Crazy people on FB defaming Obama


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
and it will get worse

pill popping rush calling obama and dems nazis

the fights sparked by the astroturf disruptions denying folks to debate pro or con and the town halls

and the use of the swastika to paint the so-called socialist and racist obama and dems.



Heres why I dont trust Obama....

He was set up to win, he is as much a charismatic politician if not more so than Bill Clinton.
After he beat Hilary the presidency was a shoe in.
He was up against an old no necked WAR hero, with a psychopathic running mate just waiting for the day he popped his clogs. No sane person would have voted republican, especially since the republicans ruined the US economy too.
There was no way on earth Obama wasnt winning the presidency, the global euphoria surrounding the event, and the first black president was the slight of hand, the word CHANGE.
He won the presidency on false dreams, he wont change a damn thing that matters, IMO.
Politics is a TEAM sport, every member of the TEAM plays its part. The role of president is simply a frontman for the real players behind the scenes, the ones who pull ALL the strings.
The goal of the behind the scenes power players is simply domination of the masses, power, more power.
When you have more money than you can ever spend you find other ways to get your kicks, like playing the global domination chessboard.
Simply because he got the shoe into the presidency is the reason I dont trust him. He wouldnt have the job unless he didnt have some skeletons in the closet with which to be controlled and manipulated behind the scenes.
On that note, thats why I dont trust any leader of any country.
Politicians are self obsessed power hungry cheats. The higher they get in government the more self obsessed and power hungry they become. I put that down to human nature. That aint CHANGE-ing in a hurry.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Heres why I dont trust Obama....

He was set up to win, he is as much a charismatic politician if not more so than Bill Clinton.
After he beat Hilary the presidency was a shoe in.
He was up against an old no necked WAR hero, with a psychopathic running mate just waiting for the day he popped his clogs. No sane person would have voted republican, especially since the republicans ruined the US economy too.
There was no way on earth Obama wasnt winning the presidency, the global euphoria surrounding the event, and the first black president was the slight of hand, the word CHANGE.
He won the presidency on false dreams, he wont change a damn thing that matters, IMO.
Politics is a TEAM sport, every member of the TEAM plays its part. The role of president is simply a frontman for the real players behind the scenes, the ones who pull ALL the strings.
The goal of the behind the scenes power players is simply domination of the masses, power, more power.
When you have more money than you can ever spend you find other ways to get your kicks, like playing the global domination chessboard.
Simply because he got the shoe into the presidency is the reason I dont trust him. He wouldnt have the job unless he didnt have some skeletons in the closet with which to be controlled and manipulated behind the scenes.
On that note, thats why I dont trust any leader of any country.
Politicians are self obsessed power hungry cheats. The higher they get in government the more self obsessed and power hungry they become. I put that down to human nature. That aint CHANGE-ing in a hurry.

Fortunately for you , your not an American which means your not a human being and therefore not allowed an opinon so what said doesnt count..(j/k thats the way a true Mercan thinks)

otherwise I would have to tell you that so far I see the president doing his best to fulfill everything he said he would do about changing things. I think he is a real guy and I think he wants whats best for everyone in the nation, that being said there are lots of people that hate that idea so they are working hard as hell against him...

Sucio....I guess you never heard of the "SKULL & BONES SOCIETY"? Bush and Channey are very well a big part of what has happen to this country. Wars started us down this path in the first place. War is the biggest most profitable commodity on the face of the earth. The Gulf war and the Iraq war were about MONEY and speeding up THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Both of the Kennedy's were ASSASINATED for just saying they were going to bring our troops home from wars created by the powers that b. Had Obama not changed his stance on the war he'd be "one dead nigga" by now. Bush senior is the only President in US history that has OPENLY proclaimed THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Right after the Gulf war he proclaimed it in one of his addresses to the nation and the media just turned a def ear to it.

Of course we all know there are even BIGGER powers that b that actually run shit. There the EVIL rich families that run the entire world. There are 13 and Bush is a direct descendant of one of them. I mean really, how many people out there actually know Bush is a BILLIONAIRE? Bush senior made BILLIONS off oil revenue right after the first Gulf war and Channey has made millions possibly billions off of defense contracts.

We have become so STUPID now that these mofo's can OPENLY say what they are doing and it still won't stir up anything in us. We'll explain the shit away for them while they sit back and laugh. They know this world and this life is all they have to look forward to. There job is to try and destroy the world and to take as many of Gods children to hell with them as they possibly can. We're not considered HUMAN BEINGS by these people. We are considered PRODUCTS. We are being sold, bought and destroyed and most of us don't have a clue. China now damn near owns every inch of the ground we walk on and everything sitting on it. What do you think the collateral is for all those billions there just stuffing up our ass?

hehehe I just reposted this on FB under this poll where everybody is bashing obama and now all the right wing whiteies are going nuts lolol.
I said it was me tho. sorry.

