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Audio Fanatic...
ill o.g.
In fact just after I got done writing this response my laptop battery died and when it came back up it said my Windows 7 was not legit and that I am a victim of software theft or whatever. I have an action pack subscription so this is an ACTION PACK version of Windows 7 pro. Now my laptop is flipping out. Because it shuts of areo and all the video card stuff, slows the cpu down etc. This is why pro musicians choose mac EVERY time because they don't put up with this bullshit. Pirates don't deal with this, see the LEGAL user is hurt in this situation and my experience with the product is horrible. Where the pirates experience is better. This is simply no way to treat a paying customer. If Propellerheads and Adobe ran on Linux I would be there in a heartbeat. Man its back to all mac when I can afford it.

That sux man!! Real talk....and I see why you have the outlook you do, I would too if I was dealing with crap like this! Great example...

wack experience!


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
"But that's not the "general experience" like you make it seem"

I am sorry but you are 100% mistaken, every IT person I have ever met minus you is frustrated with this. Literally every windows machine I have ever had has done it at least once. THOUSANDS of my customers have had this issue. It happens all the time. It is a bit better with Windows 7, but it should not be there at all. But I do agree on one point, it is not a justification for piracy. I just choose to support companies that don't have activation as much as possible. Apple is one of those companies. Propelerheads was for a long time. Cakewalk is another great example.

Let me ask you this, do you do allot of bug fixs? IE Dealing with virus's etc? If you don't I can see why it would not bother you. But if you do remove lots of bug I would bet you deal with it often. At any rate very good discussion :)

Another question why is Windows the only OS that does this? Its a very crippling thing. (and dont use the market share excuse ha ha)


Audio Fanatic...
ill o.g.
"But that's not the "general experience" like you make it seem"

I am sorry but you are 100% mistaken, every IT person I have ever met minus you is frustrated with this. Literally every windows machine I have ever had has done it at least once. THOUSANDS of my customers have had this issue. It happens all the time. It is a bit better with Windows 7, but it should not be there at all. But I do agree on one point, it is not a justification for piracy. I just choose to support companies that don't have activation as much as possible. Apple is one of those companies. Propelerheads was for a long time. Cakewalk is another great example.

Let me ask you this, do you do allot of bug fixs? IE Dealing with virus's etc? If you don't I can see why it would not bother you. But if you do remove lots of bug I would bet you deal with it often. At any rate very good discussion :)

Another question why is Windows the only OS that does this? Its a very crippling thing. (and dont use the market share excuse ha ha)

I'm 100% mistaken? Hilarious! I'm sure you know every IT person in the world right? lol...like I said, your generalization is inaccurate, just say in your experience, don't blanket it like it happens to everyone...because it doesn't, I'm not some special person who's the only one that hasn't had these issues, I never said it wasn't an issue, just not an issue that everyone has like you make it seem.

Yes I deal with bugs at work, which is more due to user's knowledge of downloading random things lol. At home I don't get viruses or bugs, never lost any of my home pc to a virus, bug or malware, that includes my computers, wife's computers, and kids computers.

But YES, I would like for it not to be an issue. I have a mac, not the newest one but, I think the OS is light years ahead of windows and was very pleased with how it "just worked". There is a lot in there that just makes sense. However, I don't believe it's the only choice and really depends on the person and what they are looking to do.

I never said I love activation, just that it's not a big deal, I'm always pleased when I can install software with a simple serial number and move on, but it doesn't bother me when I have to do a challenge/response or an activation. I'm all for a simple serial number system even if activation happens "in the background" so to speak. I welcome any changes in activation/use of legit software...I just don't feel hindered, annoyed, or punished by the current process of software activations.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
My 100% mistaken comment was in response to this

"But that's not the "general experience" like you make it seem"

Look it up on google, it is the general experience with Windows.

And I do know about 40 It professional from all over the country. I would say thats a pretty good amount.

But we do agree even with Windows 7, OSX is Worlds better :)


Audio Fanatic...
ill o.g.
Lol...aight bro, I see you're about as persistent as me so let's keep it moving lol, we've both made our points :)

Yes OSX is a dope operating system, no question about it lol, I loved it when I first used it.

for me, it's all about the software I use and if it works, a few products still have issues with the new osx, and some companies have just started supporting 64bit osx, yet have been supporting 64 bit on windows for a while.

Plus, there are still some windows only plugs that I kinda dig lol....I don't wanna do the bootcamp thing, and not sure how well vsts work via vmware fusion or other virtual programs on OSX.

I haven't totally ruled out osx just yet...but about 80% sure I'll be building a 64 bit windows machine shortly.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
oh for sure. Dual boot is just an extra hassle and doing production in a virtual machine sucks! Been there got the t-shirt :)

Bad news is those Windows only plugs probably won't work on 64bit. What plugs btw?

I will tell you this when I switched my main production machine to mac I just seemed to get allot more done.

Right now I work in mixed media production so my current set up is a Windows machine running Adobe master, Reason/Record/ Maschine Samplitube and Mac running Final cut studio, Logic, Reason, Live and a Linux Machine here running Linux Mint, Blender, Maya and Nuke.

So yea I have my foot in all worlds lol


Audio Fanatic...
ill o.g.
I hear ya, yeah most won't be 64 bit, I'm a huge fan of Tone 2 for example, firebird and gladiator 2 are sick. Also, I use sony vegas and not sure if it works on mac, I also use camtasia for screen vids, of course I'd love to use screenflow tho! lol.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
yea Vegas is Win only as are those plugins.

You are totally correct in that you need to pick the tools first platform second. If you feel more comfortable and create more with Vegas over Logic/Final cut then Windows is right for you no doubt.

I think people get so caught up in dealing with the tools that they forget to create art.


Audio Fanatic...
ill o.g.
exactly....my choice is based solely on what I use lol. Video is a huge part of what I do of course, and I know I can use whatever is on Mac but I already got what I need really lol. Camtasia for mac is sorta stripped down, and I love using that for my screen cast videos.

I've already started buying parts for my new pc build, so its all good, but I'm not one of those Mac haters, I really think OSX runs circles around Windows, anyone familiar with OSX can see the influence it has on Windows 7 :)

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