UK emcees diss Common

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I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
this is what some cats wrote on there forums, i think it pretty much sumes it up, dudes has no context, plust the song is LAME, when they rap they are barly on beat

meridian81 said:
This stupid motherfucker don't know what the fuck he's talking about. Common was basically talking about how he can't stand seeing inter-racial relationships but in his heart he knows that feeling is wrong. It's a song about him overcoming his biases and prejudices/ Quote "Told to go beyond the surface, a person's a person
When we lessen our women our condition seems to worsen.". Stupid motherfucker, quit taking shit outta context. It's about as stupid as Ice Cube going after Common because of I used to Love Her.

The Bastard

i love making love to black women,and white women,at the same time,it makes the earth tremble, beneath my balls

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
for me its like this......

i am bi-racial, hispanic and white. technically, bloodwise i am maybe.... 1/8th hispanic.... but my appearance is hispanic, although that depends on who you ask. blacks tend to see a white boy, whites see a mexican, and mexicans only see a mexican if they need someone who speaks spanish... other then that, im an over americanized white boy to them too.

its lonely itting on that fence. i dont relate to anybody. i dont have the identity that comes with aa races culture, language, traditions, etc.... to some people that isnt a big deal, but it is for me.... i have never been accepted by either group. too white for the brown people, to brown for the white people. go figure. its lonely, and at times hurtful because you experience aspects of racism from all sides- it aint like i can ban together with "my" people, cause i dont have them.

my mom went through it like i did. she looks black to some people, she looks haitian/dominican, etc... so blacks would fuck with her growing up, whites would fuck with her growing up, her siblings even.... cause she got that nappy, wirey hair.... and to this day i love that hair... i dont get that "good hair" nonsense..... i love that.... but i dont even look like my mother.... if you have ever heard "black girl pain" by talib kweli, well that was my mom growing up- but she isnt even black. go figure.


everything that comes with race.... on both sides.... man its amazing.... whites will say things about blacks/asians/hispanics that they wont ay to them.... blacks/hispanics will say things about whites.... because at any given time, i AM either "one of them" or "different from the rest" depending on who i am speaking to.... so i am essentially one "race" from one situation to the next. i am either white or hispanic depending on that persons perspective, and thus i am always playing the part on the proverbial stage- though it isnt me playing, its more or ess people assigning the role to me.

i see a lot of things by being this way that i couldnt/wouldnt see otherwise.... i know the struggle of melanin rich skin. i know the benifits of being of fair complexion. how does that work? i have a unique perspective and while i tend to get teh worst end of each, i also get to see the malice and innocence of each side as well.

a lot of whites dont realize when they are downing another race, truthfully, they cant see how they have a racial perspective. a lot of blacks and hispanics are the same exact way, towards whites. there is a lack of understanding and an abundance of preconcieved notions that we ALL have towards other races. all of us. some of it is justified and innocent, other times its malicious even if unintended.

blacks like fried chicken. blacks are loud, talkative peeople. chances are a 45 year old black woman is either the most caring, giving person you know. she opens her home to just about anyone who needs one....but she is also quick to bust that ass at chucky cheese if you get out of line. at least, thats the people in the house i live in currently, and the people i grew up knowing have been around in general.

mexican men are macho chauvenists. they love coronas and soccer..... a lot are hard working lower to middle class people. chances are, an old mexican woman is the absolute most judgmental person you will ever meet. she also loves her grand kids like no other race i have known. at least, these are the people i know.

philipino/asian women, middle aged? they will let a 15 year old runaway crash at their home, cook up a storm, sleep in the room with their daughter- trusting him and their child to the utmost. she wil send that kid away with a grip of food and gifts for the 5 siblings she has never met. she will always welcome him when he shows up unannounced at 10 pm. her home has an odd odor though.... but, thats just the family i know.

whites.... middle aged working class white men work hard, balance work/family/church/social life pretty well, but one is always at the low end of the totem pole. they tend to be resentful of welfare, free school programs, etc- because they worked hard to get where they are, they feel everyone else should too. they dont ever get why these things exist, they have such a hard time with it. they just dont get it. they also support their whole family, their kids own cars paid for by themselves, though those kids arent getting a free ride- they have to pay the note, but insurance is free till they graduate. these people worked 2-3 jobs ar various points, they worked hard and have been at work for 10 years on the same job..... .

each of these examples also have resentments and negative feelings/misunderstood stereotypes about people outside their own race...

