The N word (yea i went there)

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ill o.g.
Class you shouldint be offended when Non US Blacks Use the Word Nigga USA was not the only Country to Enslave Black People Look at the West Indes For Example Those People were Brought there by British Colonialist Also and made Slaves and Also In Brazil And Many Latin Countries Where there are Blacks They were brought there as slaves themselves so why dont they got the right ? . And From Reading an Article On The life of Blacks inBrazil and The Favalas (Ghetto's of Brazil) they live in There Hardships Seem Probably 10 times Worse Today as Any Black Man's are in America


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
CampO said:
Class you shouldint be offended when Non US Blacks Use the Word Nigga USA was not the only Country to Enslave Black People Look at the West Indes For Example Those People were Brought there by British Colonialist Also and made Slaves and Also In Brazil And Many Latin Countries Where there are Blacks They were brought there as slaves themselves so why dont they got the right ? . And From Reading an Article On The life of Blacks inBrazil and The Favalas (Ghetto's of Brazil) they live in There Hardships Seem Probably 10 times Worse Today as Any Black Man's are in America

I think u misunderstood my point camp, using the word nigga has nothing to with being oppressued. I realised that there are people around the world that are were just as oppressed and black people here in the states. IVe been to african and ive seen it first hand.

Jewish people are some of the most oppresed people in history, but does that give them the right to your the word nigga, hell no

What im saying it that people outside the african american community have no context for the word they are using. They are just imtating popular culture. Thats why i get offended. A black person who uses the N word outside the states is just copying what they see on TV or hear on the radio. again widspred usage of this word outside the states dident start untill hip hop came around. This a proven fact.
U dident see blacks outside the states, white boys, korens, or histpanics running around calling each other nigga in the 40's,50's,60,'s and 70's

SO whoever uses the word outside the african american communitity(black white, red, green whatever) is just copying what they see from popular culture without an true understanding of what they are doing.

And that shit is wack......

my 2 cents


benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
Chrono said:
It's hard for a lot of people to understand my perspective on society.

Bluntly put, I think thats a major reason why black culture is so prominent in american entertainment...

And the fact that they be blazin it up and overstanding...



none of Y.G.D.B
ill o.g.
i disagree with dat and you will be surprised how much black people know there history and its most of the non black peeps dat be hearing itt on the radio tv and use in it if you ain't lived hear you can't say dat

doesn't really matter what country you in if blacks say it in the usa what difference does it make if they say it in another country being american don't entitle you to have ownership of the word

lmao this thread is gonna go on forever lets just agree dat some of us don't like the way its used cuz everyone goin on like they got the ingredient to stop it but it ain't gonna stop


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
just to add, many of the best and respected UK emcees never use the word, im talking about Klashnekoff, Lewis Parker etc... i mean Lewis Parker dont even have a Parental Advisory sticker on his album.

i think they kinda wanna prevent everyone in the UK start saying it. black UK emcees kinda get the ''american wannabe'' title if they say it on records too much.



I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
I mean of course ur going to think that becasue ur outside the US, i had the same argument with my homeboys in brixtion. But the fact of the matter is, before 1975, very few people outside the african american communty were calling each other nigga.

lilhatedon said:
doesn't really matter what country you in if blacks say it in the usa what difference does it make if they say it in another country being american don't entitle you to have ownership of the word

Umm i think it does matter what country and culture your in becasue context comes into issue. In south africa blacks we called "caffa's(sp). Now to me that word has no real power, i mean i understand the meaning and everything, but i dont have the context of the word. I can run around and say "caffa" all day. But an south african has the context and meaning of this word, so its going to be differnt. Only south africans can truly understand the weight of this wolrd.

Same exact thing goes for the word nigga, like it or not, no matter how hard others try, african americans are the only ones who are gonna understand the true context of the word

We can agree to disagree, but i really want u to think about this, im not tryin to say who prove who is right and wrong, but i have had the opttuenitity to travel and witness this from all angles, so i really do have a wide view



Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
classic said:
I mean of course ur going to think that becasue ur outside the US, i had the same argument with my homeboys in brixtion. But the fact of the matter is, before 1975, very few people outside the african american communty were calling each other nigga.

Umm i think it does matter what country and culture your in becasue context comes into issue. In south africa blacks we called "caffa's(sp). Now to me that word has no real power, i mean i understand the meaning and everything, but i dont have the context of the word. I can run around and say "caffa" all day. But an south african has the context and meaning of this word, so its going to be differnt. Only south africans can truly understand the weight of this wolrd.

