The N word (yea i went there)

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ill o.g.
It's amazing because here in France, blacks call each other "negro" ( negro = nigga / nègre = nigger).
And it's a kinda disturbing because 2day @ work, a non-black girl called me "negro" in front of everybody.
I've told her you'd better be careful calling me like this girl...
Yes I'm upset when a non-black call me this way but actually I think that we showed them the way... Seeing us using this word just 2 look more (black) american (lol), they began 2 use it too.

I don't know if we can say that the situation in USA is the same here but what I know is that most of the blacks here imitate everything that brothers do in USA.

My brother told me that : we're not respecting ourselves so we can't expect other people 2 respect us.



polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
I don't know if we can say that the situation in USA is the same here but what I know is that most of the blacks here imitate everything that brothers do in USA.

My brother told me that : we're not respecting ourselves so we can't expect other people 2 respect us.


It sounded like you said black people, for the most part, don't respect themselves so they look at African American culture for direction. Correct me if i'm wrong.

Black people here, FOR THE MOST PART, do not respect their own culture here in America. Calling your sisters bitches and having an American 1950's attitude towards women, not to mention rappers glorifying murder, drugs, and beating women.

One can't be surprised though. Until very recently has white racism actually dissolved. In the next 50 years we are going to see American society stabilize and in a hundred years we are going ot take the knowledge we learned and give it to other civilizations.

it'z all science
crack a book


ill o.g.
classic said:
I seriously doubt that any white(or non-black) person in here would come up to me on the street and say..

Whats up nigga

(if u did ur a brave motherfucker)


Haha why Cuz your a 7 foot 250 pound Killa lol j.k

but ya i no what you mean but when a black guy Is chillin and come give 1 of there white homies propz they say wat up nigga so should the white guy punch him and be offended because he is not black and has been called nigga ?

And If a guy like me came up to you Class and Said Watup Nigga would you still be offended after you Found out My Dads Black and Spanish and that most of my Cousins are black but I just happen to look white ? Probably not Right ?


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
CampO said:
Haha why Cuz your a 7 foot 250 pound Killa lol j.k

but ya i no what you mean but when a black guy Is chillin and come give 1 of there white homies propz they say wat up nigga so should the white guy punch him and be offended because he is not black and has been called nigga ?

And If a guy like me came up to you Class and Said Watup Nigga would you still be offended after you Found out My Dads Black and Spanish and that most of my Cousins are black but I just happen to look white ? Probably not Right ?

LOL im actually 6;4 230 close enough

Well honestly i still would be offended becasue even though u may have spanish and black blood in you, its about how u look. If u look white, then thats what im gonna assume u are. Now if i found out your history like u said, that my be a little differnt, but it still would be awakard if u look white. Im not saying tis correct but thats just the way it is...



I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Chrono said:
Black people here, FOR THE MOST PART, do not respect their own culture here in America. Calling your sisters bitches and having an American 1950's attitude towards women, not to mention rappers glorifying murder, drugs, and beating women.

Naw i disagree, thats the part of our culture that is glorified by the media and exposed to the rest of the world. Everyone knows about game, 50 cent etc....drugs bitches etc..

But u dont EVER hear about cats like me who come from the same envrioment and are succeful without the bullshit. Thats why people outside the african american communitity usually have NO IDEA what being black in america is about.

We have such a rich history and culture, we have created every form of popular music that exists today. Its sad that people still have those preconveied notions.

Im not knocking u, but this view is held by alot of people



ill o.g.
Chrono said:
It sounded like you said black people, for the most part, don't respect themselves so they look at African American culture for direction. Correct me if i'm wrong.

They not respect themselves by calling each other "negro" . 2 me if they (or we) look @ african american culture it's more because most of the sucessful blacks that we know are american.
So yes people are looking for models, and most of the time your models are people who looks like you. And 2 me a young black here can easily relate to 50 Cent or Michael Jordan, MLK Jr or Malcom X than to Zinedine Zidane or Jacques Chirac.

