UK emcees diss Common

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Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
some UK emcees (including Rising Son from Streets Disciple) have gone at Common because of some of his comments about mixing race. listen to the lyrics coz they say some real shit, and they arent bein unfair.

(scroll down and click on the track named 'Dear Common')


p.s i know Cold is gonna bring somethin interestin here.

The Bastard

i dunno whut to think about this ,im not sure what common has said for this to come about im not really a common fan and i never was although i respect his skill, but i do know that this guys accent makes me want to eat beef wellington and drink english tea,and that hes a pretty dope rhymer


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Man, I usually don't like UK cats at all (maybe I don't pay enough attention to them) but, these dudes (besides there accents) definitly got some hot wordplay... I'm diggin' it, they do say some real shit too...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
I like Common....Water For Chocolate......but in a non biased opinion.....I do agree with dude I don't have any ground to stand on in agreeing that races shouldn't mix, I am a product of that reality though 2 generations of it.....and the reality is that is the reality for more of us than you know....ha

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
there is no reason to attack the man for his stance.... i completely disagree with him but damn....

people writin diss songs because of it? lol ok

dont have an opinion, common. lol.... thats just how he feels... he doesnt agree with it, who cares..... though i understand these guys perspective but lets be real.... its not that serious..

i can see it now...

"WHAT!??? Common disagrees with racial mixing!! SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE!!!!!!"

it'd be another thing if he said "yeah i hate white people" along with the racial mixing comments... and maybe im late on that but i dont recall that

again i agree with the views they themselves expressed- hell im mixed myself, and it has its pros and cons like everything else- but its pretty retarded to make a diss track about it.

i mean, the 'beef' we have seen lately has been pretty stupid imo, but now cats are beefin over their particular world view- and it aint even based on religion? lol, ok

and the whole song parody as a diss thing is pretty lame to me.... it says "yeah i couldnt come up with an original concept so i just stole yours, ill diss you on YOUR OWN TRACK!"

they are capable mc's though i still cant hang with the accent .


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
my angry black guy stance.......

I think the song is lame as hell, first of all, those cats have no context, secondly thats commons pesronal view, finally, i think the rapping is corney as hell

Im probolly gonna be Mr Bad guy for saying this but fuck it,
I agree with common's stance becasue of the problems that it has casued..... There is so much colorusim and self hate within the black communitiy race(light vs dark) (nappy vs straight) its ridiclious. In american society of your mixed, that casues even more problems casue ur not fully accepted by either side....
Again these are just my personal views which are shaped by MY experinces..... take em how u want too


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25

but see

you cant hate on that, imo. i disagree with the "anti" stance completely- but at the same time, who is to tell you you shouldnt feel that way? you are just as entitled to that view..... see me personally, i deal with some of those identity issues from being mixed- i dont really fit in either category, which can be nice but its pretty lonely...... so i can understand the issues of the "self hate" to an extent...

and at the end of the day.... i'm ok with it.... i just think a diss track is lame,
but yeah big d is correct on that- but i wont be checkin for him again any time soon. beef is just corny these days.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
classic said:
I think the song is lame as hell, first of all, those cats have no context, secondly thats commons pesronal view, finally, i think the rapping is corney as hell

Im probolly gonna be Mr Bad guy for saying this but fuck it,
I agree with common's stance becasue of the problems that it has casued..... There is so much colorusim and self hate within the black communitiy race(light vs dark) (nappy vs straight) its ridiclious. In american society of your mixed, that casues even more problems casue ur not fully accepted by either side....
Again these are just my personal views which are shaped by MY experinces..... take em how u want too


Class, you aint Mr. bad guy, but I have to say that Common's comments are his own and you, Common, and myself are all entitled to opinions. With that being said, MY OPINION is that Common's comments on the race thing are stupid. And dont get it twisted, I like Common alot and Be has been on steady rotation in the whip! But, my kids are mixed and most kids in my son's clas are mixed. Bro, I'm half italian, but I was raised in that atmosphere,,,Italians think the same. But that to me is a one track way of thinking. Not only is it one track,,,it would seem to push racism out further and make more of an issue of it. Why? Simple. This world would be better place if we didn't have white people, black people, spanish, chinese, iraqui,,,,,if we were all mixed then there wouldn't be any set group. If people are worried who had dark skin, or who has a certain type of hair,,then thats just ignorant. Fuck color, fuck race. Why can't people ust see other people for who they are. Shit like this is what keeps racism alive bro,,,,yet,,,thats just my white ass opinion.


