The nail in Swizz's coffin


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
MarkN said:
i wouldn't really call the beat old skool,

yeh i second this, how the hell is this beat classed as old skool?

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
im going to say something i never thought i would....

but this thread has a lot of hate in it....

if you dont see the old school sensibilites in this beat..... you havent listened to much hip hop before 1990.....

thing is, this is like chillin at the lunch table, smackin the table... now thats raw, i think everybody gets a little too focused on the simplicity of something and automatically snubs it.....

some food for thought..... i am NOT a swizz fan at all... never have been, and if you do a search you'll see several rants i made about dude a while back, even posting the riff he jacked from the roland xv module... so it aint like im an apologist for the guy, and besides that, im one of those producers who use up 20 tracks on a beat, the "bells and whistles" type....

me personally, i would take off YG completely, do away with the stupid strings opn the hook and have a nice bed for a solid banger... in fact i think i'll make somehting similar this weekend for the heck of it...


ill o.g.
Finally! someone comes clean. I have noticed many producers lately taking that route. Of focusing on the simplicity of a beat. For example, that clipse song, grindin (few years back). Perfect example. The thing is that you need a very talented lyricist to make it sound tight. I think when producers step out on a limb like that it shows balls and confidence in their style. Way to live up to your name TRUth.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
dont get me wrong, the song is still stupidly corny... the hook is irritatin, the vocals suck, the tamborine line is cheesy, the strings and whistles are cheesier still.....

but the basic drum line, thats dope and a lyrical cat and the RIGHT kind of percusion and its a very dope, high energy beat.... the problem is that this ISNT what was done with it. i hate the song, but it seems like the focus just stays on the simplicity of it and to me spells hate.

and... for those who dont understand how this is JUST like old school, pre 1990 hip hop... listen to rakims "i aint no joke"... its basically the same pattern.... and the same one bar horn sample throughout the whole thing..... KIND of chopped but not really, adn add the scratches and thats it... aint nothin to it... and this is classic. this is what all the purist, backpacker, boom bap lovin cats base their entire style on...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
Cold Truth said:
im going to say something i never thought i would....

but this thread has a lot of hate in it....

if you dont see the old school sensibilites in this beat..... you havent listened to much hip hop before 1990.....

thing is, this is like chillin at the lunch table, smackin the table... now thats raw, i think everybody gets a little too focused on the simplicity of something and automatically snubs it.....

some food for thought..... i am NOT a swizz fan at all... never have been, and if you do a search you'll see several rants i made about dude a while back, even posting the riff he jacked from the roland xv module... so it aint like im an apologist for the guy, and besides that, im one of those producers who use up 20 tracks on a beat, the "bells and whistles" type....

me personally, i would take off YG completely, do away with the stupid strings opn the hook and have a nice bed for a solid banger... in fact i think i'll make somehting similar this weekend for the heck of it...

For one thing, I have been listenin to hip hop since 1981 and I have to say even though it's an old school type of beat, it still sucks. I am not going to give in. Swizz sucks to me and always will suck in my book. As a matter of fact, there is a lot of "shit" on the radio waves these days that makes me wanna vomit. And I am not just saying that either. For example, that blueberry song by Ludacris, OMG! The biggest piece of marketing, pop, make a song for teenagers shitty song if I ever heard one. Give me a fuckin break. I love hip hop and I think Luda is a hell of an emcee but when I hear a pop song masquerading as a hip hop song, I am going to say so. And when I hear a beat that I think the producer is just being lazy, (Swizz), I am going to say so. This may be my own opinion and I can live with that.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
Cold Truth said:
and... for those who dont understand how this is JUST like old school, pre 1990 hip hop... listen to rakims "i aint no joke"... its basically the same pattern.... and the same one bar horn sample throughout the whole thing..... KIND of chopped but not really, adn add the scratches and thats it... aint nothin to it... and this is classic. this is what all the purist, backpacker, boom bap lovin cats base their entire style on...

You are right. That's the first thing I thought when I heard it. Hey, he is fuckin up a hip hop classic beat. LOL!


Audio Artistic Slave
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
dont get me wrong, the song is still stupidly corny... the hook is irritatin, the vocals suck, the tamborine line is cheesy, the strings and whistles are cheesier still.....

but the basic drum line, thats dope and a lyrical cat and the RIGHT kind of percusion and its a very dope, high energy beat.... the problem is that this ISNT what was done with it. i hate the song, but it seems like the focus just stays on the simplicity of it and to me spells hate.

and... for those who dont understand how this is JUST like old school, pre 1990 hip hop... listen to rakims "i aint no joke"... its basically the same pattern.... and the same one bar horn sample throughout the whole thing..... KIND of chopped but not really, adn add the scratches and thats it... aint nothin to it... and this is classic. this is what all the purist, backpacker, boom bap lovin cats base their entire style on...

I wasn't old enough to remember when that song came out, but I have heard it a thousand times from my older cousins. Yes it is a simple beat and much in the same drum pattern n' all but what separates Rakim's track from Swizz's beat is the thickness of it. In my opinion thats what makes an old school beat...OLD school. Any ass with a drum machine and wal-mart keyboard can make what Swizz made, but to capture the feel of the early days takes a lil bit more work (it really does sound like Swizz made this in 10 minutes) The beat just sounds to thin, weak, and empty. And when I say it sounds empty and thin, I don't mean theres not enough instruments, I mean the precussion sounds to clean as if Swizz just programed the drum track, added a lil bit of reverb and presto. A beat can be bare but still sound thick. "Grinding" is a perfect example.