white boys in the rap game

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I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
I mean ur right one won aspect hop, i am seeing in from a black persctive.

And like u said im sure there is plenty of dope white MC's that i have never heard of. Im not gonna pretend like i know every aspect and avanue of hip hop, thats impossiable. All i can give is my "slice" of experinces .

Also i never said whites havent been doing there thing in hip hop. I mean they have for awhile, but there arent that many that are very notable.

Plus if u wanna be techinal about it, white folks run this hip hop shit from a busniess aspect. Only recently are indipendant lables able to pull some clout from the big companies.

I know all my comments apply to black folks, and i know there is a double standard to white MC's, this time its one of the few that dosent go against african americans

Again this is all my opionion,

P.S this isent "my" artform, its for everyone as long as people respect its roots and african american hertiage(black white asain whatever..)


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
classic said:
You are freakin nuts rhymtikal, u cant even begin to imagine the bullshit those snooty rich white country club mothefuckers put him threw. Ive seen it first hand man.. that shit aint no joke. You gotta realise just becasue U dont see it dosent mean it dosent happen.I deal with this shit everyday in graduate school, u wouldent belive some of the things i have to deal with
hence the comment "Welcome to my everday world"

Anyway back to the point

The reson why i look at white MC's with suspeicion is becasue im afraid they are going to take over hip hop and turn it into a "rock &roll" situation
For those who dont know, rock and roll is a form of black music, but was explioted (elvis) so well that no adays you will be hard pressed to find a black musican doing rock. ITs real sad

i DO NOT want to see that happen with hip hop


man wats wrong with u?

''those snooty rich white country club mothefuckers put him threw''

thats straight racist blud.

class u always goin on about how u been through everythin and that i dont know shit, how u know i aint been through worse than u? how the fuck do u know that? coz im not black and im not from the hood?

u think ur the only target of racism? i go concerts - i get shit thrown at me, i get told to move the fuck out of the way, i got guys tryin to whoop my ass coz im a row further forward then them.

this thread is turnin into a white vs. black thing itself, how bout everyone just makes beats?

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
classic said:
I mean ur right one won aspect hop, i am seeing in from a black persctive.

And like u said im sure there is plenty of dope white MC's that i have never heard of. Im not gonna pretend like i know every aspect and avanue of hip hop, thats impossiable. All i can give is my "slice" of experinces .

Also i never said whites havent been doing there thing in hip hop. I mean they have for awhile, but there arent that many that are very notable.

Plus if u wanna be techinal about it, white folks run this hip hop shit from a busniess aspect. Only recently are indipendant lables able to pull some clout from the big companies.

I know all my comments apply to black folks, and i know there is a double standard to white MC's, this time its one of the few that dosent go against african americans

Again this is all my opionion,

P.S this isent "my" artform, its for everyone as long as people respect its roots and african american hertiage(black white asain whatever..)

Word up Class, I respect you, and I also respect your opinions.

And with the independent labels coming up lately, hopefully all this bullshit will change (as far as these rich businessman pimping out artists)

P.S. I neva called you a racist, I was just asking you straight up..You're a good dude man


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Rhythmikal said:
man wats wrong with u?

''those snooty rich white country club mothefuckers put him threw''

thats straight racist blud.

class u always goin on about how u been through everythin and that i dont know shit, how u know i aint been through worse than u? how the fuck do u know that? coz im not black and im not from the hood?

u think ur the only target of racism? i go concerts - i get shit thrown at me, i get told to move the fuck out of the way, i got guys tryin to whoop my ass coz im a row further forward then them.

this thread is turnin into a white vs. black thing itself, how bout everyone just makes beats?

I dont think that’s racist at all rhymitcal, that’s calling it like it is,

Those were snooty rich white racist motherfuckers, ive seen them first hand man(I used to work at a country club) That’s why I can say I know what he has been threw

I will be the first to tell u that there are alot of hypocritical, cry racism, backwards ass , African americans that give cats like me a bad name. Does that still make me racist???

