yo how many of yall work out daily?

  • warzone round 3 voting begins in...

The Bastard

if so you listen to music right?
well peep this track

artist: ramstein song: bang bang (feuer frei)

that shit gets ya pumped

but what workout do you do and how many reps?

i work out every day, and do steroids,

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
i used to lift evryday twice a day plus running and other trainning ... 2 years ago i weighed around 195 all muscle six pack all that... last time i got weighed (a few months ago over the summer) i weighed 173 lol .... i basically lost 20+ pounds of muscle from not keeping active ... somepeople get fat when they stop keeping in shape .. i just shrivel up like an ethiopian... i gotta get back in the gym before i wither away into dust lol ....thats my new years resolution right there .. get my weight back up in the 190's.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I train in Boxing/Muay Thai.

Usually the workout is like this if I do it by myself (This is what I've been doing lately seeing I can't make it to the gym):

Stretch & Warm up - 5- 10 mins.

3 x 2:00 rounds of Shadowboxing (In between sets a 30 second rest can be taken, I usually do push ups or sit ups 30 of them, per rest)

3 (or more) 2:00 rounds on the heavybag - Starting out with just boxing the first round, Boxing along with knees and clinching the second round and Everything I got in the arsenal in the last round ( and for how ever many rounds after)

After this I usually hit up the slant board and do a couple sets of Sit Up's (the slant board makes it more difficult) and some Push up's with Push Up Bars.


Here's Another one (Courtesy of Bas Rutten) I do sometimes aswell:

Shadowboxing workout...



As far as Supplements I use to drink alot of protein (Cytomax Muscle Milk) but If you tryin to lose weight it's all in your diet and that ish should be excluded. A daily Multi-Vitamin is essential along with cutting out all greasy nasty foods (pretty much all the good shit, lol). Just eat all natural stuff like :Chicken (Preferably boiled or Grilled), Lentils, Whole Wheat Pasta, Oatmeal etc... Anything that doesn't have preservatives..


Edit: Ash brought up running. Also, very important. I use to hate that shit, now I love it!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68

Here's Another one (Courtesy of Bas Rutten) I do sometimes aswell:

Shadowboxing workout...



As far as Supplements I use to drink alot of protein (Cytomax Muscle Milk) but If you tryin to lose weight it's all in your diet and that ish should be excluded. A daily Multi-Vitamin is essential along with cutting out all greasy nasty foods (pretty much all the good shit, lol). Just eat all natural stuff like :Chicken (Preferably boiled or Grilled), Lentils, Whole Wheat Pasta, Oatmeal etc... Anything that doesn't have preservatives..

nah man, I disagree wit the muscle milk,,,,I lost 15 pounds using it as meal replacement. I would drink it in the morning and for lunch and then eat sensibly for dinner. But my friend who is a trainer told me to stop using that and use "Isopure". I tried it, the fruit punch is off the hook. Its like red bull on steroids. Plus it has chromium picolinate.(yes, I'm the only fat dude you will know who has a vast knowledge of keeping in shape,,,i just dont do it)

lol, I will be gettin back in the gym probably the end of January. Since I moved I havnt been working out at all really. I used to work out at least 3 times a week. Mostly lifting. But wifey is comin wit me so she'll keep on my lazy ass. Plus I want to cut out the trees once I get back into the swing of things. Its a mindstate.

oh, Ash, I WISH I HAD THAT PROBLEM! I need to whither about 75lbs,,lol,,my doctor says 30, but fuck him.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Yeah I workout almost daily. I've been lifting on/off since 1992 lol, it just doesn't show.

Right now I workout 5 times a week with all the bodyparts split up throughout, then if I'm up to it I'll do 45 minutes on the treadmill, fast walking/slow jogging.

I try to eat sensibly but the poutine keeps calling. I take 1 or 2 protein shakes a day from Optimum Nutrition. I used to take Isopure but it's just so expensive! Plus the ON doesn't give me stomach problems like Isopure did.

When losing weight though, it really is all diet. I mean, you have to lift weights and do cardio as well, but when it comes down to it, if your diet is in check you'll be ok.

True Story:
I was always a skinny guy and throughout high school I was always around 180. Then in '93 I was eating too much of my Mom's cooking so I got up to 210. I got so frustrated that I ended up eating SUPER strict. I won't go into details but within a few short months I went right back down to 180 and had put on muscle too. So yes, diet is key.

If anyone wants tips on losing weight, PM me, I got that shit on lockdown, I just don't always follow it myself either!

