What if....

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Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
Producer_GyaL said:
What would you do if all of the sudden Jay-z, 50 cents, Busta Rhymes, Eminem or any Rappers Out there that you love and respect would stop cursing in their songs and would start talking about positive things in life, not to mention how God is Good. Would you still listen to them and buy their albums???
The whole fucking rnb & mainstream gay scene that you are down with (as far as i know) preaches the contrary that you are preaching. Wouldnt you call that ignorant?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Nope!....I wouldnt listen, not that i do now since i cant really feel what those guys are tryin to do for hiphop nowadays anyways (minus busta rhymes), but.... Reason being: It would be even more "Plastic" if they suddenly struck a conscience!...Ya kno?.....Its like - Bitches and hoes, tilted brims, ima playa, and then all of a sudden - "respect ona nother, i love god"...nah man, bullshit!......It would seem like a poor marketing ploy.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
ok ok... lets try and keep this clean. i dont want to close thise because i think itsan important thread.

can we start over?

im going to close this soon otherwise, all i ask is for it to just be respectfully spoken abuot. thats all.


ill o.g.
green, if your gonna discuss or argue something, no offense, but give me something inteligent to chew on. right now your just attacking with strawman arguments.

stop attacking me, attack the subject with proof or something, exemples anything but simply saying F*ck this and that.

im still cool with you guys this is still a music site. So lets discuss it the same way we do with music. right now its as if your telling me : F*ck fruityloops everyone knows Mpc is better. Gimme some info dude.

no need to go personal son, not that it effects me or anything, but just by respect

The Bastard

gram green said:
this is the bullshit im talkin bout... you sound like a jessie helms prodigy or something... you dont know shit bout what your talkin about... spread that specific truth? ... you spreading rumors and lies son... there is 0 truth to religion... and when people say shit like "they just dont know" or "they arent ready for the gospel yet" thats the shit that makes me wanna come back with some fuck religion shit...

but to cold truth no offense... you got the right... it just aint shit i wanna hear about... the shit you said was intelligent and expressing your view which is cool.... p gal and deca sound like they stepped out of the jerry fallwell college... yall should show some respect with your comments if yall want to spread good and all that... because just like you dont wanna hear some fuck a bitch shit, others can feel the same way about your religous views
and you sound like a moron. tellin people to show respect with their comments while your bashin them in the same paragraph ,you big dummy. just cuz u got no faith and got nothing to believe in you want everyone to silence their faith and live in darkness like you. kiss my ass

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i wasnt getting personal young... i just didnt feel like going through and setting up a multiple quote post pointing out all the shit you were saying....

im not sure what you didnt understand... your comments come from the point of view that your veiws are truths when they are your faith... i dont appreciate cats acting like it is more than an opinion...

you said you wanna do good through the world... than start by knowing your shit aint more than your opinion... and when you voice your opinion and say others arent ready to understand it or you wanna spread this truth... its annoying to me...

which seems to be the problem with alot of people from all religions.. its hard to talk about something like that without sounding judgemental of non believers... because its in your religion that these people will go to hell... so its natural i guess... but annoying as shit...

hence... i dont want to hear it in hip hop...


ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
ok ok... lets try and keep this clean. i dont want to close thise because i think itsan important thread.

can we start over?

im going to close this soon otherwise, all i ask is for it to just be respectfully spoken abuot. thats all.

maybe you right....you wanna get the ball rolin?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
gram green said:
im not sure what you didnt understand... your comments come from the point of view that your veiws are truths when they are your faith... i dont appreciate cats acting like it is more than an opinion...

you said you wanna do good through the world... than start by knowing your shit aint more than your opinion... and when you voice your opinion and say others arent ready to understand it or you wanna spread this truth... its annoying to me...
I repsect that. I notice this too....Not even dissing peeps either, but when it comes to religion everytime its the same thing, people say that theyre tryin to spread good, help you out, whatever, and for the majority - they come across beyond the realm of - "Oh thats just my opinion"....What it becomes is this shit where people are tellin other people how to live or theyre gonna go to a firey place or some ish, and yer opinion suddenly becomes dimished because u dont dig the same exact views, or are in love with god and all that.....Kinda seems hipocritcal....(yes, i cant spell for shit).....


ill o.g.
gram green said:
i wasnt getting personal young... i just didnt feel like going through and setting up a multiple quote post pointing out all the shit you were saying....

im not sure what you didnt understand... your comments come from the point of view that your veiws are truths when they are your faith... i dont appreciate cats acting like it is more than an opinion...

you said you wanna do good through the world... than start by knowing your shit aint more than your opinion... and when you voice your opinion and say others arent ready to understand it or you wanna spread this truth... its annoying to me...

which seems to be the problem with alot of people from all religions.. its hard to talk about something like that without sounding judgemental of non believers... because its in your religion that these people will go to hell... so its natural i guess... but annoying as shit...

hence... i dont want to hear it in hip hop...