Same exact thing goes for the word nigga, like it or not, no matter how hard others try, african americans are the only ones who are gonna understand the true context of the word

We can agree to disagree, but i really want u to think about this, im not tryin to say who prove who is right and wrong, but i have had the opttuenitity to travel and witness this from all angles, so i really do have a wide view


i agree, the UK is becoming the USA in every way. i believe there is a technical word 'Americanisation', though that might be something iv just made up in my head...

most of our slang comes from the USA, so i suppose the N word just floated across too. words like 'dope', 'wack' and 'tight' are now spoken by alot of people here.

its simply because we speak the same language, therefore we can share films and music extremely easily. i mean you dont hear a black French guy sayin the N word... or do you?


Equality 7-2521

ok i havnt read every post cos otherwise id have too much to say but i skim read a bit...

class: just cos someone wouldnt use the word nigga in an area they didnt know whrre black people were around (obviously because they dont want to get fucked up) does not neccesarily mean they shouldnt use it else where. if the black people werent hanging onto the concept, they wouldnt get fucked off and want to fuck cunts up like you said you would over this shit. why not just let the fuck go and move on. niggas use the word nigga all the fucking time, even to their friends, which to me shows that the original meaning of the word is dead as a door knob.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
Rhythmikal said:
i agree, the UK is becoming the USA in every way. i believe there is a technical word 'Americanisation', though that might be something iv just made up in my head...

most of our slang comes from the USA, so i suppose the N word just floated across too. words like 'dope', 'wack' and 'tight' are now spoken by alot of people here.

its simply because we speak the same language, therefore we can share films and music extremely easily. i mean you dont hear a black French guy sayin the N word... or do you?

no americanisation is a real word i think, but yea i agree with you in most things we do tend to follow the US's lead i think a lot of it has to do with us being similar countries a lot of ways, we seem to have the same things as the US just we get them a few months later even things like films and music you get the same stuff released just three months later so it always seems like we are catching up to them ! the main reason for that is coz a lot of our entertainment and the like is US based when we start creating our own stuff that better they will have to catch up with us !


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
Equality 7-2521 said:
ok i havnt read every post cos otherwise id have too much to say but i skim read a bit...

class: just cos someone wouldnt use the word nigga in an area they didnt know whrre black people were around (obviously because they dont want to get fucked up) does not neccesarily mean they shouldnt use it else where. if the black people werent hanging onto the concept, they wouldnt get fucked off and want to fuck cunts up like you said you would over this shit. why not just let the fuck go and move on. niggas use the word nigga all the fucking time, even to their friends, which to me shows that the original meaning of the word is dead as a door knob.

I do kind of agree with you there as can you really expect a double standard where african americans are allowed to say a word and others aren't i mean most black people will have used the word but have they EVER used it in its original context, no !?
Also im sure there are african american people out there who don't know there history aswell as like you said black people from around the world who use the word they probably have no context of what the word means and just assume that black people use the word with each other !


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Equality 7-2521 said:
ok i havnt read every post cos otherwise id have too much to say but i skim read a bit...

class: just cos someone wouldnt use the word nigga in an area they didnt know whrre black people were around (obviously because they dont want to get fucked up) does not neccesarily mean they shouldnt use it else where. if the black people werent hanging onto the concept, they wouldnt get fucked off and want to fuck cunts up like you said you would over this shit. why not just let the fuck go and move on. niggas use the word nigga all the fucking time, even to their friends, which to me shows that the original meaning of the word is dead as a door knob.

I wish it were that easy man. I really do. I mean your right, honestly i cant stand the word eitherway,when african americans use it, or when non-blacks use it. RIght now my argument focused on people outside african american communitiy becasue its just a case of "copying" what they see, bascially they are consicously doing it.

THe reason why african americans use the world amoung them selvles is a much more complex and serious issue(which entire books have been writtien on). It deals with oppression , self hate, and adaptation. WIth that being said, the word was forced upon black people in the states, its not like we watched it on TV and were like
"ohh thats sounds cool let me start saying it to my friends"

Sadly The word nigga is so ingrained in african american culture that its hard NOT to use it in our communitity.
My Aunts and uncles will lovinly say' NIgga get over here"
Grown ups will talk about a crazy person "that nigga is crazy"
WHen i was coming up i was that "lil nigga" always getting in trouble

I mean u cant avoid it, but there is a big differnce between me growing up hearing the word naturally and ususing it and some dude outside the communitity using the word becasue he or she thinks its cool.