Again I think that’s callin it like it is

I don’t act like i know everything nephew, all i bring to the table in all my discussions are MY EXPERINCES and MY OPIONIONSIf you notice i always state “this is my opinion.”

With that being said u have to realize that just because u see something on TV or you have read a book or website about something doesn’t mean u understand it.

I have been to the UK plenty of times, but u dont see me acting like an expert on UK life and culture, now i may have a better view the most American cats because i have seen it first hand, but im sure you will agree there is a big difference between knowing and talking about something and living it.

Now im not trying to turn this into a pissing contest but I feel that a lot of the stuff you talk about u truly don’t understand, especially with the tiger woods comment. I honestly feel that you have NO IDEA what that cat had to go threw because you haven’t had the same experiences that he has had, or seen what he has to go threw . Now I don’t know everything he went threw either, but I defiantly have had similar experiences and I feel I can relate to him a lot more then you can

Again this is just my opinion

Back to the topic…….


ill o.g.
i think both white and black people need to face reality. i personally feel insulted when i hear white people use the line that "black people dont buy albums, its white people who support HH" etc...wtf kinda insult is this? there are 33m black people in the US, 35million latinos, and you wanna claim that HH is 95% supported by white people?... white buyers just ADD to the sales, they may account for an extrat 50% but to claim more than that i think you gotta watch ur mouth.

then you have black people who feel that they are born to rap, yet..they get beat down anyday by some white hot rapper, especially in the battle scene..you have tyhese MC's who think they can "thug" out some white guy..just cos he's white..yet he gets blown to shreds on stage in a battle hands down. there are many whtie guys who can are just as good as the any black mC out there. and eminem did change the game..he came with his own style, backed by the good docter. dont hate.

where i get pissed off though is the free range of access white rappers (using eminem as an example) will have... you have white people who claim eminem is the best thing since sliced bread YET..they have or wont bother to listen to a black rapper, it was in ebony i was reading that you have eminem played just as equally on black media, yet you wont have jay z playing on MTV-2 or Q or white based media...yet eminem is featured heavily on mtv 2 and VH-1. thats the unfair playing field most black people are scared of.

the AnR who discovered elvis presley had the task of ..and i quote " finding a white guy that can sing like a nigger, and dance like a nigger,..and we'll make millions.".
thats where the game is messed up and black people are rightly wary that, white boys will come in and turn it into something else which wont be accesible to black people again. however, it usually dont even have anything to do with the artist like elvis or eminem..who at the end of the day..just wanted to perfprm their hearts out.



Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
classic said:
I dont think that’s racist at all rhymitcal, that’s calling it like it is,

Those were snooty rich white racist motherfuckers, ive seen them first hand man(I used to work at a country club) That’s why I can say I know what he has been threw

I will be the first to tell u that there are alot of hypocritical, cry racism, backwards ass , African americans that give cats like me a bad name. Does that still make me racist???

Again I think that’s callin it like it is

I don’t act like i know everything nephew, all i bring to the table in all my discussions are MY EXPERINCES and MY OPIONIONSIf you notice i always state “this is my opinion.”

With that being said u have to realize that just because u see something on TV or you have read a book or website about something doesn’t mean u understand it.

I have been to the UK plenty of times, but u dont see me acting like an expert on UK life and culture, now i may have a better view the most American cats because i have seen it first hand, but im sure you will agree there is a big difference between knowing and talking about something and living it.

Now im not trying to turn this into a pissing contest but I feel that a lot of the stuff you talk about u truly don’t understand, especially with the tiger woods comment. I honestly feel that you have NO IDEA what that cat had to go threw because you haven’t had the same experiences that he has had, or seen what he has to go threw . Now I don’t know everything he went threw either, but I defiantly have had similar experiences and I feel I can relate to him a lot more then you can

Again this is just my opinion

Back to the topic…….

dont say i dont know what im talkin about, u say that all the time.

u say i have NO IDEA what tiger went through, well even if i did i dont think it would compare to what Em went through, thats all im saying. how can u not agree with that - the street is worse than a god damn golf course no matter what!! i dont have to have lived in America 20 years to say that.