and you know, i have grown up around people who were teh exact opposite of these good examples....

i dont think i would have been so privy to some of the innder thoughts and workings were it not for that racial ambiguity. some people i love dearly have some things i seriously disagree with, some ugly underlying thoughts i dont care for.... but that ambiguous nature allows them to open themselves up in a way they wouldnt otherwise. on all sides of the coin.

if you ask me..... thats a valuable thing to have, and my curse has been a great benifit in many situations. i understand feelings and thoughts that, while i may not agree with, i can honestly get the reasoning people have for thinking the way they do. thats partly do to the fact that since i dont have "my own" people, and having been rejected at large by each sect of people, the few who did accept me took me for their own.

i for one am thankful for that.

The Bastard

Cold Truth said:
for me its like this......

i am bi-racial, hispanic and white. technically, bloodwise i am maybe.... 1/8th hispanic.... but my appearance is hispanic, although that depends on who you ask. blacks tend to see a white boy, whites see a mexican, and mexicans only see a mexican if they need someone who speaks spanish... other then that, im an over americanized white boy to them too.

its lonely itting on that fence. i dont relate to anybody. i dont have the identity that comes with aa races culture, language, traditions, etc.... to some people that isnt a big deal, but it is for me.... i have never been accepted by either group. too white for the brown people, to brown for the white people. go figure. its lonely, and at times hurtful because you experience aspects of racism from all sides- it aint like i can ban together with "my" people, cause i dont have them.

my mom went through it like i did. she looks black to some people, she looks haitian/dominican, etc... so blacks would fuck with her growing up, whites would fuck with her growing up, her siblings even.... cause she got that nappy, wirey hair.... and to this day i love that hair... i dont get that "good hair" nonsense..... i love that.... but i dont even look like my mother.... if you have ever heard "black girl pain" by talib kweli, well that was my mom growing up- but she isnt even black. go figure.


everything that comes with race.... on both sides.... man its amazing.... whites will say things about blacks/asians/hispanics that they wont ay to them.... blacks/hispanics will say things about whites.... because at any given time, i AM either "one of them" or "different from the rest" depending on who i am speaking to.... so i am essentially one "race" from one situation to the next. i am either white or hispanic depending on that persons perspective, and thus i am always playing the part on the proverbial stage- though it isnt me playing, its more or ess people assigning the role to me.

i see a lot of things by being this way that i couldnt/wouldnt see otherwise.... i know the struggle of melanin rich skin. i know the benifits of being of fair complexion. how does that work? i have a unique perspective and while i tend to get teh worst end of each, i also get to see the malice and innocence of each side as well.

a lot of whites dont realize when they are downing another race, truthfully, they cant see how they have a racial perspective. a lot of blacks and hispanics are the same exact way, towards whites. there is a lack of understanding and an abundance of preconcieved notions that we ALL have towards other races. all of us. some of it is justified and innocent, other times its malicious even if unintended.

blacks like fried chicken. blacks are loud, talkative peeople. chances are a 45 year old black woman is either the most caring, giving person you know. she opens her home to just about anyone who needs one....but she is also quick to bust that ass at chucky cheese if you get out of line. at least, thats the people in the house i live in currently, and the people i grew up knowing have been around in general.

mexican men are macho chauvenists. they love coronas and soccer..... a lot are hard working lower to middle class people. chances are, an old mexican woman is the absolute most judgmental person you will ever meet. she also loves her grand kids like no other race i have known. at least, these are the people i know.

philipino/asian women, middle aged? they will let a 15 year old runaway crash at their home, cook up a storm, sleep in the room with their daughter- trusting him and their child to the utmost. she wil send that kid away with a grip of food and gifts for the 5 siblings she has never met. she will always welcome him when he shows up unannounced at 10 pm. her home has an odd odor though.... but, thats just the family i know.

whites.... middle aged working class white men work hard, balance work/family/church/social life pretty well, but one is always at the low end of the totem pole. they tend to be resentful of welfare, free school programs, etc- because they worked hard to get where they are, they feel everyone else should too. they dont ever get why these things exist, they have such a hard time with it. they just dont get it. they also support their whole family, their kids own cars paid for by themselves, though those kids arent getting a free ride- they have to pay the note, but insurance is free till they graduate. these people worked 2-3 jobs ar various points, they worked hard and have been at work for 10 years on the same job..... .