On the real 7th angel I wish someone would kill Rush. That dude is a fuckin terrible excuse for a human.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
hehehe I just reposted this on FB under this poll where everybody is bashing obama and now all the right wing whiteies are going nuts lolol.
I said it was me tho. sorry.

ah ha ha ha....send me a link


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
Sucio....I guess you never heard of the "SKULL & BONES SOCIETY"? Bush and Channey are very well a big part of what has happen to this country. Wars started us down this path in the first place. War is the biggest most profitable commodity on the face of the earth. The Gulf war and the Iraq war were about MONEY and speeding up THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Both of the Kennedy's were ASSASINATED for just saying they were going to bring our troops home from wars created by the powers that b. Had Obama not changed his stance on the war he'd be "one dead nigga" by now. Bush senior is the only President in US history that has OPENLY proclaimed THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Right after the Gulf war he proclaimed it in one of his addresses to the nation and the media just turned a def ear to it.
Dude seriously? You gotta take these conspiracy theories with a grain of salt man...


ill o.g.
What you guys are failing to understand is that the quality of care provided in a publicly funded health care system plummets. Even with a serious injury or problem, you're looking at minimum 3 hour wait for ER... Most doctors are so overbooked they' don't take on new patients (I've been looking for a physician for like 3 years now, no openings...). Walk in clinics are so packed with people you a.) leave with more communicable diseases than you came with and b.) the doctors are in such a rush they'll probably kill you with misdiagnoses.
LOL. Public health care is funded by taxes that will be taken off of your paycheque and surcharged every time you buy a chocolate bar. Nothing is free, and even worse once obama's new healthcare plan comes into effect, it will be controlled by the GOVERNMENT (more corrupt than any big business in America). Social programs are essentially bullshit.

And you know you guys are going to get taxed bad for the proposed healthcare system because of states like Texas... Fat people really fuck up public healthcare.

The United States is #50 in the world in life expectancy. Canada is #8. They must be doin' something right.

Add on to that, go to a US emergency room and see how long you wait. You'll be longing for that 3 hour wait in Canada.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
ah ha ha ha....send me a link

get ready to be pissed, in fact you need to be in there swingin on them yo.

The United States is #50 in the world in life expectancy. Canada is #8. They must be doin' something right.

Add on to that, go to a US emergency room and see how long you wait. You'll be longing for that 3 hour wait in Canada.

Yeah especially if your in a major city at the county hospital or something, fuget about it.
You can and will die in a waiting room, in fact that was one of my grandmothers last words.
She said to the person who had kept her waiting for hours while she was having chest pains,
"Gee somebody could die in here waiting to get seen..."
What an awesome ironic way to go, 5 minutes later she was dead from a blood clot.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I've heard of skull n bones.... I believe some of those theories..... some I think are bullshit.....

These leaders are figureheads....they do exactly what their told....So it wasn't Bush that directly ruined the economy, it was a planned attack on the American people so we could buy into socialist polices....A coordinated effort by the big wigs to have the American people so desperate that they could look to the government for turn the government passing bills limiting our "rights" even more....

Not that we have "rights", anyway...they're just privileges that can be taken away at any time.....


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
healthcare is srs bizness, trust



failin' palin

As more Americans delve into the disturbing details of the nationalized health care plan that the current administration is rushing through Congress, our collective jaw is dropping, and we’re saying not just no, but hell no!

The Democrats promise that a government health care system will reduce the cost of health care, but as the economist Thomas Sowell has pointed out, government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

Health care by definition involves life and death decisions. Human rights and human dignity must be at the center of any health care discussion.

Rep. Michele Bachmann highlighted the Orwellian thinking of the president’s health care advisor, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of the White House chief of staff, in a floor speech to the House of Representatives. I commend her for being a voice for the most precious members of our society, our children and our seniors.

We must step up and engage in this most crucial debate. Nationalizing our health care system is a point of no return for government interference in the lives of its citizens. If we go down this path, there will be no turning back. Ronald Reagan once wrote, “Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth.” Let’s stop and think and make our voices heard before it’s too late.

- Sarah Palin


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
People are going to DIE at a few of these.....I GUARANTEE IT. There are too many ANGRY old white dudes out there DUMB enough to take this opportunity to kill.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Wuts comedy to me tho is how all they do is basically start mini-riot's at these things which is entirely UNPRODUCTIVE if you ask me. Its like when your 3 yr old plays the mimic game and says everything you say just to see when you'll break...fucking childish if you ask me.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Yes it's very childish but people are going to die if this keeps up and they'll find away to blame that on the first black President as well. The Republicans have sank to there lowest level ever with this one. I can understand them wanting to debate the plan and not just rush it through but to incite mini riots where people are sure to get hurt, maimed or killed is barbaric.


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
I've heard of skull n bones.... I believe some of those theories..... some I think are bullshit.....

These leaders are figureheads....they do exactly what their told....So it wasn't Bush that directly ruined the economy, it was a planned attack on the American people so we could buy into socialist polices....A coordinated effort by the big wigs to have the American people so desperate that they could look to the government for turn the government passing bills limiting our "rights" even more....

Not that we have "rights", anyway...they're just privileges that can be taken away at any time.....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Ehhh....Creepy white people.... :(
Notice that its all degenerate hillbillies, and not one different ethnicity.
They all even appear to be from the same demographic and tax bracket as well....not surprising.
Brainwashed zombies if you ask me.

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