The Bastard

Yeah I workout almost daily. I've been lifting on/off since 1992 lol, it just doesn't show.

Right now I workout 5 times a week with all the bodyparts split up throughout, then if I'm up to it I'll do 45 minutes on the treadmill, fast walking/slow jogging.

I try to eat sensibly but the poutine keeps calling. I take 1 or 2 protein shakes a day from Optimum Nutrition. I used to take Isopure but it's just so expensive! Plus the ON doesn't give me stomach problems like Isopure did.

When losing weight though, it really is all diet. I mean, you have to lift weights and do cardio as well, but when it comes down to it, if your diet is in check you'll be ok.

True Story:
I was always a skinny guy and throughout high school I was always around 180. Then in '93 I was eating too much of my Mom's cooking so I got up to 210. I got so frustrated that I ended up eating SUPER strict. I won't go into details but within a few short months I went right back down to 180 and had put on muscle too. So yes, diet is key.

If anyone wants tips on losing weight, PM me, I got that shit on lockdown, I just don't always follow it myself either!

losin weight sounds mad good, can u pm me the details, i think imma def lose weight once i move out of big mamas house, which will be real soon

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
for me the key to being in shape was to do shit when ur already worn out and tired ... i used to run a quick mile to warm up then lift heavy ... when my muscles were already tired from lifting .. then i would do something like run another or i would play basketball or soccer or something .. when ur muscles are already pumping like from lifting plus ur getting cardio from the runing/basketball ..... ur metabolism shoots through the roof .. i remeber when i was on that scedule i was always hungry .. my metabolism was insane .. nowadays i get ful mad quick and eat maybe twice a day when before i used to eat like 4-5 times day ...

it sounds really strange but one of the things i miss about working out hard is the feeling that u get when u are completly exhausted .. its actually a good feeling at least to me.... when u push it to the physical limit ur body can handle .. its a great feeling ironically enough lol


static yessir
ill o.g.
I train in Boxing/Muay Thai.

Usually the workout is like this if I do it by myself (This is what I've been doing lately seeing I can't make it to the gym):

Stretch & Warm up - 5- 10 mins.

3 x 2:00 rounds of Shadowboxing (In between sets a 30 second rest can be taken, I usually do push ups or sit ups 30 of them, per rest)

3 (or more) 2:00 rounds on the heavybag - Starting out with just boxing the first round, Boxing along with knees and clinching the second round and Everything I got in the arsenal in the last round ( and for how ever many rounds after)

After this I usually hit up the slant board and do a couple sets of Sit Up's (the slant board makes it more difficult) and some Push up's with Push Up Bars.


Here's Another one (Courtesy of Bas Rutten) I do sometimes aswell:

Shadowboxing workout...



As far as Supplements I use to drink alot of protein (Cytomax Muscle Milk) but If you tryin to lose weight it's all in your diet and that ish should be excluded. A daily Multi-Vitamin is essential along with cutting out all greasy nasty foods (pretty much all the good shit, lol). Just eat all natural stuff like :Chicken (Preferably boiled or Grilled), Lentils, Whole Wheat Pasta, Oatmeal etc... Anything that doesn't have preservatives..


Edit: Ash brought up running. Also, very important. I use to hate that shit, now I love it!

yo man you do muay thai that’s tight. where did you go to learn that stuff. I saw ong bak and just got into the shit after that movie.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
nah man, I disagree wit the muscle milk,,,,I lost 15 pounds using it as meal replacement.

Yeah, As a meal replacement that would work good. I would use it before or after workouts (sometimes both) and then in between meals. I gained alot of muscle n shit but in order to lose weight you would have to (A.) Supplement it as your meal or (B.) cut it out completely or use it less frequent.

I used it as a meal supplement with along with this (SHIT WAS OFF THE CHAIN!!!!)

2 scoops of the Strawberry (Natural) Muscle Milk
8 oz. of pure apple juice (unpasterized)
6 oz. Fat Free Skim Milk
1 cup or 1/2 up of quaker oats (depending on how much u want)
2 or 3 scoops of apple sauce
2 spoonfuls of Peanut Butter (The all natural kind of course with 1000mg of Omega 3's per spoonful)



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
2 scoops of the Strawberry (Natural) Muscle Milk
8 oz. of pure apple juice (unpasterized)
6 oz. Fat Free Skim Milk
1 cup or 1/2 up of quaker oats (depending on how much u want)
2 or 3 scoops of apple sauce
2 spoonfuls of Peanut Butter (The all natural kind of course with 1000mg of Omega 3's per spoonful)
Holy crap! That's like a heart attack of healthyness.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
I workout 6 times a week, i like to rest one day out of the week.

