Warzone Beat Battle - May 1-2, 2020

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Thanks mate. Appreciate that. Maybe I will have to rethink it all once again. I planned to record something about this Warzone tomorrow but I think I will need more time to go through every beat with a cold head. Anyway, new episode is definitely going to be posted on Monday.
btw for a grain of feedback, the reason I didn't vote for your beats was that they were too in my face, u know? TOO loud. not only it's too loud by itself, how are you gonna fit a rapper on it?
Hey I don't mind battling. I know for one though that everyone will want to beat the shit outta me so there's that. Everyone would want the "I FUCKING BEAT FADE!!" title.
I saw that Dacalion and Sucio had that title... man Sucio was the deez beats of that era wasn't he? even more maybe?
btw for a grain of feedback, the reason I didn't vote for your beats was that they were too in my face, u know? TOO loud. not only it's too loud by itself, how are you gonna fit a rapper on it?

As far as my Round 1 beat is concerned, I didn't plan to fit a rapper on it. XDDDD When I make trap beats now I don't plan to put a rapper on them. I am well aware that the style in which I do these trap beats is not adequate to fit rappers in. That's not the point. However, in case of my second beat, I would hear someone rapping on it. And don't worry, I would find a place for them. ;)


I O U a clever tagline signed me
Battle Points: 200
Thanks mate. Appreciate that. Maybe I will have to rethink it all once again. I planned to record something about this Warzone tomorrow but I think I will need more time to go through every beat with a cold head. Anyway, new episode is definitely going to be posted on Monday.
Is Right Mate


New to the site
Battle Points: 34
Thanks mate. Appreciate that. Maybe I will have to rethink it all once again. I planned to record something about this Warzone tomorrow but I think I will need more time to go through every beat with a cold head. Anyway, new episode is definitely going to be posted on Monday.
What is this? You make a podcast or some shit about the battle?


New to the site
Battle Points: 34
Yes, it's called ILL Battle Report. I've been doing it every week for about a month now. There is a new section on Illmuzik for that.

That’s dope. There’s been a majority of the times I walk away thinking... wtf were they hearing. I wish I had feedback, but I’ve kind of accepted the fact that my style doesn’t play well here. However a technical critique would be welcome.

Fury Beats

Fury Beats
Battle Points: 242
Yo @Fade I just got some ideas (maybe these have been discussed at some point before). As we all strive to become better beat producers. I think it would be dope if you allowed voters to leave anonymous comments about beats they hear in the battles like Warzone and Beat This, etc at the time of vote submission. I know one can do this in the forum but it is a separate process and if someone has the ability to see feedback left on a beat, it would help them improve. I'd love to know what goes into the decision to vote for one beat over another. It's subjective, yes but collectively it would be a gold mine to get that feedback. Also, if we had a way to see how many votes our beat won or loss by at the end that would be helpful intel as well.


Battle Points: 24
@Beatmaker88 I mean to tell you, round 4 your beat I thought it would be great if at 31 seconds you kept that little breakdown for a few seconds more and had that piano part go up a notch. The part at 31 was great, I was expecting you to go up a scale on the next bar. That would have been dope.
That beat always did feel like it was missing something, that might be it, I'll give it a try. Thanks appreciate the feed✌


Battle Points: 24
yeah, that the downside of having developed your own style, it becomes recognisable. Doesnt matter how we mix it up, little things that we always do give it away
There is in no way shape or form, a down side to having your own style, that is rare and unique art that is missing in the game today, that's how it used to be, now everyones shit sounds the same, the reason they need tags to let you know it's there beat, your one of the few who don't need that, keep doing what you do to perfection


Battle Points: 24
I find sampling so difficult, like timing, not knowing what the sample key is in, cause without that i cant make baseline and and and ...but i should look into it ,
If I could add my 2cents, I always find tuning and pitch shifting helpful with timing samples.✌
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