A Beat Nut
ill o.g.
StressWon said:
Class, you aint Mr. bad guy, but I have to say that Common's comments are his own and you, Common, and myself are all entitled to opinions. With that being said, MY OPINION is that Common's comments on the race thing are stupid. And dont get it twisted, I like Common alot and Be has been on steady rotation in the whip! But, my kids are mixed and most kids in my son's clas are mixed. Bro, I'm half italian, but I was raised in that atmosphere,,,Italians think the same. But that to me is a one track way of thinking. Not only is it one track,,,it would seem to push racism out further and make more of an issue of it. Why? Simple. This world would be better place if we didn't have white people, black people, spanish, chinese, iraqui,,,,,if we were all mixed then there wouldn't be any set group. If people are worried who had dark skin, or who has a certain type of hair,,then thats just ignorant. Fuck color, fuck race. Why can't people ust see other people for who they are. Shit like this is what keeps racism alive bro,,,,yet,,,thats just my white ass opinion.

Common is a dope artist the beef shyt on wax is gettin old but i dont kno about the UK dudes i neva heard of them.................Classic sayz rappin is corny as hell lol lol but to some niggaz it pays the billz

The Bastard

bigdmakintrax said:
this cat will get free press and shameless exposure.....see......we listened LOL QUOTE]
i gotta disagree. i think the net is the only place youll be able to hear this shit. i doubt one of ya boys is gunna pull out a ''youngun'' mixtape in the whip and be like ,did you hear the new common diss. on the internet anybody can come at anybody,thats the only reason we heard it


ill o.g.
This Guy Spittin the Truth the World aint need more Racist people on either side and when Common says people shouldint Mix that Offends me to cuz if more people had his small minded Views I would not be here probably .

Its funny when someone Is Dissin another Rapper with a Postive Message (about Racism) no one Respects that but when Jada , 50 , Eminem , Benzino etc... go at it Everyone Eatin that shit up

The Bastard

CampO said:
This Guy Spittin the Truth the World aint need more Racist people on either side and when Common says people shouldint Mix that Offends me to cuz if more people had his small minded Views I would not be here probably .

Its funny when someone Is Dissin another Rapper with a Postive Message (about Racism) no one Respects that but when Jada , 50 , Eminem , Benzino etc... go at it Everyone Eatin that shit up


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
yea i don't see a reason to defend common, im a fan of his but when i first head that line i thought thats an ignorant view ! people are quick to moan about racism but then the same people often contribute with lines like that !


ill o.g.
Yeah, everyone can have their views or whatever, in the same way that Nazis can have their views, as long as they don't try to impose them on other people. But when you hear a view that you think is wrong, you should say why it's faulty. Personal experience is not a valid defense of your view point. If it's evil in principle it's evil in principle and that's the bottom line. If two people of different races love eachother, should they not have kids because of what people in the community might feel? Hell no. Any self-hate that some insecure people might feel is not a claim on the lives of others. If you feel self-hate because you're darker or lighter than someone, the issue is much deeper and you got problems you need to solve as an individual. It's a shame that people try to find their "identity" through something they had no control over, instead of finding who they are through their own actions and character.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
this aint disneyland....

I dont think my views are that or outlandish at all, I dont hate white people(even though i mistrust the majority of the ones that i have encountered). I think my views are pretty realistic, and more honest then most people's. People love to say that "race dosent matter or", "i dont see color" . Man whatever.....
Most of the time thats a PC(politically correct) mask to hide their true feelings, white and black people do it all the time

This aint disneyland man, this is america and like it or not race is a big problem here...
I belive that when u start mixing its only amplifieing problems that alreaedy exist in american socieity(notice i said american soiciety). Peronally i cant imagine bringing multi racial child into this world having to deal with those conflicts. It belive casues an ennormus amount of problems for the child....

But when it comes down to it i could care less, becasue what 2 people do on there own is their business. So if people want to mix races, who cares. But i know i was brought up to take pride in my own culture and heritage, and for me personally, i cant see myself with anything other then a black women. But again, thats me, and i realise that my views dont refect everyone elses, but if asked , i will voice and stand by them

I dont agree with homosexuality either, but again as long as it dosent effect me direclty i could care less what homosexuals do, they are grown ass men and are free to do whatever they want, but if u ask my opionion on homosexualitity, im still gonna give it to you(i think its wrong, gross, and against natures law)

Fact of the matter is this,
these are my views and i stick buy them becasue of my life experinces, nothing u can say will change that....

I think common was saying the same thing, those are his views, like it or not he is entiled to them.

Plus.... the song was fucking lame


The Last B-Boy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Not to sound racist or any thing are ppl entitled to thier own opinions Common can make music about what eva he pleases it is his music feel me those how dont like it dont listen, How eva not to defend him but he neva said he hated white ppl he just dont agree with mixing, from what im hearing around, thats fair enough, its his view,
I agree with truth in saying this isnt enough to make a beef, thats just plain stupid to do a wack parody,
also wasnt the line in Coms song refering to a "dred dating a white chick????" thats a specific statement bout a specific kind of black folk... .aint it kinda like saying a "a sellout like a nazii dating a black chick" same kinda statement but is that a racist statment?????

Look i dont agree but i really dont c the big deal either... thats just his brand of concsiousness...
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