What Do You Believe In?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
The question was what do you believe in ...... I believe in myself. I control my own destiny. I have faith in my self. My actions determine what I will accomplish in my life. Not someone else. I am my own God ..... A person or thing deified and honored as the chief good; an object of supreme regard ..... Figuratively applied to one who wields great or despotic power.

Equality 7-2521

truthtold (im enjoying these discussions...i hope you are)

"if he were bound by the laws of that creation, he could not BE the creator of that, because paradox would negate anything he had done- destroying him and his creation""

what im saying is that NOTHING is created nor distroyed. everything just "IS"

this would distroy god but not the "creation"

if god IS natural law.....and natural law opperates in all dimentions at all times, then it would follow that god opperates not in at least 10 dimentions but in every single one of them....even if its infinite.

mad scientist

i too think i am my own god...but only to an extent...........natural law could have a truck hit you at 100km an hour. it would be out of your control...and youd be fucked

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
natural could not cause a truck to hit you; a man could become careless for a moment, you could be tying your shoe and thats that, your gone. that is cause and effect, a natural law yes, but natural law cannot dictate actions of people.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
Originally posted by Mr. Messenger
mad scientist

i too think i am my own god...but only to an extent...........natural law could have a truck hit you at 100km an hour. it would be out of your control...and youd be fucked

:lol: Your right ..... Thats some real shit.


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Equality 7-2521


truth told....

"natural law connot dictate the actions of people"

true, but the actions of someone CANNOT be acted out WITHOUT interacting with natural law.

because of this, the incident was the result of natural law.

and on the side: just because peoples actions have to interact with natural law does not mean that natural law has to interact with actions of people. eg everyone could die, and there would still be a tornados

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i hope thats from a movie...... lol thats funny...

as far as nothing being created,

time has a beginning, we agree here, correct?

if time has a beginning, that means that it did not exist beforehand, and everything that begins to exist must have a cause for its existance.
if time has a beginning, i.e., a creation, and (as far as i knwo, i could be wrong) does not in itself consist of any actual, substantial energy, only being the "reverb" if you will- kind of like an effect on a drum track- but not being of the same wave as the drum track- would it then be plauseable that energy could also have a beginning? if the argument is that nothing is created or destroyed, but we have evidence of time beginning and thus having been created, then would this not provide a "loophole" of sorts that would make way for the possibility of energy itslf having a point of origin?

*going back to the big bang- it is only immprobable on its own merit; with the introduction of a trancendant ceator it now becomes very a possible means to the current state f things.

Equality 7-2521

im NOT willing to agree that time has a beginning. i STRONGLY believe that time DOESNT have an end. since everything we know of cannot just DISSAPEAR, it can only change in form

why do you think time (and energy) MUST have a beggining? do you think time and energy MUST therfore have an end?

i dont think there is such a thing which is NOT made of energy? energy does not HAVE to have substance. thoughts, emotions etc are energy. the most nothing of nothings is STILL energy is it not? because the most nothing of nothing must still BE SOMETHING

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
time does have a beginning- even the most staunch evolutionist scientist understands this. it is an accepted truth of physics: time does have a beginning. you can agree or disagree, but this is a fact of science.

Equality 7-2521

ok then.....i choose to disagree. (untill i find more information) i think time and energy just IS and HAS ALWAYS existed

but you havnt responded to my question of:

if there was a begining of time and energy, then what was the creator of time and energy MADE OF?

the only answer i can think of is ENERGY

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
dont know, and i am not going to assume He is made of anything that i know of just to satisfy my own curiosity. just because you or i can not think of Him being created of something beyond our own knowledge does not invalidate His existance

Equality 7-2521


but it doesnt validate his existance either

but hold on......nothing can exist without vibrating and by vibrating it is energy.

so does god EXIST? or doesnt he have to exist to have an effect?

is this as far as we can take it? is this where we agree to disagree?


ill o.g.
well I belive in the scriptures of the bible and only those im totaly agaisnt main stream christanity, i know I may be stepping on toes but its the most corrupted relgion fo all time...but to me its always the truth that is most disgused by lies.... i follow the torah, the talmud (oral law of moses) the midrash and rabbical studies, the teachings of Yeoshua (jesus) and his disciplies, and try to live my life around those teachings. I dont belive the bible is perfect but I do belive its beyond a shadow of a doubt accurate enough to be consider the corner stone for monothestic faith....lol i love relgion..:)


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
I think all religion is corrupt. I wouldnt say that christianity is the most corrupt of them all because there all equally corrupt .I know a lot of Muslims that say they don't eat pork but they smoke weed. LOL But religion is something that man made up. Rules like no eating pork, no cursing, no drinking, no caffine, etc. thats a crock of shit. I feel as long as you aint out there killing/robbing people your all good. Mormans and all those other religions that belive there are only so many people that can get into in heaven are stupid. If you belive that then your brainwashed. Most of all religions and churches are cults. All you need is faith in yourself and a god ( don't matter which one) you don't need a building or a pastor/priest for all that.


ill o.g.
how do you explain angels, demons ,spirits... god is a spirit. that should answer the question of what he's made of. now all u gotta do is find out what a spirit is made of. and when god CREATED (matter is created just not by man) the earth he wasnt sitting on jupiter (i read someone sayin somethin about the universe is a big place or somethin like dat) but he made the earth the universe and all...and if there was a big bang then God did that. remember one day to man is like 1000 years to god, so i wonder...the bible said the earth was created in 7 days so that would be 7000 years...andi dont care thats more the enough time. and just because stuff is still happenin out in space dosent mean there is no god. i can easily setup a basketball tournament one year, leave and come back ten years later and the b-ball tourney will still be goin on and probably even added some things to the event. thats all i gotta say fa now.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 6
as far as religion i do not take part for a number of reasons. The whole christian thing to me doesn't make that much sense. Sure some of these events could have happened as they are, but others seem a little too made up. what i am saying is where i live you have to go to church on Sunday and do the whole churc h thing and believe everything, or you cannot be part. I am a very opened minded person and i feel some of these things might not be factual, rather made up to fill in gaps. So i cannot take part, i all second guess, and religion has no time for second guessers. just my opinion, peace, monu


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I believe in the father, the son, and the holy spirit. I have acknowledged Christ as my savoir and the one who died so that I may live. I know in my heart and in my mind that he is truely responsible for my life. I haven't made it to the point where I could honestly call myself "saved" but I'm working on that. As I grow older, the importance of having Christ in my life is becoming more evident than ever and I look forward to gaining more knowledge of him. --ENUFF SAID!--

I find it very entertaining that people question the "creation" and the "science -vs- theology" debates. I guess I'm as guilty as they are of not understanding...how anyone could think that there isn't a GOD that gave his only begotten son is beyond my realm of comtemplation. "The Big Bang Theory", "Darwins Theory of Evolution" and all the rest of man's attempts to understand all the "how's and why's" of how we got here are viewed by me as direct attempts from satan to confuse mankind which inturn shows me proof that there is a GOD! --ENUFF SAID--

In conclusion to this...I hope that everyone finds their path and I hope you are rewarded at the end of it. To find the answers that you seek, read the bible, seek knowledge from Christ and the answers to ALL of your questions will find you...
