Crazy people on FB defaming Obama


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
There's so much tied in to it that it's simply ridiculous. If it didn't cost so damn much to run for Congress, Senate and President, lobbyist would not be as powerful. They know these candidates need massive amounts of money to campaign so everybody's a puppet on a string in Washington! Very few stand on there own two feet and if they do there from a small district where they don't need the money.......If your from a metropolis u need gazillions to run for political office.


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
What you guys are failing to understand is that the quality of care provided in a publicly funded health care system plummets. Even with a serious injury or problem, you're looking at minimum 3 hour wait for ER... Most doctors are so overbooked they' don't take on new patients (I've been looking for a physician for like 3 years now, no openings...). Walk in clinics are so packed with people you a.) leave with more communicable diseases than you came with and b.) the doctors are in such a rush they'll probably kill you with misdiagnoses.
its got cats paying for insurance now...and most companies still wont provide the healthcare most cats need for alot of major health related issues. Insurance companies are interested in making a profit like anyone other business. I need to be treated by doctors who are compensated for saving lives...not one interested in making a profit by treating your sickness just to drain your pockets. See the problem with free healthcare is is that certain people dont want to be considered to be on a "level playing field" with others. Some people always want to be "one up" on everyone else...They want to be the ones who can afford healthcare while everyone else perishes because they cant afford it...this is just a way to weed out the so-called "useless eaters" of society,...aka poor people.
LOL. Public health care is funded by taxes that will be taken off of your paycheque and surcharged every time you buy a chocolate bar. Nothing is free, and even worse once obama's new healthcare plan comes into effect, it will be controlled by the GOVERNMENT (more corrupt than any big business in America). Social programs are essentially bullshit.

And you know you guys are going to get taxed bad for the proposed healthcare system because of states like Texas... Fat people really fuck up public healthcare.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
What you guys are failing to understand is that the quality of care provided in a publicly funded health care system plummets. Even with a serious injury or problem, you're looking at minimum 3 hour wait for ER... Most doctors are so overbooked they' don't take on new patients (I've been looking for a physician for like 3 years now, no openings...). Walk in clinics are so packed with people you a.) leave with more communicable diseases than you came with and b.) the doctors are in such a rush they'll probably kill you with misdiagnoses.
LOL. Public health care is funded by taxes that will be taken off of your paycheque and surcharged every time you buy a chocolate bar. Nothing is free, and even worse once obama's new healthcare plan comes into effect, it will be controlled by the GOVERNMENT (more corrupt than any big business in America). Social programs are essentially bullshit.

And you know you guys are going to get taxed bad for the proposed healthcare system because of states like Texas... Fat people really fuck up public healthcare.

I feel you, but I have an example. I used to be a state employee. Government paid my coverage for the whole family. Not no chump hmo, I had a PPO with Blue Cross. Top of the line. Wife was sick and passed out literally on her face. Busted her lip and I busted my knee tryin to get to her before she fell. (never made it,,lol) anyways, we went to the hospital and waited 2 hours before we left. I have nerve damage in my back so I am always seeing specialists. Even with health coverage, I had to wait 3 months just to see a neurologist. You make a valiod point, but at the same time imagine if I was paying what my wife's company wants every two weeks. (175 ever 2 weeks) and thats for some bullshit HMO....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Ignorance is bliss!!!! How many fucking ways does Obama have to say that this health care plan will be "OPTIONAL"? I mean really! You'll have a CHOICE whether to partake in it or not. And I don't want to hear no bullshit about what people think it "may or may not" eventually become. Right now today if passed it would be OPTIONAL..........

left to one's option, or choice; not compulsory; elective

Medicare WORKS......., The V.A WORKS...neither is ideal and you can't get IDEAL for free anywayz but both are 100% ran by the government and have been FOREVER. Both are OPTIONAL...nobody MAKES you apply for either!