each of these examples also have resentments and negative feelings/misunderstood stereotypes about people outside their own race...

and you know, i have grown up around people who were teh exact opposite of these good examples....

i dont think i would have been so privy to some of the innder thoughts and workings were it not for that racial ambiguity. some people i love dearly have some things i seriously disagree with, some ugly underlying thoughts i dont care for.... but that ambiguous nature allows them to open themselves up in a way they wouldnt otherwise. on all sides of the coin.

if you ask me..... thats a valuable thing to have, and my curse has been a great benifit in many situations. i understand feelings and thoughts that, while i may not agree with, i can honestly get the reasoning people have for thinking the way they do. thats partly do to the fact that since i dont have "my own" people, and having been rejected at large by each sect of people, the few who did accept me took me for their own.

i for one am thankful for that.
that post really was the cold far as i know im 100% italian, i have absolutely no info about my father so im not sure what else i can be. i know for a fact that my ma hasnt been 100% honest about him cuz she told me hes dead but i got older cousins who tell me diffrent. and im the only person in my family that looks i do ( darker skin wide nose) and ive def caught heat by both sides for a long time. so what class says is true it does complicate shit.however that shouldnt discourage people from makin mixed kids,why should the worlds view change how two people feel about each other, the more shit you go thru the stronger you are anyway.


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
A note

Hello all. I feel you'r messages, they are very moving and heartfelt. Props to you for letting it out through this macho bullshit we sometimes tend to build up through the Hip Hop-scene.
Me, I'm a mixed kid aswell. I'm part Swedish, part Gypsy and part Same. (The endiginouse people of sweden, like the eskimoes in many ways)

But this is how I feel about the issue at hand.
I think we're losing perspective. I personally don't think that those UK cats wants to lash out at common because their angry at him.
It's just buiness you know. It benefits to make a disstrack about rasism cus rasism is a BIG subject, in Hip Hop verymuch so.
I'm not saying that it was a rasist statement that common did. I'm just saying that if they really were that eagre they'd be politician istead of rappers.
It a coo.
They just wanna be passed around the net and us talking about it. And we are.

So just therefore I won't listen to the track cus I think it stinks. It may be a valid point theyr traying to make. But it's not a valid cause they'r building it on.

They just wanna get played and famouse. That's the bottom line I think.


Peace from the Mixbread Swede


ill o.g.
Common is great to me but these english heads our killin it on this shyt..god damn but its fuked up to come at Common like this


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
andreas said:
Hello all. I feel you'r messages, they are very moving and heartfelt. Props to you for letting it out through this macho bullshit we sometimes tend to build up through the Hip Hop-scene.
Me, I'm a mixed kid aswell. I'm part Swedish, part Gypsy and part Same. (The endiginouse people of sweden, like the eskimoes in many ways)

But this is how I feel about the issue at hand.
I think we're losing perspective. I personally don't think that those UK cats wants to lash out at common because their angry at him.
It's just buiness you know. It benefits to make a disstrack about rasism cus rasism is a BIG subject, in Hip Hop verymuch so.
I'm not saying that it was a rasist statement that common did. I'm just saying that if they really were that eagre they'd be politician istead of rappers.
It a coo.
They just wanna be passed around the net and us talking about it. And we are.

So just therefore I won't listen to the track cus I think it stinks. It may be a valid point theyr traying to make. But it's not a valid cause they'r building it on.

They just wanna get played and famouse. That's the bottom line I think.


Peace from the Mixbread Swede

i dont think these UK emcees want airplay, record sales etc... alot of UK dudes dont work like that, they just want to get a message across.

i mean if the diss song was talkin about Common's grandfather cap or ugly girlfriend or watever then maybe it would be for airplay because it would be attempying to stir a beef, but this track is about racial ish.


p.s is gypsy a race? wtf? i thought they was them caravan dudes.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
gypsy aint no race lol thats some whole other shit ! yea tbh the uk track is not exactly for airplay or record sale they could rap about the queen whilst naked and they wouldnt get one extra spin or a another sale uk hip hop isnt like that !


SP1200 manhandler
ill o.g.
The song sucked, Class was right they have no context. The dudes have white girlfriends so they are hyper sensitive and paranoid. Plus it gives them a a reason to jack his beat. Common may never hear it and if he does he shouldn't pay it anymind. On a similar note does anyone remember when Del had the song "Dark skin girls are better than light skin" and he had a white wife. I do feel that a true dread wouldn't date a white woman if she was the last on earth.


ill o.g.
I do feel that a true dread wouldn't date a white woman if she was the last on earth.

