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  1. thedreampolice

    New Casio gear

    ^^^ ha! Agreed!
  2. thedreampolice

    MPX8 + Korg Microkey VS MPK25 VS other/older equipment

    Meh, just grab an MPK keyboard and learn how to make some music with Reason or Logic. Then make an educated decision about hardware if you still want it.
  3. thedreampolice


    Baz is brilliant. I'm sure this will be great.
  4. thedreampolice

    Google Talk is phased out

    Really? Need a beta tester for that program?? I could really use something like that.
  5. thedreampolice

    Google Talk is phased out

    Now you can rock c#! Ha do you still write code?
  6. thedreampolice

    logic pro x

    Try turning the ultrabeat instrument itself down.
  7. thedreampolice

    logic pro x

    try unclicking the sustain at the lower right.
  8. thedreampolice

    logic pro x

    It looks to me like you have distort turned up in ultra beat. Its kind hard to tell for sure. Can you confirm?
  9. thedreampolice

    logic pro x

    Cool, can you send me a screenshot of the ultra beat setup?
  10. thedreampolice

    logic pro x

    Both would be great.
  11. thedreampolice

    Google Talk is phased out

    Lmfao! Back then you could not just turn on a computer and have it work. Oh and GET OFF MY LAWN! Ha
  12. thedreampolice


    awesome, reading this ASAP!
  13. thedreampolice

    Google Talk is phased out

    I was writing a bunch of programs in commodore basic those day, and I was making my own video games. It was not unusual to have a bunch of programs on one cassette and you would write the time on the cassette where the program was ha. Those days were crazy!
  14. thedreampolice

    Google Talk is phased out

    Did you ever try and dub those cassettes with your tape deck? Yea no....
  15. thedreampolice

    Google Talk is phased out

    Ha I rocked a few Commodores back in the day and I even had that tape drive.
  16. thedreampolice

    Google Talk is phased out

    Why dont you like hangouts?
  17. thedreampolice

    logic pro x

    Can you post the origal sample here so we can take a look? But no it has nothing to do with logic not being legal.
  18. thedreampolice

    logic pro x

    What kind of studio monitors? And are you working on your levels inside of ultra beat as well? What other things are in the low end of your mix?
  19. thedreampolice

    logic pro x

    That's not enough info at all. Not no it's not because it's an un licensed copy. How are putting in those drums? What's is your monitoring situation?
  20. thedreampolice

    I think I wasted my computer.

    I dont have enough info, how have you built it in an bad way? What isn't working?