I think both are wrong, but i hope you can see that they are two completely differnt issues.

Again people who use it outside the african american community are just imatining what they dont understand.


tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
i haven't had time to read all of this. cuz it is LONG. but i'll put in my two cents.

ok. the word nigga has really become a term of endearment among the black community. you can argue otherwise, but i mean, in my opinion, it's just a replacement word for "dude" or "homie" or "dawg." i mean, that's really how it came into common usage as far as i know.

now obviously it has it's racist origins. but for whatever reason, blacks decided to look past that and bring it back into common usage. now, i don't use it in any serious context. i don't go up to my friends and say "whatup nigga!" or anything. but i mean, these days, you can't even sing a fuckin hip hop or rap song WITHOUT using it, yknow? so i mean, i think that the music industry has also helped A LOT to bring it into common usage.

but i mean, i have had black people talk to me, and be like "what's up nigga" and it's kind of weird having them say that, and knowing that WERE i to utter some response like, "nothin, wassup with you my nigga?" they would probably kick my ass.

yknow? so i mean, it's kinda weird. i mean, i guess that the white people's equivalent to "nigga" would be "dude." but i mean, that's not offensive to anyone. i use that all the time.

i guess, i am just really curious why the word was brought into common usage and turned into the term of endearment it is today. i mean, it has such horrible connotations, but that didn't stop it from coming back.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Why did I have to go to the thread from over a year ago and find my responses because I am too tired to type in the thread but anyhow my response now is about like it was then and most of what was discussed here has been vistited in that thread also.....but it looks like Classes Frustration is more of the basis like Innercity back then....LOL.....
MY Response from that thread over a year ago can be found below...hahahaha

START of quote...

Hahaha but look I think it is funny if I see say an Asian cat goin, hey my nigga....or somebody that is not a "nigga" using the word it just sort of doesn't fit......I don't how that word was given such loose use anyhow looking at the history I mean look basically letting everyone that really isn't a "nigga" use it, take a word like "motherfucker"
You motherfucker I will kill you<--------negative use
Thats my motherfucker<--------positive friendly use

but basically motherfucker never had a racial association...if you were a motherfucker then you were a motherfucker.......

nigger-----loosely interchanged with nigga has to really be handled carefully because depending on who is in the area at that time especially and old school cat that hears someone that is not black use the term it might cost you slug or a all those that do like to use the term loosely amongst your peers and maybe you not "a nigga" go around some cats that say were around when nigga only had one application in the English language and that was completely might find yourself in a very unfriendly situation.....I think theres so many more words to use to express I am not sensitive but there a so many people that are not going to tolerate the word being used in their circle without asking....what was that you just said? that didn't even sound right.......or even worse try explaining it when you get the what the fuck did you just say response........

End quote.

The Bastard

classic said:
I wish it were that easy man. I really do. I mean your right, honestly i cant stand the word eitherway,when african americans use it, or when non-blacks use it. RIght now my argument focused on people outside african american communitiy becasue its just a case of "copying" what they see, bascially they are consicously doing it.

THe reason why african americans use the world amoung them selvles is a much more complex and serious issue(which entire books have been writtien on). It deals with oppression , self hate, and adaptation. WIth that being said, the word was forced upon black people in the states, its not like we watched it on TV and were like
"ohh thats sounds cool let me start saying it to my friends"

Sadly The word nigga is so ingrained in african american culture that its hard NOT to use it in our communitity.
My Aunts and uncles will lovinly say' NIgga get over here"
Grown ups will talk about a crazy person "that nigga is crazy"
WHen i was coming up i was that "lil nigga" always getting in trouble

I mean u cant avoid it, but there is a big differnce between me growing up hearing the word naturally and ususing it and some dude outside the communitity using the word becasue he or she thinks its cool.

I think both are wrong, but i hope you can see that they are two completely differnt issues.

Again people who use it outside the african american community are just imatining what they dont understand.

what if one of my black boys says to me wassup nigga. do u think thats wrong .


none of Y.G.D.B
ill o.g.
Rhythmikal said:
just to add, many of the best and respected UK emcees never use the word, im talking about Klashnekoff, Lewis Parker etc... i mean Lewis Parker dont even have a Parental Advisory sticker on his album.

i think they kinda wanna prevent everyone in the UK start saying it. black UK emcees kinda get the ''american wannabe'' title if they say it on records too much.


dat ain't gonna prevent peeps sayin it Klashnekoff, Lewis Parker they got there own style they are real ill mcees they don't need to say dat shit but peeps been sayin dat shit out here b4 well in the north anyway


none of Y.G.D.B
ill o.g.
classic said:
I mean of course ur going to think that becasue ur outside the US, i had the same argument with my homeboys in brixtion. But the fact of the matter is, before 1975, very few people outside the african american communty were calling each other nigga.

