What Do You Believe In?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
What it comes down to is Morals, thats all religion is. Its something for you to live by so your not out there killing people and stealing. People wonder what there purpose is on earth. They don't know, so they find something to live for like going to heaven in hopes that they will live this glorious after life. No one knows really if its true. I feel you have one life to live and its here on earth. As long as I'm not killing people and stealing/robbing people I can live with my self. I don't need to go to church every Sunday and listen to the preacher/pastor. Why should I when he pulls up to church in his benz with a $1000 suite on. But yet there are poor people in his church.(come on) This is a twisted game. Its the game of life. Play it the way you want cause there are no rules. Its survival of the fittest.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i never said you had to.

i answered your question from my perspective as a Christian. i myself have met "this guy" God, and i do answer to Him. no one says you have to; my God doesnt even say you have to!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
Originally posted by Truth Told
i never said you had to.

i answered your question from my perspective as a Christian. i myself have met "this guy" God, and i do answer to Him. no one says you have to; my God doesnt even say you have to!

I don't know about that one ...... Why didn't you take a picture with him as proof that you have met him? LOL ....


Originally posted by Truth Told
i never said you had to.

i answered your question from my perspective as a Christian. i myself have met "this guy" God, and i do answer to Him. no one says you have to; my God doesnt even say you have to!

Umm How have you Met god?

Originally posted by Truth Told

as far as beatoff...... there are reasons why this isnt possible, not just because i choose to feel that it isnt. so you feel that the bible was written by a bunch of guys who like to exagerate, well alright then! what do you have to contribute besides that? if you want to argue my points, please give me reasons! otherwise why waste your time with me?

What do you mean what do I have to contribute? You asked a question I answered and gave my side. I gave you plenty of reasons, your the one being vague not giving explanations on how you met god and why there is no such thing as the big bang. Christianity is a form of brainwashing. Just look at whats going on in africa right now.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
it all ends up to da person's opinion. i question God's existence all da time but i always end up concludin dat he must be there. jus cuz i believe theres a God wnt necesarily mean i dnt believe in science 2, i mean i kno da big bang occured n shit. but humans only kno so much, we use like 10%? of our brain power, i mean we got a looooooonnng way to prove dat God dont exist. basically wat am sayin is i dnt tink we hav enuf knowledge to discard God's existance.


There has been wars due to difference in religion since before the dawn of civilisation and up until today. For that same reason, there will always endless discussions about it...none of you will agree because you have different beliefs and matters of opinions...interesting read though ;)


Originally posted by afriquedeluxe
it all ends up to da person's opinion. i question God's existence all da time but i always end up concludin dat he must be there. jus cuz i believe theres a God wnt necesarily mean i dnt believe in science 2, i mean i kno da big bang occured n shit. but humans only kno so much, we use like 10%? of our brain power, i mean we got a looooooonnng way to prove dat God dont exist. basically wat am sayin is i dnt tink we hav enuf knowledge to discard God's existance.

That is the reason for creating a higher power. Lack of knowledge. If you dont understand something make up a figure that will answer your questions. People thought the sun was a god until they found out its a ball of gasses. The Rain was a god until they found out water was created from clouds. I look at everything in life this way. Eventually if people live long enough and the mind progresses all the religeon and religeous wars will be laughed at. Just like back in the 15th and 16th century when somebody had a cold they would cut you open and try to bleed it out of you.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
lol, humans, cuttin peeps up cos dey got a cold , lol ,dats crazy. ye i get ur point man but ive had sum xperiences dat hav proved 2 me theres a God, whether am wrong dat he's there, i got nuttin 2 lose. i aint really religous cuz u c wit religion u cant hav one foot in n da otha out....


Originally posted by afriquedeluxe
lol, humans, cuttin peeps up cos dey got a cold , lol ,dats crazy. ye i get ur point man but ive had sum xperiences dat hav proved 2 me theres a God, whether am wrong dat he's there, i got nuttin 2 lose. i aint really religous cuz u c wit religion u cant hav one foot in n da otha out....

Oh thats all good man. If religeon can do good and make a persons life better i'm all for it.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
"did god create man or did man create god/the answer is both because how mortals look at god is odd" -RasKass (interview with a vampire)

this quote comes from a long ass song in which ras plays himself, god, and the devil, he ask both some typical questions and gets some non typical answers but it is his interpretation...

also its kinda crazy, i was thinkin about how i had just sent my girl an essay type thing on religion by pac the day before this thread opened....ill post it later.

Here it is yall.

