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  1. Greg Savage

    Spectrasonics Omnisphere - Who is copping this on Sept 15 2008!!!

    I can prolly get it to everyone for $200-$275 Let me see what strings i can pull a homie of mine sound designs for spec
  2. Greg Savage

    Whats the Best VST to manipulate Samples ???

    VST i'd say Phatmatik Guru and Battery 3
  3. Greg Savage

    Can I sample from Turntables without a Phono Preamp?

    ^^^ Really? I have no issues with my Dedicated Phono i use the BB
  4. Greg Savage

    HOw Much have you invested in your Lab?

    A little over 15k now
  5. Greg Savage

    Extract single sample out of Recycle?

    ^^ It's explained in the manual aswell
  6. Greg Savage

    What is the lowest price you sold a beat for?

    $200.00 (but) but i throw in a bunch of other stuff with that so it becomes one of those " Oh ok all this for just 200? deal"
  7. Greg Savage

    I've had nothing but good success through them.
  8. Greg Savage

    reason users

    Actually a lot of times when reason says you're clipping you're actually not clipping. . There are plenty of times my mix will clip in Reason but once i export over in Pt or even Dp its not clipping. Run a Freelance Db meter while running reason and you'll notice the same thing.
  9. Greg Savage

    redrum kits

    ^ What kind of machine do you have? Takes me less than a second to load a patch
  10. Greg Savage

    Combinator Backdrops

    nice and thanks
  11. Greg Savage

    What's "Not Good" So Far ... Reason 4

    That's exactly why you're paying 2-3gz for the unit (the tweaking) If you take the settings off those sounds in the motif and the other workstation units you'll see there really don't sound too amazing at all. Me personally I don't mind tweaking for my own sound. Prop can't cater to everyone...
  12. Greg Savage

    where do you go to sell your beats?

    Pmp and Istandard are good ones
  13. Greg Savage

    beats for days...

    I lease them (everyone wants something) Most of the time I take the old tracks and revamp them.
  14. Greg Savage

    Ever try to Re-Make any of your Favourite beats?

    Thats how i learned (remaking tracks)
  15. Greg Savage

    Breathtaking News: Reason 4, beta-testing has begun

    < Official beta tester :)
  16. Greg Savage

    Mixing down in REASON 3.0

    Best thing to do is make sure you have good source material. The better the material and placement the less doctoring you will have to do to them to get them sounding good in your mix. What instruments to Compress, Eq, Max or stereo image. Well this is all gonna depend on how you want your...
  17. Greg Savage

    Other producers adding to your track

    I personally don't care if someone adds to my beats. I own my portion/original what they add they own I'm fine with that but at the same time the people that would be adding to my material I work with on a regular and we split credit fair meaning you get credited for what you did.
  18. Greg Savage

    The Are making a beat

    Wasn't a bad beat at all
  19. Greg Savage

    do u have an artist in mind when u start a production?

    I do them with artist in mind really helps me when im shooting demos out