My 63 year old mother just had major knee surgery yesterday. A complete success with a GREAT doctor. Hospital bed will arrive at my house tomorrow along with a wheel chair and walker. Come on man...there is no way in hell things would have went as smooth for her had she been privately insured. They would have looked at her age and said " oh well...she's 63 " she doesn't need to get around like she use to in her younger days anyway! She would have had to see 5 or 6 doctors to confirm what the one before said before surgery was even thought about. 3 or them would have been on the insurance company's kick back pay role so she would have been denied 3 times before she finally fell, broke a hip and then they would authorize the hip replacement surgery along side the knee surgery and her survival from both would have been 30% or less. Most people don't make it back from hip surgery and if they do you have a life expectancy of 5 years because an infection will creep up sooner or later!

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
What you guys are failing to understand is that the quality of care provided in a publicly funded health care system plummets. Even with a serious injury or problem, you're looking at minimum 3 hour wait for ER... Most doctors are so overbooked they' don't take on new patients (I've been looking for a physician for like 3 years now, no openings...). Walk in clinics are so packed with people you a.) leave with more communicable diseases than you came with and b.) the doctors are in such a rush they'll probably kill you with misdiagnoses.
LOL. Public health care is funded by taxes that will be taken off of your paycheque and surcharged every time you buy a chocolate bar. Nothing is free, and even worse once obama's new healthcare plan comes into effect, it will be controlled by the GOVERNMENT (more corrupt than any big business in America). Social programs are essentially bullshit.

And you know you guys are going to get taxed bad for the proposed healthcare system because of states like Texas... Fat people really fuck up public healthcare.

you gotta wait over here too man .. trust me .. its horrible over here at least in NYC. my girl broke out in hives due to an allergy we got to the emergency room around 9pm we left about 2am. we spent 2.5 hours waiting then doctor asked her about 5 questions, did something else for an hour, came back, told her she would get her a prescription for some ointment, spent another hour doing something else, sent some guy to check her blood pressure for absolutely no reason at all, then she finally came back with the prescription a good two hours after she said she would. It was fucking ridiculous. the doctor did about 7-10 minutes of work TOPS. And we were there for 5 hours. one lady ran out of the waiting area crying "ive been here since 9 o clock! my back hurts soo bad! literally balling her eyes out and screaming. u could tell she was in major pain. and the doctors didnt give a fuc. She was Hot too lol. i felt sorry for her. and the crazy thing was that the hospital wasnt even that crowded. i could only imagine like a weekend or something. I dont even want to think about that.

something needs to change. im not sure what, but something def needs to change.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
where in the world do you not have to wait?
magna, where are you even getting your definitive ideas on universal healthcare?

healthcare in canada is ultimately in the hands of the provinces, overall it cost less than the states, and are you really going to compare taxes to the costs overcharged to those with or without insurance?

it's like your channeling an insurance company, or harper, with the misinformation. honestly, i can't take you seriously.

here's a litlle fire under the ass of one of these fuckc


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
The V.A WORKS...
It took a long time coming...but its damn sho working for me right now cheif...I had a bruised achilles and I was prescribed shoe insoles from a licensed foot if I had to come outta pocket, them joints would have set me back bout "treefiddy"...the pain is starting to easeoff as I aint tossin big kudos to the V.A. sort of speak because its still alot of work to be done before the system is proficent...but the end of the was better than nothing.

oh yeah LDB..take care of Grams...


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
REGARDLESS if you partake in it or not...

WE WILL PAY FOR IT!! You guys think the economy sucks now? Wait til they take MORE out of your check, REGARDLESS on if you're signed up for the free healthcare or not...

It's such a double edged sword...people look @ the benefits but ignore the consequences with such a plan taking effect..

Either way, someone's going to get screwed..

And yes...even with the best HMO out're waiting for specialists....I sat in the ER with my girl for 90 an empty waiting room....EMPTY.....we were the ONLY ones in there..and we still waited...

yes the quality of healthcare may go down...but that's dependent solely on the Dr. that's treating you...if the doc gives a shit, it would reflect on the treatment...and the same for vice versa...

Well...just think about it when you're sick or injured without insurance.....


think about it when your sales tax goes up 3-4% and getting that extra 20-30 dollars each week in your check...

You're paying for it, either way.......enjoy..


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
The taxes are only being taken from the wealthiest majority of americans who already have excellent health care, etc if Im not mistaken?.....

