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  1. o-a-ksavage

    WHat is Common's Religion?????

    I don't know if disproven was the right word. What I was saying was that when religion was started, there was a huge belief that the world was unknowable, so people used faith and mysticism as a way of gaining what they thought was knowledge. Science has proven that the world is knowable, and...
  2. o-a-ksavage

    WHat is Common's Religion?????

    ^^^^^^^ Good call. I do believe you need a solid philosophy to live by though, whether it comes from religion or your own mind. I personally believe that though there is good in religion, it has caused and continues to cause massive death and destruction to human life. I believe that all...
  3. o-a-ksavage

    WHat is Common's Religion?????

    Religion is hella funny. Especially racist ones.
  4. o-a-ksavage

    Return Of The Jedis (boston Red Sox)

    Watchout for the A's. THey're taking it for sure.
  5. o-a-ksavage


    Tell her to set up a meeting with you, her and her husband and lay down the terms. She'll say to her husband, "I want to stay married, but I'm gonna fuck this guy no matter what, so it's your decision whether we stay married or not, and no hard feelings." Otherwise leave it alone. Reason is...
  6. o-a-ksavage

    The demise of Hip-Hop by Eurydice

    Truth, your opinion is very true in a lot of ways, but it's definately true that right now at least the rap that's played on the radio is objectively trash. I mean, there's a fuckin song with a dude whispering his lyrics, and the beat is nothing but some toms and snapping. If that isn't...
  7. o-a-ksavage

    Crip Founder Stanley Tookie Williams

    The problem is, anyone who commits a crime in the future will have it in the back of their minds that if they just start doing some good deeds in prison and get a bunch of sympathizers to sign a petition that they will be released. If you kill, you pay for it, and it's too bad if you realize...
  8. o-a-ksavage

    What Do U Think Is The Best Rap Beef Ever

    Actually, the song starts out with some fake jokes but as it progresses it gets more and more serious and personal. It's a known fact that Benzino cried while he listened to it. I'm sure part of the reason you hate Eminem is because of his sarcastic comment at the end of the song when he says...
  9. o-a-ksavage

    click on this thread, you won't regret it

    Haha, Im surprised I haven't seen that on BET late night yet.
  10. o-a-ksavage

    Dead Prez: greatest duo of all time?

    ^^^^^^ Yeah, the Luniz were dope, but Yuk was so much better than Num that he carried the group. Five on It might be the greatest rap song ever though.
  11. o-a-ksavage

    What Do U Think Is The Best Rap Beef Ever

    Actually that's false. George realized later in his life that slavery was wrong and freed all of his slaves. He never raped any slaves, those are stupid ass rumors. If it was not for the integrity of George Washington, America and freedom would not exist in the world today. We should all be...
  12. o-a-ksavage

    Dead Prez: greatest duo of all time?

    Oukast number one hands down. Hell yeah NUG the Dogg Pound was sick back in the mid 90's.
  13. o-a-ksavage

    What Do U Think Is The Best Rap Beef Ever

    The only reason he's a hero of mine is because he IS one of the greatest rappers of all-time, and I am a person who idolizes greatness. Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice, George Washington, Issac Newton, and many others are also heroes of mine because they were great, they aren't great because they're...
  14. o-a-ksavage

    What Do U Think Is The Best Rap Beef Ever

    ^^^^^^^^^ I really doubt he's racist. I don't think a racist would have an entire crew of people belonging to the race he hates. Come on now, that shit he said was stupid and emotional, but it's ridiculous to actually believe that he's racist. I'm sure the guy never had a love for rap and...
  15. o-a-ksavage

    What Do U Think Is The Best Rap Beef Ever

    Whoa!! Did you hear the comeback? IT's called Nail in the Coffin. Eminem kills Benzino so bad Benzino admitted his defeat. The only thing Benzino exposed was how wack he was.
  16. o-a-ksavage

    How did you like high school? Would you become a teacher?

    It's hella true I know so many dumbasses that have passed their GED's like it's nothing. Im a senior right now. I like being around a lot of folks and all, but in terms of education the school system sucks for sure. I got out of the Oakland schools cause they're trash and now go to a school...
  17. o-a-ksavage


    What's the best way to get quality sounding sounds other than sampling? Usually the VSt's i find are trash, since they're way too synthy. I use FL 4.5 and CEP.
  18. o-a-ksavage

    Did 2pac and BIG actually 'beef'?

    What's your point? Obviously if someone goes to a hood where they know no one and talks shit, they'll pay for it. Tell one of those NJ cats to go to LA and talk that shit, same story. Quit tryin' to sound hard on the internet.
  19. o-a-ksavage

    This feels so good!!!

    When something you make is wack, there's nothing wrong with just realizing that it's wack and moving on to the next beat, there's no need to lie to yourself about it.
  20. o-a-ksavage

    Problems recording with CEP

    I just got cool edit again, i haven't had it for about a year because i moved in with my dad and it was at my mom's, but for some reason when i try to record with the mic nothing appears on the wav and nothing is recorded for some reason. I know the mic's connected because it makes that hissing...