Alt. Curls
Hammer Curls
Consecutive Curls
Extended Pushups
Diamond Pushups
Shoulder Press
Some other shoulder excersice that i think i made up
Chest press/Benching wit two dumbbells..
Upright Rows
Reverse Flys
Tricep Raises (?) the thing where u put the dumbells over and behind ur head and lift
then Lifting the dumbells striahgt out in front of me
then bringing them straight up on the sides of me and thats it

not in that particular order.

I try to eat a lot of protiens and fruit when we have it, not only any real diet program


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Hammer Curls are dope!

Am I the only one that likes to do exercises and bodyparts that most people don't like to? For example, a lot of people hate doing squats or deadlifts - I love doing that stuff. I prefer free weights, I don't really like machines much.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Hammer Curls are dope!

Am I the only one that likes to do exercises and bodyparts that most people don't like to? For example, a lot of people hate doing squats or deadlifts - I love doing that stuff. I prefer free weights, I don't really like machines much.

Deadlifts, i think we used to call them PowerCleans on my old school basketball team, but those are dope. as for squats and all that kinda stuff, I used to work out the legs alot when i went to the gym, but i'm just workin out at home for now


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I just went back to old school two-a-day routines. I signed up in a basketball league but my boy put our team in the advanced league. We had our first game Monday. We got destroyed.... by some deaf dudes. I think being deaf helped them though. They had to try extra hard to stay acute as to where guys were on the court so their awareness was on point.

The issue though was their bench. They had 13 guys. We had 5. So we had to run the whole game and they had fresh subs. We got owned.

I almost couldn't drive home because my calves kept locking up.

So for right now, it's lifting in the morning and running at night. I am going to track the progress and the workout routines and post the results at the end of the season. I would post routine info now... but I figured it would be better to post them after you see the results.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Yeah I workout almost daily. I've been lifting on/off since 1992 lol, it just doesn't show.

Right now I workout 5 times a week with all the bodyparts split up throughout, then if I'm up to it I'll do 45 minutes on the treadmill, fast walking/slow jogging.

I try to eat sensibly but the poutine keeps calling. I take 1 or 2 protein shakes a day from Optimum Nutrition. I used to take Isopure but it's just so expensive! Plus the ON doesn't give me stomach problems like Isopure did.

When losing weight though, it really is all diet. I mean, you have to lift weights and do cardio as well, but when it comes down to it, if your diet is in check you'll be ok.

True Story:
I was always a skinny guy and throughout high school I was always around 180. Then in '93 I was eating too much of my Mom's cooking so I got up to 210. I got so frustrated that I ended up eating SUPER strict. I won't go into details but within a few short months I went right back down to 180 and had put on muscle too. So yes, diet is key.

If anyone wants tips on losing weight, PM me, I got that shit on lockdown, I just don't always follow it myself either!

I know what u mean! When I had my fight I had to drop like 15 pounds in 2 weeks, lol!! That was pretty crazy, hard on my body, bigtime!

My diet was like this (no joke):

Breakfast: 1 bowl of oatmeal (mixed with water, UGH)

Snack (2 hours after breakfast): An Orange or Apple

Lunch: (@ or around noon): Salad (no meat) with blasamic vinegar (got so sickening after eating it all the time)

Snack (2 hours after Lunch): Orange or apple

Dinner (before 6:00pm usually around 3:30-4:00 pm): 1 Grilled, Baked or Boiled Chicken breast with Whole Wheat Pasta and Balsamic Vinegar.

NOTHING else to eat the entire night! Maybe some almonds or something like that but very little if at all!! That and lot's of sleep!

On top of this I would go to the gym and train for 1.5-2 hours a night (very tuff sessions) plus running 2-3 miles a day! I had no social life when I was training as you can see, lol! It worked though! Not the heathiest thing to do but it got me down to 185!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
Hammer Curls are dope!

Am I the only one that likes to do exercises and bodyparts that most people don't like to? For example, a lot of people hate doing squats or deadlifts - I love doing that stuff. I prefer free weights, I don't really like machines much.

urghhh ! squats and deads are the worst

i train a few times a week kickboxing and sport karate, i go to the gym 3 times a week and do pretty much just free weights and play football once a week aswell !
as for my diet i try to eat as healthy as possible without being too strict about, supplement wise just multi vitamins and lots of pure protein at the moment, i did do creatine for a while then stopped i might start again in the new year !