Thats exactly how I feel. The software is wack, might as well get like massive or komplete for sounds if thats what your looking for. The hardware on the other hand looks kinda dope!!! I really just waiting to see more in depth to the sampling and chopping. The main thing I like about it is the portability of the unit with rechargable battery. It's everything I wanted the mpc500 to be and more, so it's all gonna come down to the work flow and chopping. Still aint gonna leave software for this but should be something nice for the road.
I wouldn't call it wack, it's just not something that's going to replace any daw you're using. But it has a different workflow and sometimes I just like opening that joint and making a track real quick, without dealing with routing, plugins, etc. But yeah, it's not a replacement for live, reason, logic, flstudio, etc.
I'm with you man, I wish I had this joint on my plane flight cuz trying to use my laptop was a pain lol, it was slightly too big, even tho it's a regular size one...just didn't fit on my lap well on the plane.
I actually hooked up with the beat kangz this weekend and they had two of the units in their room, the joint is solid, built out of metal but still a nice size so it's very portable, smaller than a regular size laptop.
it will be pretty dope when it's done, I didn't get to checkout the sample/chopping features on it yet, I was just messing with the internal sounds, browser, and interface. Hopefully I get my hands on a test unit soon.