AH see now i understand what YOUR saying.

What i meant 2 things by truth

first yes i think my ''religion'' is right, so of course for me its the truth. an ''opinion'' is something you beleive to be true until you find evidence against that beleif or thought.

second: in this sentence by truth i litteraly meant the gospel of truth. we christians beleive it is , but its my fault for not clearing which definition i was talking about

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
a truth can be proven... isnt that what faith is... something you cant prove is true but you choose to believe it because a man told you to


ill o.g.
gram green said:
a truth can be proven... isnt that what faith is... something you cant prove is true but you choose to believe it because a man told you to

i cant prove faith, but things surounding it can be proven, like the aligation you made about it.

i may have faith in my car starting this morning, but truth is, it didnt.

i may beleive im invincible, but if i get hit by a car, i'll be proven wrong.

catch my drift


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
DJ Hoppa said:

Religious Hip Hop Is Wack.

actually, i dont buy their albums as is, they are crap.

It would just be ridiculous if out of no where they flip their style up. Dont get me wrong, most of the hip hop I already listen to is positive/uplifting, but come one, Stay true to self.

Plus, I dont want to be preached, converted, or outreached to, especially by rappers.

feel the same way. How cats gonna be preachin about God if they consider themselves as gangstas and thugs,,,lol. Good thread tho P.G.

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
It's not a good thread. It's been completely misconstrued and poorly worded by the author.

The answer to your question Gyal is NO.

It's unanimous.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
man yall are going to far, nockin peoples religion, thats why i keep my mouth shut, yea i let people i know that i am christian, but i don't push it on them, and i don't knock their religion to, i have alot of friends that are atheist, muslims, jehova whitnisess but i respect them and don't tell them "thats the wrong religion your going to hell" what kind of shit is that to tell a person who are you to judge anybody, but i know for sure that i beileve in what i want to beleive in, but just look at it like this, if you don't belive in god or what its cool your have a right to your own opinion, but don't give me that shit about yall christians are brainwashed and shit, cause i mean if what if i went up to you and was like you are brainwashed you need jesus or your going to burn in hell how the fuck would you feel, so don't judge us on our fait,

my mothafuckin 2 cents.

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
DJ Hoppa said:
You can have your faith, you can have your politics, but keep it to yourself. Let people live and learn on their own.

I hope no one thinks I am judging anyone, cause I am not.

My family is catholic.

I am just the one kid who kind of second guesses everything, and I feel I honestly don't have those views.

However, ahh fuck it, this thread has already gone to hell


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
The reason why this thread is terrible right now is because religion is being discussed, and everyone knows that religion always leads to arguments, thus closing the thread. So say your last pieces because eventually this will get closed. Sorry, but threads concerning religion or anything close to it end up being useless.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Fade said:
The reason why this thread is terrible right now is because religion is being discussed, and everyone knows that religion always leads to arguments, thus closing the thread. So say your last pieces because eventually this will get closed. Sorry, but threads concerning religion or anything close to it end up being useless.

I agree, i dont knock other talking openly about their faith and belifs , but i have a VERY persnoal relationship with god

And i couldent give a FUCK what anyone else thinks



ill o.g.
Producer_GyaL said:
What would you do if all of the sudden Jay-z, 50 cents, Busta Rhymes, Eminem or any Rappers Out there that you love and respect would stop cursing in their songs and would start talking about positive things in life, not to mention how God is Good. Would you still listen to them and buy their albums???

Yes I would still buy their albums if the quality is good. I really think that there is more in life than cursin', sex, money etc...

Actually I really don't understand why everybody missed the "real" subject of this thread and started 2 target GOD ??

But just 2 give my 2 cents about this, I have my very close relationship with God but I'll never try 2 make my music becoming "christian"!!

I mean 2 say in my music I speak what my life is about and when you think what my life is about you think of : love, hate, hope, sadness, difficulties, girls, street, God...

I talk about God but not in order to convert atheist into believers but more because it's a (big) part of my life and my music represent who I am.

I'll be a lier if I'd started talking about how I killed people !!!



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Most Rappers mention God in what they say nowadays, and its in the same context as most people here....where they can praise him in one sentence and have curse word in at the same time...now to me that is real.......I respect everyones religion but I keep how I feel to me and I am with Class on this i could Care less about what the next man thinks....i believe in God and the supreme sense....there is a more powerful order in the universe and when I speak of it on the internet etc...I do not get into the labels that religions have put on it.........but you have to respect the next man's Labels that way you do not come into arguments.....you have to have an open mind when a religious conversation comes up and keep it either non denominational or Generic.....thats all.....
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