yo how many of yall work out daily?

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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I know what u mean! When I had my fight I had to drop like 15 pounds in 2 weeks, lol!! That was pretty crazy, hard on my body, bigtime!

My diet was like this (no joke):

Breakfast: 1 bowl of oatmeal (mixed with water, UGH)

Snack (2 hours after breakfast): An Orange or Apple

Lunch: (@ or around noon): Salad (no meat) with blasamic vinegar (got so sickening after eating it all the time)

Snack (2 hours after Lunch): Orange or apple

Dinner (before 6:00pm usually around 3:30-4:00 pm): 1 Grilled, Baked or Boiled Chicken breast with Whole Wheat Pasta and Balsamic Vinegar.

NOTHING else to eat the entire night! Maybe some almonds or something like that but very little if at all!! That and lot's of sleep!

On top of this I would go to the gym and train for 1.5-2 hours a night (very tuff sessions) plus running 2-3 miles a day! I had no social life when I was training as you can see, lol! It worked though! Not the heathiest thing to do but it got me down to 185!

That's the thing that sucks - they say that you SHOULDN'T eat less when trying to drop weight because otherwise you'll drop some muscle too, but I find doing it that way takes too long lol. I think it's okay to drop the calories a lot but only for a short period. What you did is good, some people eat even less than that. Another good option is having let's say 6 small meals, and make 3 of them protein shakes only. That's a great way to get the extra protein you need and not eat junk. It's just so hard to say no to junk!

i was doin 12oz curls the other night

No 40oz's??


static yessir
ill o.g.
my wrestling team made us do some workouts coach also gave me some nitro, criatine, and shake supliment.

my homie j-white takes antibiotics dudes like 180 and has a BFP(body fat percentage) of like 2% lol. but he is into body building seriously. he lifts like 400 ill ask him what his workouts are and put em up here.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
you too young to be fuckin with that creatine. thats shit is dangerous. like ephedra

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
I just went back to old school two-a-day routines. I signed up in a basketball league but my boy put our team in the advanced league. We had our first game Monday. We got destroyed.... by some deaf dudes. I think being deaf helped them though. They had to try extra hard to stay acute as to where guys were on the court so their awareness was on point.

The issue though was their bench. They had 13 guys. We had 5. So we had to run the whole game and they had fresh subs. We got owned.

I almost couldn't drive home because my calves kept locking up.

So for right now, it's lifting in the morning and running at night. I am going to track the progress and the workout routines and post the results at the end of the season. I would post routine info now... but I figured it would be better to post them after you see the results.

thats some funny shit rite there ... i used to get calf cramps driving too .. those are the worst .. its like the worst time to get a cramp ... specially if ur on like a busy highway or something.. haha i know the feeling man

50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
you too young to be fuckin with that creatine. thats shit is dangerous. like ephedra

creatine is nothing like ephredra.....ephedra speeds up your heart, and makes you made jittery and shit.

creatine is a naturally occuring chemical that your body produces and thats also in many protiens such ass steak or chicken ect., the supplment helps you with strength and retains fluid in the muscle area. As long as you follow the directions and stay hydrated you should be fine.....if you dont....i've heard about people getting kidney stones...but thats for people that went overboard and just ignored all instruction. its similar to whey protien imo....just faster results


static yessir
ill o.g.
creatine is nothing like ephredra.....ephedra speeds up your heart, and makes you made jittery and shit.

creatine is a naturally occuring chemical that your body produces and thats also in many protiens such ass steak or chicken ect., the supplment helps you with strength and retains fluid in the muscle area. As long as you follow the directions and stay hydrated you should be fine.....if you dont....i've heard about people getting kidney stones...but thats for people that went overboard and just ignored all instruction. its similar to whey protien imo....just faster results

and i forgot to mention 50 was the nigga i went to before i took it.
he knows his shit on suppliment.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
I do, however, think he's still too young to fuck wit creatine.. I think anything that affects the growth of body parts, and other hormonal type shit, should be left untill after they are done going thru their maturation process..