at the end of the day they both got fucked over coz they were in the wrong sport/artform.

anyway, u seem to not take too kindly with white kids gettin into rapping, what about white kids gettin into producin?


ill o.g.
Lol Tiger Woods is the biggest Uncle Tom on the Planet he Probably got along all fine and dandy with those Country Club RedNecks I guess thats why there is always people making fun of how white washed he is all the time on BET Comic View

Anyways Class is Right in alot of Aspects here is a example

I was at a Party Friday at a Park and some White Kid was Freestyling and Me im just chillin tryna get Drunk and my White Friend Came up 2 Me an was like Go Destroy this Stupid White kid AND HE IS WHITE , but I aint Freestyle really all that much since highschool so I was like Naw IM jus tryna get a Lil Twist an talk 2 some G'z

But ya even a White boy was Hatin on da Man Just Cuz he was white and Had that Annoying I work at Mcdonalds Drive thru Flow (No Offense Em)


ill o.g.
why will people call tigger an uncle tom>? are you any less black if you're middle class raised and black? damon dash was middle class, but why is he more black than tiger? he probably hasnt even experienced as much rascism as tiger. people need to fix up when they rant nonsense about tiger and others, yeah so his wife is white, but i know lots of people far lower down the income scale..infact..down right ghetto people..who date or are married to white people..yet to you on the street..you will thik these people are "down".

when someone is mixed race how can you just expect them to wish away their non black parentage. even though society based on racism wants them to, obviously the fact that their parents got married in the first place shows that they didnt or dont care what society thinks. Tiger woods is half black. live with it. and his dad is retired General..thats as BLACK as a man can get. fighting for a country that you coudlnt walk freely around based on the color of your skin.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Rhythmikal said:
dont say i dont know what im talkin about, u say that all the time.

u say i have NO IDEA what tiger went through, well even if i did i dont think it would compare to what Em went through, thats all im saying. how can u not agree with that - the street is worse than a god damn golf course no matter what!! i dont have to have lived in America 20 years to say that.

at the end of the day they both got fucked over coz they were in the wrong sport/artform.

anyway, u seem to not take too kindly with white kids gettin into rapping, what about white kids gettin into producin?

I think ur misinteraping my views man, i dont have a problem with green aliens rapping. I do have a problem with dumb ass people (white or black) tryin to fit this hip hop sterotype and keep it real and talk about shit they dont understand.

Basically im sayin this, white or black talk about what you know, not what other cats are talking about.

Im tired of cats thinking emiem is the damn savior to freakin hip hop, i mean i respect the cat but DAMN!!!, hip hop would be fine without the motherfucker. I still would be buying albums and shit would be the same. He dident do anything that other cats havent done before him.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
First off i think people need to stop the straight up slanging match, why turn this into a race hate thread ! soon we will be calling each other niggas and honkys and posting on opposire sides on the board !
A lot of comments people have made i know there not making them in a straight up racist way or they don't intend to but seriously some of them are pretty close to the mark !

In response to the original post class i know me and you have discussed this issue and other similar issues a lot before, i think to disregard eminem in that way is silly the man has done as much for hip hop as anyone, sure as a result there mayb a 100 talentless wanabe eminems but aren't there already a hundred talentless jay-z wanabes, you think only white people imitate their heroes ?
What tiger woods went through would have been horrible which makes it all the more amazing that hes where he is today and hes achieved what he has done, eminem the same, he went through a lot to get where he is today, i remember an interview with royce, at the height of their 'beef' and he said that even through all that he still respects eminem coz he knows what he went through to get where hes at !
Don't hate me because of what another white person may have done or said to you, i'm not going to hate you if a black person does something bad to me, their are good and bad people of all races, don't tar everyone with the same brush !
im ranting now so................ l8r lol
Its natrual beacuse of your ethnic background that you will have a particular viewpoint or that its biased in someway everyones viewpoint is based around what they know what they have experienced it doesnt make you or them right !

a point i think is valid is that why in other genres is there little to no racism ? dance music, rock music etc, ok their isn't such a hig black presence in these types of music but there are a lot of ethnic minorities that take part in them yet you don't hear about the race provoked shootings at a rave club or woteva ! ? maybe its because hip hop is so closely connected to the street and these are results of this ?