Lol and you no this how ? Im sure Texas has a huge Jamaican/Caribean Population eh ?

Also Having Dreds Have nothing to Do with Rastafarianism You Can have No Hair and Be a Rasta as well its a Relegion/Way of Life Not a Hairstyle

Oh well im not to worried about what Common thinks about 2 Races Mixing Cuz He Goin out with Et's Auntie


ill o.g.
classic said:
I dont think my views are that or outlandish at all, I dont hate white people(even though i mistrust the majority of the ones that i have encountered). I think my views are pretty realistic, and more honest then most people's. People love to say that "race dosent matter or", "i dont see color" . Man whatever.....
Most of the time thats a PC(politically correct) mask to hide their true feelings, white and black people do it all the time

Why is it a "realistic" viewpoint to say that people of different races shouldn't have kids? Does your race determine your proper course of action? If you believe it does, then you are racist, plain and simple. Racism is not only an explicit hatred of another race, it is the belief that your character is predetermined by your race. BTW, the politically correct view is definitley closer to yours on race than mine. If you don't believe me check the quote of Kerry saying "That's unacceptable, but it's not their fault" when told that blacks make up the majority of prison inmates. Politicians make race a MAJOR issue, along with universities and the media.

This aint disneyland man, this is america and like it or not race is a big problem here...
I belive that when u start mixing its only amplifieing problems that alreaedy exist in american socieity(notice i said american soiciety). Peronally i cant imagine bringing multi racial child into this world having to deal with those conflicts. It belive casues an ennormus amount of problems for the child....

Class, it's completely a respectable choice of yours if you choose not to bring children into a world in a way that you think will be hard for them. But that doesn't mean you should say that you believe it's WRONG for people to do so. Unfortunately race IS a problem still, and one of the biggest reasons is that proffesors in colleges teach it, and another is that politicians keep insisting that it's a problem to win the majority votes of certain ethnic groups.

But when it comes down to it i could care less, becasue what 2 people do on there own is their business. So if people want to mix races, who cares. But i know i was brought up to take pride in my own culture and heritage, and for me personally, i cant see myself with anything other then a black women. But again, thats me, and i realise that my views dont refect everyone elses, but if asked , i will voice and stand by them

Again I respect your personal decision. Pride, though, is only something you can feel for something you have earned or done through your own volition. You can feel proud that you graduated college in difficult circumstances, you can feel proud that you made a dope beat, you can feel proud that you raised a good family, but you cannot be proud that you are tall. You can be happy that you are tall, and you can be happy that you are black.

Fact of the matter is this,
these are my views and i stick buy them becasue of my life experinces, nothing u can say will change that....
I think common was saying the same thing, those are his views, like it or not he is entiled to them.
Plus.... the song was fucking lame

That's weak that you aren't even open to possibly change or reexamine your views, but either way they're yours and you are free to have them and live your life as you wish.

this is what some cats wrote on there forums, i think it pretty much sumes it up, dudes has no context, plust the song is LAME, when they rap they are barly on beat

I agreed with what dudes were saying on that quote, I interpreted Common's words the same way, which really makes these UK cats look dumb for making a whole song about something they misunderstood.


ill o.g.

they have every right to say what they did, freedom of speech, fair play the track sucked,

but i dont wanna hear all this bullshit, "i dont trust white people, because of my experiences" that is

soooooooo narrow minded im embarresed to mention it

and class, you ARE a RACIST, no doubt, you said it all in your long winded posts " and for me

personally, i cant see myself with anything other then a black women." <-----pure racism and


What so you can only be proud to be black, if you bed down with a black? thats fucked up

this whole racism card pisses me off, its just an excuse to have a dig at the white community.

If you met me, im white, would you trust me? by the sound of it you wouldnt...

why, whenever a racism debate comes about are you so quick to judge white people and label them

not understanding....

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Haze47 - a seasoned member I personally respect reported classic's post -
He said that he is really offended by this post, he thinks that it is pure racsim, and it is not the first time. This thread has gone bananas and therefore I have to close it. This is not the first time when a thread is ruined. I can't allow myself to keep this thread up, not when people i respect are getting emotionally hurt...

My dear friends, please take this into consideration (for the next time!).

All The Best,
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