50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I do, however, think he's still too young to fuck wit creatine.. I think anything that affects the growth of body parts, and other hormonal type shit, should be left untill after they are done going thru their maturation process..

i swore that you said "finish menstration process" lmfaooo

but...everybodies diff..i feel you on the growth tip..but i think he'd be cool unless he has a history of kidney problems.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
50 Cal's right, creatine is not harmful and yes, the body actually produces it. I think Sanova's right too though because I don't even agree with young guys taking protein powder when they're working out. Just eat and train!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Just eat and train!

That is all u need! Supplements and all that will not do a damn thing without proper training and diet anyways! I never fuck with creatine, nothing against it, I just never really needed it. Eat the right foods and train the right way and u don't need all that extra stuff. I learned that from this Collegiate wrestler that comes to my gym. The dude is fuckin ripped to the core. When I asked him "What do u take?" He laughed at me and said "Nothing, It's all in what and how u eat and train." Seriously!


static yessir
ill o.g.
my kidneys fucking suck i had a transplant when i was 5 and i had that one fail then i had to get another doner.

im joking.

my "kids" are ok, but still im not on criatine hard. i take nitro opens the blood flow to get more oxy. to your cells and stuff.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
That is all u need! Supplements and all that will not do a damn thing without proper training and diet anyways! I never fuck with creatine, nothing against it, I just never really needed it. Eat the right foods and train the right way and u don't need all that extra stuff. I learned that from this Collegiate wrestler that comes to my gym. The dude is fuckin ripped to the core. When I asked him "What do u take?" He laughed at me and said "Nothing, It's all in what and how u eat and train." Seriously!

word .. .. the only way i see it to be benfinical is if ur doing some real shit like entering a bodybuilding contest or something to that nature... the u have to have an edge .. but otherwise u can get plenty ripped by just working hard and living healthy ... sleep goes along way too ... getting proper sleep allows ur muscles to repair better and u get stronger faster .. but unfortunately sleep is one of the hardest commodities to come by at least for me.... that creatine may make u bigger but in college i used to laugh at some of the guys that were heavy into that shit ... i played soccer and was one of the best raw athletes in my college period.. any sport... i never took a damn thing... i measure strength by what u can do in conjuntion with ur own body weight... ive seen guys that are huge and can bench press whatever but they cant do ten pull ups lol.. then u got dudes that are huge up top and have the littliest dinky legs u ever seen and have like a 10 inch vertical lol... i have a 33 inch vertical which was higher than alot of the cats on the basketball team.. alot of dudes that are huge like that get fuced up in fights cuz there stiff they dont know how to move.... i got nothing against supplements but just take them for the right reasons and be safeabout it..


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I just play ball almost every day....

I just work on the cardio thing...

I lift enough heavy shit at work to stay strong so I don't care for lifting more when I get home...

I do have some weight to lose..but if I can still run more than most people...why lose it all??

I have a big ass head (size 8 in fitteds) so if I got skinny again..I'd look like a bobblehead....Not good for the ladies...

JP hardboiled

Find Your Fight
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 297
Rammstein is one the all time "train like I'm going to kill you" artists to listen too. Their newer album Rosenrot has some hardcore tracks Static. I totally understand that need for hardcore music to workout to. It helps me stay focused and super intense. So yea, I workout, check out my hardbody picture off myspace if you need some proof.

I do it all natural style. The only supplement I take is a centrum multi vitamin every once and a while. I don't want to put all that synthetic crap in my body, I already eat non organic enough already. Now, I only work out twice a week, weekend warrior style. Playing flamenco guitar is the ultimate workout for your arms!!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
lol ^ thats why u get on swole, not skinny :p

Yeah...well....From what I've heard from numerous people....if fat people lose over 35 pounds...their penis actually becomes larger