A lot of people seem to want to kick all racism out of hip hop and the world fullstop but then we have threads like are white boys serious in rap ? this is racist ! take them seriously unless you are racist towards whites you should take them seriously i think we need to try to get over personal experiences and if a mutual respect is there then why shouldnt they be part of it ? Thats just a stereotypical view of race its no better than me saying all black people are thugs or woteva thats not try their are black thugs there are white thugs, they are white people working for the better of hip hop and their are black people working for the better of hip hop and both black and white people that are destroying hip hop ! all people go through struggles, that needs to be remembered if your black and in the hood you struggle but don't think for a second that because im white and im from the uk that i don't have my own struggles to deal with ! hip hop can be used in a positive way for people of all races to benefit from lets not destroy it beacuse of potentially biased view towards other races, rock woz a black music that turned white maybe people of all races being involved would make hip hop a universal music for all races, whereas if other races aren't made to feel welcome the music as a whole will suffer ! there woz a higher level of racism in elvis's time so maybe this time something can be made that works for everyone !


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
yo this shit is weird, yall arguin on this shit and right now at school we are havin cultural diversity week celebrating all the cultures at our school.

back on topic

em he cool in all i mean when he came out he was talking about somethin diffrents and shit, i mean dude did his whole biography in a song that talent, so em did help the hip hop game but when he first came out i was like oh here is another vinella ice and shit, but i respect em but i am getting tired of this fake ass suburbin thugs 17 drivin a fuckin lexus truck wit 22s and thinkin he thug what kind of shit is that, but its fake as black people to so i know where every body comin from its no right or wrong in this argument lets just keep an open mind


ill o.g.
pirell said:
why will people call tigger an uncle tom>? are you any less black if you're middle class raised and black? damon dash was middle class, but why is he more black than tiger? he probably hasnt even experienced as much rascism as tiger. people need to fix up when they rant nonsense about tiger and others, yeah so his wife is white, but i know lots of people far lower down the income scale..infact..down right ghetto people..who date or are married to white people..yet to you on the street..you will thik these people are "down".

when someone is mixed race how can you just expect them to wish away their non black parentage. even though society based on racism wants them to, obviously the fact that their parents got married in the first place shows that they didnt or dont care what society thinks. Tiger woods is half black. live with it. .

Ya the Tiger thing was just a Joke a Ignorant 1 I guess being that I dont no shit about Golf or Really know much about him . but i have heard many jokes about him and have heard some of my Uncles talk a lil shit about him .

And ya I no Black and white people get 2gether so do CHinese , Indian , Spanish Etc.. I would not be here if that didint happen so Dont get so uptight about the Tiger thing
It was a Joke lets get back 2 the Matters @ Hand


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
classic said:
I think ur misinteraping my views man, i dont have a problem with green aliens rapping. I do have a problem with dumb ass people (white or black) tryin to fit this hip hop sterotype and keep it real and talk about shit they dont understand.

Basically im sayin this, white or black talk about what you know, not what other cats are talking about.

Im tired of cats thinking emiem is the damn savior to freakin hip hop, i mean i respect the cat but DAMN!!!, hip hop would be fine without the motherfucker. I still would be buying albums and shit would be the same. He dident do anything that other cats havent done before him.


definately man, i agree Eminem is no saviour (hip hop would of easily gone on without him, wouldnt of been as strong without Pac and Biggie though.....) BUT Em did open it up to a much wider audience JUST like Tiger Woods did, and they are both great role models for their race. theres the comparison.


mr mello

ill o.g.
I'm South African and apartheid only ended 11 years ago, as a result I find it hard to trust white poeple in general.

