What if....

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ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:

you know, this is kinda messed up. i am so tired of people talking about how "sick" they are of "christian propaganda" when the music industry, BY AND LARGE, is almost exclusively a secular venture. sex, drugs, bangin, slanging, pimpin, flossin, etc are all readily accepted but somebody expressing their faith in a God is somehow scourge to hip hop?

NOW, i understand not liking what is out there; i am a believer myself and i have a hard time listening to other Christian artists because the quality is just not that good, and its usually cheesy to me. i still respect what they are trying to do.

somehow, its ok for rappers of an islamic/5% tilt (wu tang, mos def, brand nubian, etc) to do their thing, its cool to mention allah and all that, but hey, KEEP THOSE JESUS FREAKS OUT OF MUSIC.

shoved down yuor throats? how/when? when was the last time mtv played a Christian rapper? when was the last time your local radio station played one? now the rock scene is a bit different...

but seriously. if yuo dont like it, i respect that and you are entiteld to that. but im going to be real... thats real discouraging and hurtful to me to see how much hatred some of you show just because someone chooses to share their faith. you do not have to listen to it- but to say that it has no place in music? wow. thats a powerful statement.

if yuo do not believe, fine. if you are a "man of science" or whatever, fine- nevermind that there doesnt have to be a seperation there until the THEORY of macro-evolution comes into play- but thats fine.

i have no issue with you not believing, not liking Christianity or those of us who believe, but to tell me that MY faith, MY experiences and MY story HAS NO PLACE in the music that MY GOD gifted me to make, thats just hateful. it really is.

so its ok for me to write a song about how much i love strippers, but i cant write a story about loving God?

now, as far as this whole "my god can beat up your god" thing, with everybody fighting and arguing and whatnot... thats not my thing. however, i am firm in what i believe just as any muslim, naturalist, or athiest. the issue i have here is that each of those groups are readily acceptable to most of you, however my group is met with such a fierce and unnecesary hatred. dont want me to preach to you? fine. i understand that. bbut to say that i have no right to express my faith in my music, wheather i am up front and in your face ala most christian artists, or more subtle (it is) like a U2 or Chevelle....... either way, i have that right and perhaps yuo do not like it in your listening, but for there to be such hatred from you guys- guys i would have no problem kickin it with, doing shows with, working with, whatever.... that burns a bit.

Look, I don't know if any of this is a response to my comment, but if it is you got it twisted my friend. First off, I never said you can't believe what you want to believe. Secondly, my comment about propoganda stems from what I have experienced with Christian "missionaries" in Irvine and here in Burbank. Plus that sentence was supposed to represent a hypothetical future in which rap was more God-centered, not commenting on stuff I've heard.

The bottom line here is that you can rap about God if you want...I just ain't gonna buy it if I believe it goes overboard on the God tip. Talk about God and how he is good. Talk about Allah and how he is good. Talk about Jehova and how he is good. Talk about how you're trying to become a Buddha. But, I don't need to hear that the earth was created in seven days or "Peter built the Church on the rock..."

Please don't take this the wrong way.



IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
Lo'Nye said:
Yes I would still buy their albums if the quality is good. I really think that there is more in life than cursin', sex, money etc...

Thanks LO'NYE!!!!!!!!! Your one of the few people that answered my question. It's not my problem if people do not believe, that was NOT my question. For me, it is getting pretty boring to always hear music with someone cursings hoes and how many time they got shot. I was just wondering if their lyrics would change, if people would still buy their stuff. People started to take my words personnally and started to be harsh an no respectfull. As a matter of fact, im catholic and my relation with God is my business. Im just not scared to say how Good he is. However, i KNOW rappers wont waste a dope flow on a topic that concern Religion. I have many friends who dosent belive, i know people who believe in other stuff and i respect totally. i just wanted to know musically what they would think about this. People started to attack me personnaly so thats why i said "it sad that they dont understand" Whatever, im Humble, im sorry for this thread and to everybody. I wont post anymore stuff here.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
Producer_GyaL said:
Thanks LO'NYE!!!!!!!!! Your one of the few people that answered my question. It's not my problem if people do not believe, that was NOT my question. For me, it is getting pretty boring to always hear music with someone cursings hoes and how many time they got shot. I was just wondering if their lyrics would change, if people would still buy their stuff. People started to take my words personnally and started to be harsh an no respectfull. As a matter of fact, im catholic and my relation with God is my business. Im just not scared to say how Good he is. However, i KNOW rappers wont waste a dope flow on a topic that concern Religion. I have many friends who dosent belive, i know people who believe in other stuff and i respect totally. i just wanted to know musically what they would think about this. People started to attack me personnaly so thats why i said "it sad that they dont understand" Whatever, im Humble, im sorry for this thread and to everybody. I wont post anymore stuff here.