I'm the religion that to me is the realist religion there is. I try to pray to God every night unless I pass out. I learned this in jail, I talked to every God (member of the Five Percent Nation) there was in jail. I think that if you take one of the "O's" out of "Good" it's "God", if you add a "D" to "Evil", it's the "Devil". I think some cool motherfucker sat down a long time ago and said let's figure out a way to control motherfuckers. That's what they came up with-the bible. Cause if God wrote the bible, I'm sure there would have been a revised copy by now. Cause a lot of shit has changed. I've been looking for this revised copy-I still see that same old copy that we had from then. I'm not disrespecting anyone's religion, please forgive me if it comes off that way, I'm just stating my opinion. The bible tells us that all these did this because they suffered so much that's what makes them special people. I got shot five times and I got crucified to the media. And I walked through with the thorns on and I had shit thrown on me and I had the theif at the top; I told that nigga "I'll be back for you. Trust me, is not supposed to be going down, I'll be back. I'm not saying I'm Jesus but I'm saying we go through that type of thing everyday. We don't part the Red Sea but we walk through the hood without getting shot. We don't turn water to wine but we turn dope fiends and dope heads into productive citizens of society. We turn words into money. What greater gift can there be. So I belive God blesses us, I belive God blesses those that hustle. Those that use their minds and those that overall are righteous. I belive that everything you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that's bad, I'm going to suffer for it. But in my heart, I belive what I'm doing in my heart is right. So I feel like I'm going to heaven. I think heaven is just when you sleep, you sleep with a good conscience-you don't have nightmares. Hell is when you sleep, the last thing you see is all the fucked up things you did in your life and you just see it over and over again, cause you don't burn. If that's the case, it's hell on earth cause bullets burn. There's people that got burned in fires, does that mean they went to hell already? All that is here. What do you got there that we ain't seen here? What, we're gonna walk around aimlessly like zombies? That's here! You ain't been on the streets lately? Heaven now, look! (reffering to his plush apartment) we're sitting up here in the living room-big screen TV- this is heaven, for the moment. Hell is jail I seen that one. Trust me, this is what's real. And all that other shit is to control you. If the churches took half the money that they was making and gave it back to the community, we'd be alright. If they took half the buildings that they use to "praise God" and gave it to motherfuckers who need God, we'd be alright. Have you seen some of these got damn churches lately? There's one's that take up the whole block in New York. There's homeless people out here. Why ain't God lettin' them stay there? Why these niggas got gold ceilings and shit? Why God need gold ceilings to talk to me? Why does God need colored windows to talk to me? Why God can't come where I'm at where he sent me? If God wanted to talk to me in a pretty spot like that, why the hell he send me here then. That makes ghetto kids not belive in God. Why? So that's wrong religion-I belive in God, I belive God puts us where ever we want to be at. They didn't make sense that God would put us in the ghetto. That means he wants us to work hard to get up out of here. That means he's testing us even more. That makes sense that if you're good in your heart, you're closer to God but if you're evil than your closer to the devil; that makes sense! I see that everyday all that other spooky shit, don't make sense. I don't even belive, I'm not dissin' them but I don't belive in the brothers, I've been in jail with 'em and having conversations with brothers; "I'm God, I'm God." You God, open the gate for me. You know far the sun is and how far the moon is, how the hell do I pop this fuckin' gate? And get me free and up outta here. Then I'll be a Five Percenter for life. - PAC


Muzik Militant
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Originally posted by BeatOff
I take it you're religeous and go to church. You know why every culture has a form of god? Because they are all scared of dying. Why do you think some muslims beleive when you die you have 40 or whatever virgins waiting for you with wealth? Cmon that sounds like a fairy tale. Why do Christians believe when you die you go up to heaven and see your dead family members? To comfort the fear. Hell is just a made up place to keep some kind of order so that people will do good. Oh no you dont want to do that you'll go to hell. To me its all make believe like the tooth fairy.


I can't speak about the Christians seeing dead family members but the muslims having 40 virgins and wealth is somthing terrorist tell sucide bombers to help with their terro..No where in the Korans says that when you die you will have 40 virgins and wealth..


I know I said SOME muslims. Just like alot of extreme right wing christians twist the bible.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
that goes for pretty much everything beatoff.... people in general will take something that is inherently good and twist it to the benifit themselves.

as far as christians, well, what can i say? i dont agree with everything someone says just because we share the same basic faith. i have my own issues with the church- like the letter from pac -why do we need gold ceilings? we dont need that when there are starving kids up the street and schools that cannot afford to buy books. my church is very active in the community- we pay to fix roads, we feed our high school football team, we pay child support to all the single moms in our congregation, we have bought books and other supplies for our schools, we have adopt-a-block where we go and do whatever is needed for the same families in our area week after week...... without shoving Jesus in front of anyones face. the bible teaches that your greatest act of worship unto God is your lifestyle, and your greatest witness will be that same lifestyle, not screaming out john 3:16 to anyone and everytone we come across......

anyhow the original point of this response was just that people twist things in general, not just with religion.

as far as my reasoning for there to HAVE to be a God for us to exist, regardless of who that god is to your faith, and me being "vague", well i am at work and given the amount of information it will take a bit more then the 3 minutes it takes to write this..... just so you know i wasnt trying to say you

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
what kind of question is that? i am not understanding the purpose of a question like that. how come i havent seen Joe Scientist drop in to prove once and for all there is no god?


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
I believe in myself.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
^^^ Ha! I was beginning to get worried...

Truth Told - I was trying to make myself a little more clear on that question but I didn't know how else to say it. Sorry bout the confusion. I usually don't play around with jokes about God but I couldn't resist on this one.

Good times....