Now that may suck for some people but our nation is looking for some equilibrium right now more then anything else.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
If we were not BORROWING BILLIONS from China right now life as we now know it would have ceased to exist before Bush II left office. I promise you that I will not cry a river if I have to fork out another $30 to $60 a month in new taxes. No one wants to help get this country back where in should be. We're in this mess and we should be willing to do what ever we have to do to keep our freedoms. I blow well over $60 a month on un-needed bullshit! Descent health care is's not about money to me, it's about what's right! There are somethings you just can't live without....not for along period of time anyway!

All politicians say "no new taxes" but there are two things for certain as long as you are living....DEATH AND TAXES! We need to get over it and get this shit done.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
If we were not BORROWING BILLIONS from China right now life as we now know it would have ceased to exist before Bush II left office. I promise you that I will not cry a river if I have to fork out another $30 to $60 a month in new taxes. No one wants to help get this country back where in should be. We're in this mess and we should be willing to do what ever we have to do to keep our freedoms. I blow well over $60 a month on un-needed bullshit! Descent health care is's not about money to me, it's about what's right! There are somethings you just can't live without....not for along period of time anyway!

All politicians say "no new taxes" but there are two things for certain as long as you are living....DEATH AND TAXES! We need to get over it and get this shit done.

even at 100 a month is waaay better then most job offers


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
If we were not BORROWING BILLIONS from China right now life as we now know it would have ceased to exist before Bush II left office. I promise you that I will not cry a river if I have to fork out another $30 to $60 a month in new taxes. No one wants to help get this country back where in should be. We're in this mess and we should be willing to do what ever we have to do to keep our freedoms. I blow well over $60 a month on un-needed bullshit! Descent health care is's not about money to me, it's about what's right! There are somethings you just can't live without....not for along period of time anyway!

All politicians say "no new taxes" but there are two things for certain as long as you are living....DEATH AND TAXES! We need to get over it and get this shit done.

Agreed bro, well said. Like L said, its certainly not about money. People just keep centrally focusing only on that. Its our healthcare!!! I mean, I can testify that you can get by without healthcare for a while only because Ive been forced to but being that Im diabetic if anything happens to me eventually Im royally fucked if I have nothing. So ANYTHING is better then nothing. PLUS, no ones forcing you to use the gov plan. Its only being created as an OPTION....Even my doctor sees it as a positive thing.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
even at 100 a month is waaay better then most job offers

word! when my job let me go .. coverage for me and wifey through COBRA was like $750 a month! Who the fuck can afford that? Esp without a job!! Ridiculous! Even with a job thats nuts! theres not a car out there i couldn't drive for 750 a month. its not even realistic for anyone to be able to afford that.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
word! when my job let me go .. coverage for me and wifey through COBRA was like $750 a month! Who the fuck can afford that? Esp without a job!! Ridiculous! Even with a job thats nuts! theres not a car out there i couldn't drive for 750 a month. its not even realistic for anyone to be able to afford that.

Yep...Cobra has always been a joke....the college grad that came up with that and ASSUMED it would help was smoking one BIG BONG. That idea and the price of it, has got to be in the top 5 DUMBEST shit presented to the hard working people of America EVER! I don't know one single person that could pay that........


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
you gotta wait over here too man .. trust me .. its horrible over here at least in NYC. my girl broke out in hives due to an allergy we got to the emergency room around 9pm we left about 2am. we spent 2.5 hours waiting then doctor asked her about 5 questions, did something else for an hour, came back, told her she would get her a prescription for some ointment, spent another hour doing something else, sent some guy to check her blood pressure for absolutely no reason at all, then she finally came back with the prescription a good two hours after she said she would. It was fucking ridiculous. the doctor did about 7-10 minutes of work TOPS. And we were there for 5 hours. one lady ran out of the waiting area crying "ive been here since 9 o clock! my back hurts soo bad! literally balling her eyes out and screaming. u could tell she was in major pain. and the doctors didnt give a fuc. She was Hot too lol. i felt sorry for her. and the crazy thing was that the hospital wasnt even that crowded. i could only imagine like a weekend or something. I dont even want to think about that.

something needs to change. im not sure what, but something def needs to change.

This is an eact experience of everytime I go to the emergency room, the fun part is that AFTER all that they charge you $300-$500 for going there.

