Cesspool Of Terrorist.
Saddam Was Ousted Because He Harvested Hatred And Terrorists In His Country.
Nuff Said.


Ps- U Wouldnt Call Me Not Even The Word Dude On The Streets. U Wouldnt Even Make Eye Contact. If Ur Comeback Is To Try And Curse Me Out Over The Internet Ur A Sad, Sad, Lil Boy. Come With Some Facts Or Dont Come At All.

You're right my man, my response was not appropriate without facts, it was completely based on anger regarding your statement that suggests you fully support an unjust war.

You spoke earlier of wanting to vacation in Iraq and grab some McDonalds there. Is that what your waiting for? Real cool Dude. Taking over a country to impose Westernized views/McDonaldization. You ever heard of the Watchtower movement my man? You ever heard of Cristobal Colon "discovering" America (in 1492) and subsequently killing peeps and prostituting nine year old girls? You probably just believe what the nightly news tells you.

Do you know anyone who fought over there and saw some real shit? My peeps be telling me they saw some raw shit that was going on, killing innocents as a means to an end. Securing oil fields before helping civilians.

Are you angry that gas prices are going up?

Castro hates this country, Kim Jong Il hates this country and harbors and trains terrorists, African Countries harbor and train terrorists. So based on your statement that "Saddam harvested hatred and terrorists", we have to change the world. Good luck. We'll see if our country is still around by that time my friend, because countries like China will screw us. They handle the production of most of the products in our country and they could close off all trade. What if investors in foreign countries like Saudi Arabia (which harbors terrorists) pull investments out of the U.S. and our economy flops. We can't change the World right now. We're just not strong enough.

You ever wonder why Saddam hates us so much? Do you even know he was trained by the CIA? Do you know that our government helped him to gain control of his country? We gave him weapons to fight against Iran....and then we turned on him because he wasn't doing exactly what we told him to do.

We (the UN) starved his country since the beginning of the Persian Gulf War subsequently killing over 500,000 CHILDREN because we wouldn't allow proper medical supplies to reach Iraq.

Why did we get into this war.? First of all, we were looking for Bin Laden and then he became a non-issue because "Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction" Where are the Weapons? What did the UN Inspectors say? Why do you think Germany and France didn't join us...BECAUSE BUSH IS A LIAR! Better yet, where is Bin Laden? Don't let Bush make you think he's doing something good for the world when he can't even follow through with his intial task of "fighting a war on terror," when the most dangerous (U.S. trained) man is out there...somewhere.

Bottom line, you're still not over there fighting. If you believe in the war so much why aren't you fighting? Then your comment about "[Bush having] The Balls To Go 2 War" would be justifiable.

But I'm sure you'll get to vacation and eat your Micky D's there soon enough without having to fight.

Just some thoughts.



M!nd_Ctrl said:
You're right my man, my response was not appropriate without facts, it was completely based on anger regarding your statement that suggests you fully support an unjust war.

You spoke earlier of wanting to vacation in Iraq and grab some McDonalds there. Is that what your waiting for? Real cool Dude. Taking over a country to impose Westernized views/McDonaldization. You ever heard of the Watchtower movement my man? You ever heard of Cristobal Colon "discovering" America (in 1492) and subsequently killing peeps and prostituting nine year old girls? You probably just believe what the nightly news tells you.

Do you know anyone who fought over there and saw some real shit? My peeps be telling me they saw some raw shit that was going on, killing innocents as a means to an end. Securing oil fields before helping civilians.

Are you angry that gas prices are going up?

Castro hates this country, Kim Jong Il hates this country and harbors and trains terrorists, African Countries harbor and train terrorists. So based on your statement that "Saddam harvested hatred and terrorists", we have to change the world. Good luck. We'll see if our country is still around by that time my friend, because countries like China will screw us. They handle the production of most of the products in our country and they could close off all trade. What if investors in foreign countries like Saudi Arabia (which harbors terrorists) pull investments out of the U.S. and our economy flops. We can't change the World right now. We're just not strong enough.

You ever wonder why Saddam hates us so much? Do you even know he was trained by the CIA? Do you know that our government helped him to gain control of his country? We gave him weapons to fight against Iran....and then we turned on him because he wasn't doing exactly what we told him to do.

We (the UN) starved his country since the beginning of the Persian Gulf War subsequently killing over 500,000 CHILDREN because we wouldn't allow proper medical supplies to reach Iraq.

Why did we get into this war.? First of all, we were looking for Bin Laden and then he became a non-issue because "Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction" Where are the Weapons? What did the UN Inspectors say? Why do you think Germany and France didn't join us...BECAUSE BUSH IS A LIAR! Better yet, where is Bin Laden? Don't let Bush make you think he's doing something good for the world when he can't even follow through with his intial task of "fighting a war on terror," when the most dangerous (U.S. trained) man is out there...somewhere.

Bottom line, you're still not over there fighting. If you believe in the war so much why aren't you fighting? Then your comment about "[Bush having] The Balls To Go 2 War" would be justifiable.

But I'm sure you'll get to vacation and eat your Micky D's there soon enough without having to fight.

Just some thoughts.


to weaken a threat, u dont go after its subdivisions, you go after its head. the middle east heads the world in anti-american hatred. so its done. the middle east is being reformatted. revamped like an old beat u invested in 2 months ago and just now decided to fix it.


ps- what president doesnt lie? they are politicians for a reason.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
we have just as much oil here in the US then in other areas. Why dont we use ours? Its that bullshit Political Correctness and those "Tree Huggin Hippy" activist groups who dont want oil rigs in the middle of all our "National Parks". I say, fuck a tree, fuck a bird, deer, squirrel,,etc. We need to drill on our own land and use what we got. We got it, but they won't tell you that in the papers or Fox 5 news.


I Never Sleep Cause Sleep Is The Cousin Of Death.

Anyway. Since When Has The United States Been About Humbledom. Its Take Take Take Not Ration Ration Ration. U Gotta Fill Up Ur Shopping Cart So That Frank From Nextdoor Wont Take The Can Of Beans And So That Betty From Down The Block Wont Take The Last Can Opener. This War Is Pronounced, That Why We Know About It. But Everyday After This War And Even Days Before It We Were In War. Economical War, Institutional War, Political War. If U Dont Have The Drive To Be Greedy Then U Dont Have The Drive To Be A Superpower.


Ps- Im Doing Better Its 12 Am.