Too Much


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Ugh, I really need to change things around. I've come to realize that I'm on the computer so much that I'm at the point now where I'm almost done with it. From games to internet surfing, it's just way too much. I'm sure lots of you guys can relate to this, but for me I find I'm on for hours upon hours each day and it's not good! Being a web developer is the biggest problem because it requires me to be on for the whole day either working on something or keeping up with the latest web tech stuff.

I find that ever since the internet started getting big, I've been on too often, here's my story (I have to vent):

In 1995 I got my very first apartment. I landed myself a good job making microfiche and microfilm, and I loved it. Working shift work was great because I would get 3 days off one week and 4 days off the next. I was spending my free time either DJ'ing, hanging out, or going out and actually doing stuff.

At the end of 1997 I bought a computer and it was the first time I had the internet at home. I would go on occasionally at work but was not interested in it much. Last time I had a computer was around 1989 where I used it to play around with here and there but again, it was on occasion. So now here I am in 1997 with dial-up internet and the first day I went on, I think I was on for about 12 hours straight! The amount of content I saw was amazing, I was hooked.

By mid-1998, I was really accustomed to my computer now and the internet itself. What happened next? I stayed home a lot. A lot. My friends and I would go out quite often, I would be DJ'ing in most of my spare time, learning how to scratch, beat juggle, or just mix for fun. I would go to bars, clubs, movies, hang out, all the regular shit. But now I just spent my days off sitting at home on the computer, surfing and trying to make my own website.

At this point my friends didn't come around as much. They didn't have a computer yet and were still going out - I wasn't. More and more I kept using the computer and learning the ins and outs, to the point where I started to learn how to code and even build a computer.

Around 2003 when IllMuzik first blew up (for those that remember, there was a HUGE wave of new members in 2003 and the site was HOT), I was spending lots of my time working on IllMuzik. That's how I learned how to code even more because a lot was through trial and error, and it got to the point where people were asking me to do a website for them.

I never wanted to get into making websites, I just fell into it. It was fun, interesting, and challenging if anything, and around that time I was either between jobs or not making a big salary, so I stuck with making sites.

Fast forward to right now, 2011. I've done a lot over the years with just IllMuzik alone, but now I'm at the point where I'm wondering if this is the right path for me? Not sure. I've been struggling to answer that question for a while now and I don't know if I can ever truly answer it. Computers are awesome, web design and programming are great and I like doing it, but here's where it takes a spin:

Health / Lifestyle

Before I got my computer in 1997 I was skinny! I was always around 185. I was active, like I mentioned before - going out quite often and doing things. Ever since I've been on the computer it's all the opposite. I've put on weight, my eyesight is getting worse, and to top it off, my posture has become so bad that about 5 years ago I developed a pinched nerve in my neck and to this day it still bothers me.

I rarely go out, and even when I want to, my friends don't want to because they're most likely trapped in the technology dungeon.

I know it's all about balance. I could tell myself that I'll go on the computer each day for no more than 4 hours and spend the rest of the day doing other stuff, but in reality that's not a possibility. It all comes back to me being a web developer. That's a job where you're required to be online 24/7. It's not healthy and anyone that knows me, knows I love working out and hitting the gym. On the other hand, when I get home from the gym what do I do? Sit in front of the computer.

I'm not sure where I wanted this thread to go and if there's any point to this really except that I wanted to just vent. Maybe I'm just looking to see what you guys think and to get you to share any similar experiences you might have.

I think that technology is great but it's hard to have a balance when you have to use it every day, all day. I remember when I first got my pinched nerve, the therapist I went to told me that nowadays it's SO common for heavy computer users to come in with pinched nerves.

Anyway, if you've read all this, you get a high five from me....


ill o.g.
Whats your diet like?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I was in the same boat. Not so drastically but Im sick of the internet in a sense. Which is why I've kept my presence low. Forcing myself to get back into real world activities lol. Its like any good thing, too much makes you sick and you cant have your life tied to a computer. Get a smart phone and make yourself leave the house and walk around ATLEAST! lol Unplugging from the matrix is hard, especially now with everything blooming even more than before and the world is running off the internet.