As far as Rapping goes , my ancestors have been doing that for centuries, its a part of our culture. Making poems that rhyme accompanied by a beat is something that even my grandmother does to this day and it is going to be something that me and my poeple do long after MtV decides that Hip Hop sucks.

As far as hip hop goes , I am hip hop

As far as white emcees go .... man I just dont know

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
what did eminem change, exactly? he didnt make hip hop any more or less pallatable to the white audience- whites already made up the majority of consumers of hip hop... eminem HIMSELF is what is more pallatable to the white audience. he didnt make hip hop itself more pallatable, and that is a big difference. alot of those same white dudes wont even check for or acknowledge the talents of say common or nas but will rep hard for eminem and 50 to the end of time....

i know i have heard em get play on rock stations, and i know i have never-nor will i ever-hear nas on rock radio. just something to chew on.

as far as class's statement about the country club. i can agree with that because i have also worked at a country club and experienced blatant racism there. my name was pedro, juan, jose, amgo every stereotypical hispanic name and word in existance to those pricks.... "hey amigo, fetch my ball!!" while laughing it up with their other equally racist friends like its hilarious.....

as far as tiger woods, it goes back to the old adage that minorities get more respect and lots of "keepin it real" points for gettin out of jail, but get very little love or respect for graduating college, getting a real job, etc..... and that is an issue among minorities themselves.... so why the hell is the guy an uncle tom? because he is an affluent, educated, BIRACIAL black AND asian man who has gained a damn near impossible to reach elite status within an an *obviously* white-oriented sport such as golf? gimme a break. he gets dissed, but somebody like puff or dame dash who trys to keep a ghetto persona when they are from a suburb, those dudes deserve far greater ridicule for trying to maintain a negative stereotype that others live because they HAVE to, yet these guys WANT to pretend that they/............. ah whatever im done with that rant, im gettin a little too off topic.

i mean....... there are so many multifaceted issues here, as one layer gets peeled off to reveal another, and the elements of racism exist far beyond black and white, pervading within races to the detriment of themselves.... so why/how is woods an uncle tom?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Cold Truth said:
what did eminem change, exactly? he didnt make hip hop any more or less pallatable to the white audience- whites already made up the majority of consumers of hip hop... eminem HIMSELF is what is more pallatable to the white audience. he didnt make hip hop itself more pallatable, and that is a big difference. alot of those same white dudes wont even check for or acknowledge the talents of say common or nas but will rep hard for eminem and 50 to the end of time....

i know i have heard em get play on rock stations, and i know i have never-nor will i ever-hear nas on rock radio. just something to chew on.

as far as class's statement about the country club. i can agree with that because i have also worked at a country club and experienced blatant racism there. my name was pedro, juan, jose, amgo every stereotypical hispanic name and word in existance to those pricks.... "hey amigo, fetch my ball!!" while laughing it up with their other equally racist friends like its hilarious.....

as far as tiger woods, it goes back to the old adage that minorities get more respect and lots of "keepin it real" points for gettin out of jail, but get very little love or respect for graduating college, getting a real job, etc..... and that is an issue among minorities themselves.... so why the hell is the guy an uncle tom? because he is an affluent, educated, BIRACIAL black AND asian man who has gained a damn near impossible to reach elite status within an an *obviously* white-oriented sport such as golf? gimme a break. he gets dissed, but somebody like puff or dame dash who trys to keep a ghetto persona when they are from a suburb, those dudes deserve far greater ridicule for trying to maintain a negative stereotype that others live because they HAVE to, yet these guys WANT to pretend that they/............. ah whatever im done with that rant, im gettin a little too off topic.

i mean....... there are so many multifaceted issues here, as one layer gets peeled off to reveal another, and the elements of racism exist far beyond black and white, pervading within races to the detriment of themselves.... so why/how is woods an uncle tom?

wow, that post was the truth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Poncho! lol


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
o yeh btw, for anyone in the Uk (probably just me and MarkN right now) - BBC1 is showing the Tiger Woods biography film in 20mins (12:30).

how wierd is that...

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