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  1. thedreampolice

    Gimme back my mojo.................

    oh and watch the liam lynch podcast ALL OF THEM!
  2. thedreampolice

    Gimme back my mojo.................

    Take a break, listen to 100% new music that you have never heard before. Maybe even another genre. Trying something different creatively. One thing you can try is get a magazine and rip out two random pages, (make sure they both have people on them) then write a short story on how they are...
  3. thedreampolice

    Big 3-0 today

    I do hate Solja Boi but that's because he sucks and has no lyrical substance. I don't think that is an age thing. maybe.....uhh
  4. thedreampolice

    Ely @ Beat Root

    That is cool!
  5. thedreampolice

    Advanced Computer Geeks - I Need Your Help! (MAC OSX)

    Sounds like it worked as it should have. I would not worry about it.
  6. thedreampolice

    Need advice on analog/digital mixers

    Get a Yamaha whatever you do. They have the best Cubase intergration.
  7. thedreampolice

    Share your FX Processing tricks here.

    "i would never reveal my secrets like this" This attitude cracks me up for a few reasons. First life does not work like this, the more you give the more you get. Help people, you never know who will make it to the top and can pull you up. Second most people that say this have no good secrets...
  8. thedreampolice

    Share your FX Processing tricks here.

    Ya don't give up on my account. I may be able to take some quick reason screen shots or something, KEEP THE FIRE ALIVE!
  9. thedreampolice

    Hip Hop Translator!!!!
  10. thedreampolice

    Big 3-0 today

    Holy crap! Thirty!
  11. thedreampolice

    Share your FX Processing tricks here.

    It is very cool, I just don't know if I have the time.
  12. thedreampolice

    Did I ever mention that Samplitude and Sequoia are the most underrated software...

    For sure Sequoia is used in some really high end installations. I know that the VSL guys used it to edit everything.
  13. thedreampolice

    Did I ever mention that Samplitude and Sequoia are the most underrated software...

    Man been using them for year in various ways. I don't have Sequoia at home of course but I have used it at a studio. But I have used Samplitude forever and it just never lets me down. Really clear interface. Good stuff!
  14. thedreampolice

    Share your FX Processing tricks here.

    Here is an image of my #1 processing trick.
  15. thedreampolice

    I'm starting a crew called Order 56
  16. thedreampolice

    I'm starting a crew called Order 56

    I know you are being funny but Papillion is actually Omaha and that would be a HUGE gig. Omaha is a great music city, with Bright eyes, Saddle creek and the fray.
  17. thedreampolice

    Ughg on the new set up...

    Did you get the same one? Seriously if you fly me out I would do it.
  18. thedreampolice

    Ughg on the new set up...

    Get that mac mini You could get in for like $800
  19. thedreampolice

    Ughg on the new set up...

    He does not have wave plugins. And PT will be out of beta in under 30 days, he hopes to use this computer for 4 years so 64bit and 8gb of ram is probably a good idea. It will be annoying for like 6 months but then he is good to go.
  20. thedreampolice

    I'm starting a crew called Order 56

    It should be order 42 because 42 is the meaning of life.