Sorry, I now understand what you were asking, but the "God is good" thing made it confusing. Yeah, I would listen to those big-time rappers if they switched there word choice up, I'm tired of the flossing, bitches, hoes, guns and killa stuff anyways.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
DJ Hoppa said:

Religious Hip Hop Is Wack.

actually, i dont buy their albums as is, they are crap.

It would just be ridiculous if out of no where they flip their style up. Dont get me wrong, most of the hip hop I already listen to is positive/uplifting, but come one, Stay true to self.

Plus, I dont want to be preached, converted, or outreached to, especially by rappers.

guarantee i can prove you wrong! wus good!!!!!!!!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
M!nd_Ctrl said:
Look, I don't know if any of this is a response to my comment, but if it is you got it twisted my friend. First off, I never said you can't believe what you want to believe. Secondly, my comment about propoganda stems from what I have experienced with Christian "missionaries" in Irvine and here in Burbank. Plus that sentence was supposed to represent a hypothetical future in which rap was more God-centered, not commenting on stuff I've heard.

The bottom line here is that you can rap about God if you want...I just ain't gonna buy it if I believe it goes overboard on the God tip. Talk about God and how he is good. Talk about Allah and how he is good. Talk about Jehova and how he is good. Talk about how you're trying to become a Buddha. But, I don't need to hear that the earth was created in seven days or "Peter built the Church on the rock..."

Please don't take this the wrong way.


what's soooo bad about hearing about the earth created in 7 days? especially if the rhyme scheme is ill and the track is bangin'?! why can't we heard explicit GOD raps, but we can hear explicit everything else?!??!?

truth matters! AND truth is true whether one believes it or not!

The Bastard

macthedoulos said:
what's soooo bad about hearing about the earth created in 7 days? especially if the rhyme scheme is ill and the track is bangin'?! why can't we heard explicit GOD raps, but we can hear explicit everything else?!??!?

truth matters! AND truth is true whether one believes it or not!


Posted Up
ill o.g.
macthedoulos said:
what's soooo bad about hearing about the earth created in 7 days? especially if the rhyme scheme is ill and the track is bangin'?! why can't we heard explicit GOD raps, but we can hear explicit everything else?!??!?

truth matters! AND truth is true whether one believes it or not!

I'm just saying what I don't want to hear; You can listen to it if you want. I agree that it can be cool. I chose a bad example (once again) to make a point.

I've learned that this was not the point of this thread anyway.


tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
for everyone who has said that this convo has gotten off topic, I AGREE

i for one was stupid and went a little off topic myself.

i will give one example of a song that i like that deals with god somewhat

and that is "Footprints" by G-Unit

i mean, that doesn't bother me cuz i think that's a tight song.

Gyal, i think everyone on here would continue buying the music IF IT WAS GOOD. but the problem is, a lot of what people like about the songs is the lyrical content. and i mean, if some dude if spittin about how god is good, and i can't relate, i'm not gonna be feelin that? yknow? and i think that's how a lot of people on here feel. if someone could write about god, but still have it be something that i could relate too, or enjoy, then yea, i'd buy it. but so far, i have found that i can't really get into that kind of stuff.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i VERY STRONGLY advise those of you- especially underground heads- who think "christian" hip hop is wack...those of you who dig sage francis, mf doom, def jux, justice league or any of thoise things, check out Mars Ill. maybe you wont like everything... but i challenge you to look them up, look up "sunspot" off of the "backbreakanomics" album, more to the point, and TELL ME THESE DUDES ARE WACK.

i know a few cats have heard them. a lot dont even realize they are christians. but they are very, very good. mc and producer tandem, which you rarely see these days as it is..