Umm i think it does matter what country and culture your in becasue context comes into issue. In south africa blacks we called "caffa's(sp). Now to me that word has no real power, i mean i understand the meaning and everything, but i dont have the context of the word. I can run around and say "caffa" all day. But an south african has the context and meaning of this word, so its going to be differnt. Only south africans can truly understand the weight of this wolrd.

Same exact thing goes for the word nigga, like it or not, no matter how hard others try, african americans are the only ones who are gonna understand the true context of the word

We can agree to disagree, but i really want u to think about this, im not tryin to say who prove who is right and wrong, but i have had the opttuenitity to travel and witness this from all angles, so i really do have a wide view


i've travelled to so now you see why have to disagree as for the word being used in 1975 where you get dat info from? uk is alot bigger than brixton or should i say the south of england i can't speak for them but the word has been used i long time before then
but you got your veiws i got mine


none of Y.G.D.B
ill o.g.
peep this

Today we live in a world where I can say we black people bear some of the blame for the perpetuation of the use of the word nigger. The term once used to humiliate blacks has now become a unique word in our vernacular. We have co-opted the term and use it as a stand in for the common nouns he (nigga) and they (niggas). Some say that because of the history of the word blacks are the rightful owners of it. This is the dumbest excuse I have ever heard. Take a look at black history and how black people have fought to erase the stigma of being viewed as the ugliest, least educated, laziest and most hopeless entities. All of that is embodied in one word-nigger.

Today people embrace the term and are proud to be niggas. In a documentary on the use of the word, Ludacris says that there is a difference between the word nigger and nigga. He considers the former to be an oppressive term while the latter is simply a term of endearment. What he meant to say was that if white people utter the word, the use of violence may be a way of helping them understand why the word is so taboo.

We use the word as if it were just another noun but take offense to others using it regardless of context. Rap artists use the term with hopes that their lyrics make them appear harder and true to their roots in urban areas. The interesting part of this is that the majority of the consumers who will buy their music do not look like them. There is no way these artists can be angry if their fans repeat their lyrics then get angry at someone in another situation who uses the same word.

I remember as a child hearing adults cursing around me but not being allowed to curse. Guess what? I cursed eventually. Today I hear whites, Cubans and many other groups using the term in similar fashion to the way we use it. Of course it is wrong, but the way black popular culture is marketed, nigga is as ubiquitous as the sideways hat and throwback jersey.

We have the opportunity to eliminate the word from the lexicon but we do not. We do not chastise performers for use of the word because it makes them sound more "authentic," because it didn't start on stage but it currently resides there. We owe it to those that preceded us to show others that we as black people are more than just a group with low expectations. We are attempting to break free but nigger is right there with us waiting to be personified


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
lilhatedon said:
i've travelled to so now you see why have to disagree as for the word being used in 1975 where you get dat info from? uk is alot bigger than brixton or should i say the south of england i can't speak for them but the word has been used i long time before then
but you got your veiws i got mine

Well if the word nigga has been used where ur from (uk i assume) for an extened period of time (which im not doubting it is) its still a matter of context and copying. Most black people in the United kingtom are first,second,or third generation immgrants from either africa or the carrabian.

Tthe explosion of the modern use of the word nigga came from the spread of african american culture particallurely hip hop. thats why i quoted the year 1975,.
Now the word has been used in our music long before hip hop(blues, soul,jazz, etc...) So its possible that your peeps got in from one of those sources. But the point is, the word has an african american source and was copied and used, without context.
Blacks in differnt parts of the world dident automaticlly start calling each other niggas. That was a term used by white americans, to degrade black americans, in turn, black americans made the word a term of endearment and used it in all aspects of our culture(music,art potetry) which intrun spread thoughout the world.

Im not pretending that i know everything that goes on in your neck of the woods. and i got much love for the cats over there( i love your country by the way)

But when black people use nigga in the UK, i see it as the same as when white boys use it. It dosent make any sense, its imatation.

my humble opionion



I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
what if one of my black boys says to me wassup nigga. do u think thats wrong .

Well like i said , thats between you and that dude, if he feels confertable with that, and you feel confertable with that then fine, your both grown ass men....

BUt like i said eariler, all bullshit aside, would u use that word in a room full of black people u dident know

Be honest