And of course in my case WHEN THEY WERE GOOD that was my deductable, now my deductible is $1000 and specialists are now$65 everytime I go not counting whatever crap they turn on to work on me, radiology? That shit costs lots, MRI LOTS!! Im thinkin the insurance compnay has got all this, well guess what ....They dont Im gettin buills out the ass. I only get paid once a month so I dont even know wtf Im gonna do, medicines that I need are like $200-$300 bucks(although some are just $4) and thats after the insurance supossedly has paid!

If we were not BORROWING BILLIONS from China right now life as we now know it would have ceased to exist before Bush II left office. I promise you that I will not cry a river if I have to fork out another $30 to $60 a month in new taxes. No one wants to help get this country back where in should be. We're in this mess and we should be willing to do what ever we have to do to keep our freedoms. I blow well over $60 a month on un-needed bullshit! Descent health care is's not about money to me, it's about what's right! There are somethings you just can't live without....not for along period of time anyway!

All politicians say "no new taxes" but there are two things for certain as long as you are living....DEATH AND TAXES! We need to get over it and get this shit done.

I got to say you have been spot on through this thread, I am not sure whay going back to the spirit of america by all oif us pulling in one direction for the betterment of the country is now considered socialism...???
I dont want to pay more taxes but we HAVE to pay off more than just this healthcare, I cant believe that ...okay put it like this.:
America is a car. Bush was driving.Bush ran into everything he could.Car doesnt barley run.Bush hops out of car hands Obama his mechanic friends card and the keys and leaves.
Everybody in the car doesnt want to chip in to get it fixed and is screaming at the new driver that its his fault that the car is fucked up while absolutely refusing to find a cheaper paln to get it repaired.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Ok...don't blame Bush for this shit...

I think the true powers that be were behind all of this....just that Bush happened to be president at the time...

Presidents are figureheads who are at the mercy of the people who are in complete control.....when they try to make their own decisions against these people, they die (Nov. 22, 1963)

LDB, I feel what you're extra 20-30 dollars isn't going to kill ya.....But there's people out there struggling as it is....and taxes will go up everywhere...not just in your paycheck.....

What about the guy who's feeding a family of four and paying health insurance for them.....and he's barely making have any more come out of his pay that much more for gas....and that much more for milk because prices will go up....It's bettering the country....but it's hurting a lot who are at the cusp of not being able to afford a decent living for some people and their families.

As I stated earlier, it is a double edge sword. I sometimes don't think it's a good idea during this time....but it appears that the people now more than ever need health care because they are now unemployed.......but at the same time I see the economy getting a lot worse before it gets better...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Sucio....I guess you never heard of the "SKULL & BONES SOCIETY"? Bush and Channey are very well a big part of what has happen to this country. Wars started us down this path in the first place. War is the biggest most profitable commodity on the face of the earth. The Gulf war and the Iraq war were about MONEY and speeding up THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Both of the Kennedy's were ASSASINATED for just saying they were going to bring our troops home from wars created by the powers that b. Had Obama not changed his stance on the war he'd be "one dead nigga" by now. Bush senior is the only President in US history that has OPENLY proclaimed THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Right after the Gulf war he proclaimed it in one of his addresses to the nation and the media just turned a def ear to it.

Of course we all know there are even BIGGER powers that b that actually run shit. There the EVIL rich families that run the entire world. There are 13 and Bush is a direct descendant of one of them. I mean really, how many people out there actually know Bush is a BILLIONAIRE? Bush senior made BILLIONS off oil revenue right after the first Gulf war and Channey has made millions possibly billions off of defense contracts.

We have become so STUPID now that these mofo's can OPENLY say what they are doing and it still won't stir up anything in us. We'll explain the shit away for them while they sit back and laugh. They know this world and this life is all they have to look forward to. There job is to try and destroy the world and to take as many of Gods children to hell with them as they possibly can. We're not considered HUMAN BEINGS by these people. We are considered PRODUCTS. We are being sold, bought and destroyed and most of us don't have a clue. China now damn near owns every inch of the ground we walk on and everything sitting on it. What do you think the collateral is for all those billions there just stuffing up our ass?