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
one point i'd like to say to yall that keep saying "oh but its ok to rap about guns and bitches and shit" .... why you fools keep bringing that up when aint one person say that... thats some typical bullshit...

but if P gal and the others got such a big problem with hearing those topics, hip hop aint for yall for reals...

and yo truth... THOSE DUDES ARE WACK if they label themselves "christian hip hop"

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
Producer_GyaL said:
OKay, now the discussion is over.

Producer_GyaL said:
Whatever, i have nothing else to add.

Producer_GyaL said:
I wont post anymore stuff here.

Then leave it alone!

I hope you realized you touched on a touchy subject, and heads are going to react becuase eveyone has their beliefs and they should be respected...



DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
Producer_GyaL said:
Hoppa, you seriously got issues. Hater!

Oh no you didn't.

Bitch please.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
gram, have you heard them? have you listened to them? does the label itself matter? they are automatically wack if they are considered christian hip hop? thats an automatic, a given? who said they labeled themselves that? would it be more acceptable to say "christians who rap" as opposed to "christian rappers"? because regardless its the same thing, the same group, the same music, the same beats, the same lyrics. if you are going to completely dismiss the talent of somebody you have never heard based on a label.....

as far as the guns issue... i never said anyone else brough it up it up... my argument is simply that those things are acceptable and in some cases encouraged, so why cant somebodies religious faith be expressed in the same way? i never once in this thread "complained" abuot the violence/guns/etc in hip hop- merely stating that matters of faith do have their place, and just as i dont have to listen to something i find offensive, niether do you or anyone else who despise religion- well, Christianity really becasue i have never, not once, heard anyone complain about the heavy 5 percent influence on hip hop.......

its one thing to say "i dont like this, i dont want to hear it, i would listen to it, its not something i agree with" and it is another thing entirely to say, "i dont think you should make it, it has no place in hip hop and you shouldnt do it, you shuold stop being true to yuorself" because that IS EXACTLY what has been said.

again, no problems with anyones personal objections, but i see how so many people talk about being "open minded" and yet, are on this "i hate religion and it shouldnt be in music" kick... because really, thats a MAJOR contradiction. an open mind? how are people being open minded when they are saying "you need to have an open mind", but "religion should not be in hip hop". thats being pretty closed minded to my eyes and ears. basically you are "open minded" unless it comes to SOMEBODY ELSES RELIGIOUS VIEWS-because you dont want them to have them or express them.

no, see, thats not the way it works..

a TRULY open mind says.... "this is my preference, this is my choice, but you do whats best for yourself".

you can tell me you dont want to hear it, you dont want religion (*cough*christianity*cough*) in your music, and thats fine, i respect that position. but to tell me that I cant or shouldnt make it or that somebody else shouldnt even make it, thats somehthing on such a perverse level of hatred its not even funny.

im not trying to debate my faith with anybody, or save anybody here, convert anyone or what have you.

but it is a very pathetic thing when its ok for people to rap about strippers and money and cars and degrading women and propagating eveyr negative stereotype in the book BUT I CANT TALK ABUOT GOD? i cant talk about something uplifting to me but someone else can talk about taking somebodies life and thats ok? saying the word nigga is ok but jesus is not? nobody is all up in arms and being so hateful, because one thing that is worse then religion is the love of money and that is the one thing that most of hip hop has in abundance. i have friend who got murdered over money. so much of hip hop prizes getting money of above all else. people do home invasion robberies and terrorize families with small children over money. women sell their bodies to strangers for money. people sell drugs to people in their communities for money. people take the lives of others. that is a far more dangerous and threatening issue and yet, somehow the subject of somebody deciding to talk abuot God in their music draws so much intense hatred... wow...

"cash rules everything around me" is acceptable, but me saying "god rules everything around me" would be met with so much unabashed hatred and criticism... yuor personal choices are fine no problem but lets be real here.... you dont like it dont, dont listen to it, problem solved.

BOTTOM LINE HERE is that if yuo dont like something, you dont have to listen to it. simple as that. but nobody has the right to tell anyone else that they cant express their love for or views of god in their music, any more then they have the right to tell anyone else they have to listen to it.

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
Producer_GyaL said:
LOL bitch please???? This is so nice from you porn guy!

hahaha. I'm done talking with you. It's already hard enough to understand your foreign, jumbled, poor grammar, but now I gotta deal with your pathetic comebacks?
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