Why does everyone say my beats sound like movie soundtracks?

I've been making beats for a fair amount of time, I'm still learning a lot, but I get, "this sounds like it should be in a movie" like all the time. And it's annoying. Yeah that'd be cool but I'm trying to make real music not movie music, I'd like to think people know the difference. So what I'm asking is, can some of you peep my tracks and give me some pointers on what I may be doing wrong cause I'm lost. Here's a beat I just made last night and I think it sounds sweet but again I got the, this should be in a movie thing.
Also I have three other beats, first three, that are brand new that I also feel have the similar problem. Again, any help is greatly appreciated. I wanna get into making REAL music. haha


Back to the Grind...
Battle Points: 836
@MikeThetty so i just listened to the beat... it does sound like it could be used in a movie, something like The Matrix. I think part of the reason is due to your sound choice for the main instrument... that synth doesnt really have that “hiphop-esque” sound, neither do some of the drum sounds youre using... and also the drum pattern itself... It definitely doesnt sound bad tho, its a nice piece of music, but not quite a “hiphop beat”

I dont know what type of sound your trying to achieve, but my only advice would be not to “force it,” make the music that comes naturally... there are many musicians/composers/producers that make a good living scoring music for tv and film... just sayin

Oh, and if u want feedback on your music, please post in the latest showcase thread: https://www.illmuzik.com/threads/showcase-january-29-february-4-2018.38811/
@MikeThetty so i just listened to the beat... it does sound like it could be used in a movie, something like The Matrix. I think part of the reason is due to your sound choice for the main instrument... that synth doesnt really have that “hiphop-esque” sound, neither do some of the drum sounds youre using... and also the drum pattern itself... It definitely doesnt sound bad tho, its a nice piece of music, but not quite a “hiphop beat”

I dont know what type of sound your trying to achieve, but my only advice would be not to “force it,” make the music that comes naturally... there are many musicians/composers/producers that make a good living scoring music for tv and film... just sayin

Oh, and if u want feedback on your music, please post in the latest showcase thread: https://www.illmuzik.com/threads/showcase-january-29-february-4-2018.38811/
Okay so I've never really thought about it that way as you put it having a "main instrument" so I kind of focused in on that and I made a beat, would you mind checking it out since you're the only one who responded? lol. Sorry I feel like a kid asking. But any way if you do, just let me know if I got myself out of the movie category. haha.


Battle Points: 206
Giving you real and honest advice, it does sound like a movie soundtrack but...
That is never a bad thing at least now, you have your own style and all you have to do is build on it.

I can give you one producer/beatmaker that sounds similar, El-P.
His beats have the same feel or sound to what you are already making.

My tip, master this skill because it comes naturally it gives character to your music no matter what you end up doing.

If you really want to change your style so bad, listen to other music, sample other genres, use other sounds or switch up your workflow, or lower your BPM or try a different way of mixing.

hope that helps :D
I've always had this problem , but i never changed my beats , the thing was after listening to Alot of music , using 1 or 2 samples per 10 songs and making 1 beat per day it kinda disappeared , But , its still with me , i mean when i compose 20 songs , 1 or 2 of em were called Movie Song ... but im fine with that .
Btw i tryed making movie music , i made ending title songs , i even made air sound with sfx and stuff like that , like the ones you hear Meanwhile the movie , when some character is walking , you know ? And it was kinda good .
Anyways in my experience its Fine , you ain't gotta worry about it .

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