Just do it. Get out. Alot of assumptions but that would be my bottom line in any case. Get free, or atleast be cordless


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Whats your diet like?
It's good. It's just that I don't always follow it or go to the gym, again it comes back to sitting in front of the pc all day

Start going on 30 minute walks everyday.
I've been doing that. It definitely helps, but doesn't get to the root of the problem.

I was in the same boat. Not so drastically but Im sick of the internet in a sense. Which is why I've kept my presence low. Forcing myself to get back into real world activities lol. Its like any good thing, too much makes you sick and you cant have your life tied to a computer. Get a smart phone and make yourself leave the house and walk around ATLEAST! lol Unplugging from the matrix is hard, especially now with everything blooming even more than before and the world is running off the internet.

Just do it. Get out. Alot of assumptions but that would be my bottom line in any case. Get free, or atleast be cordless
Yes, getting out is great and I've been trying to do that more.

I think it basically comes down to a lifestyle change, not just quick fixes. At least I've been telling myself this but I still can't come to an actual conclusion!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Thats what Im saying! Switch from a comp. Maybe a dope tablet, android, Notebook etc. Something you can be out and about with so you wont feel tethered to the house. Then commit to the outside world. Go DJ a party, visit some conferences, take some classes etc. Just do it. Stop thinking! You know what you want!


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Step away and find a hobby outside of being on the computer. Dig for new records. Visit local record shops. Go out to random events regardless of how interested in it you are just for the sake of getting out of the house.

Most likely you are getting bored at home too easily and you fall to your habits on the comp. The internet is great because it offers soooo much in such a compacted device.

Read books.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I was in the same boat, but like you said, balance is the key. I've never been a web designer but I spend alot of time on the internet. Realizing that I need both worlds, I had to come up with a plan to accomidate both.

My advantage is that I work for myself so I can do what I want to do as far as work goes, my disadvantage is that I'm married with a family of 4 (including myself) that requires my attention as well.

Time Management is key. You have to make a schedule that works for all of your needs and stick to it. You have to discipline yourself to your routine. It doesn't really matter what you're doing or when you do it, it just has to work and you just have to make sure it works.

I'm doing my cardio 3 days a week, my weight lifting 3 days a week and Sundays I do whatever I want, whether it be stay online all day or go to church, family time or gym time. Monday thru Saturday it's all about business which includes family time, computer time, workout time and play time. So with me it's all about maintaining the schedule that works for me.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
You all make valid points. But it's not just about spending too much time on the computer, it's hard to explain.

It's just I'm at a point now where I'm trying to decide what path to take and I'm asking myself is computer work worth it? It's taken up so much of my time over the years to the point where I feel like I'm wasting my time each day I spend on it.

Again, it's hard to explain because it goes deeper than that, I'm not necessarily looking for answers but like I said before, just trying to vent!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Well, in that case. Vent on! lol


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
I think you need to spend more time on the X-box.

Na but for real, get a bike! You're so close to the bike path, and it takes like 5 minutes to get there from your crib, and it's dope in the summer! But ya computers are takin over, no question...


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Yeah I second that 2Good, I mean it is what it is, sometimes I just wanna join the peace corp or something to have actually done more...
But i like music too much and they dont pay you at all when you join so since Im not a trust fund kid Ima have to get a check to maintain my roof.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
You all make valid points. But it's not just about spending too much time on the computer, it's hard to explain.

It's just I'm at a point now where I'm trying to decide what path to take and I'm asking myself is computer work worth it? It's taken up so much of my time over the years to the point where I feel like I'm wasting my time each day I spend on it.

Again, it's hard to explain because it goes deeper than that, I'm not necessarily looking for answers but like I said before, just trying to vent!

In that case, consider treating it more as a business and less as a personal obligation in terms of putting the right people in the right places where you can focus a bit more on your concerns. I know you're saying you're not really looking for a solution, you're just venting but it's clear that something needs to change. I mean you can't continue to have these concerns when next month, next week or whenever, you'll be right back facing the same issues.