I'm not saying that there're not another great black men (Mandela, Desmond Tutu etc.. R great men) but we more connected 2 what happen in America...



ill o.g.
Well thanks for that Opinion Class Ive never been Comfortable saying the word anyways its just a akward word for me Even if If im with my cousins I dont use the word Unless were in Ny Then I cant help it cuz you hear the word about 10 times in a sentence when you there it becomes like second nature .

And yes it is true about the Media Cuz Controversy sells No matter if its black white yellow or or blue, Green is the Most Important Color to Those Scum . Ive met some very Smart Black Guys in NY my cousins 1 friend was School President and Goin to College for Engineering and His Younger Brother Is going to MED School so yea there is good and bad in every Race and Everything .

Ly Nye Wat about Henry that Mans Sick ?????


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
yea i feel you class, and from what i am sayin is how you use the work nigga, like i picked it up from when i was little, but when a white dude comes up to me and be like what up my nigga i am gonna be like don't say that again and shit, but like i said in my earlyer post if a white dude came up to me and was like nigger get the fuck out of here, he better have some people wit him or he gone be in for a beat down, so what i am sayin don't use it in the wrong context,


ill o.g.
question: im half black and half puerto rican and raised in the can i say nigga...i say it all the time


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
I personally dnt say the word coz i have no right too !

i don't really agree with anybody saying the word when you look at its meaning it has no place nowadays but just because some people choose to be ignorant to it, it doesnt mean you have to be !

saying oh well i know this black guy and he says it all the time ain't really an excuse !?


none of Y.G.D.B
ill o.g.
well you got hite rappers sayin it and rap is involved in everything in the world adverts you know so peeps see it and think it is kool then they come with why is it kool for blacks to say it to each other but we can't either way they either gonna say it to your face behind your back gotten out of hand to me but shit peeps out here know better not to say dat shit and get caught

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
this shit is pointless. Class, i feel the same you do, and I'm white. Its a word with too much history attached to it. When I was younger I used it ignorantly, and I dont use it anymore ESPECIALLY in my rhymes. But, its cool to use it in most rap joints so, everybody uses it regardless, but thats because there are too many followers and mo leaders kid.

And before somebody says it, I'll address it now, no matter what color, race, creed, or where you from,,the word is derogatory and thats that.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
classic said:
Naw i disagree, thats the part of our culture that is glorified by the media and exposed to the rest of the world. Everyone knows about game, 50 cent etc....drugs bitches etc..

But u dont EVER hear about cats like me who come from the same envrioment and are succeful without the bullshit. Thats why people outside the african american communitity usually have NO IDEA what being black in america is about.

We have such a rich history and culture, we have created every form of popular music that exists today. Its sad that people still have those preconveied notions.

Im not knocking u, but this view is held by alot of people


CLass my best friends mom moved to oklahoma after getting a job out of american airlines from brooklyn. His family was a very proud and successful black family and I respected that and became part of the family. I understand the media only hypes the bullshit, but I also understand that when a people have been enslaved and then deemed free to live in the same country that enslaved them, that it takes time. Growing up I don't feel as comfortable around white people because russ's family and friends were so cool to me and the other white families were like shut-ins and was for the most part on some silly shit. It's hard for a lot of people to understand my perspective on society. I don't care about someone's culture or beliefs; im not concerned with it (probably), but don't disrespect me and don't waste my time.

Society likes to see things from the tangable. Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Language, Religion. But there's this whole world living between the lines that see's things for what they really are.


for the record i don't think anyone should use the word. i'm with Cosby


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
i hate it when some white people say it and try to imitate rappers, it pisses me off. i wish they wud try and be a bit more respectful.

i dont really think Hispanics should say it, but i dont know maybe some have the right as they come out of the same projects etc.

Fat Joe and J Lo sayin it on records though, im not really into that, but im not in a position to say.



none of Y.G.D.B
ill o.g.
lol yeah nuff times i'm in nyc or cali and some spanish kids be tryin it but i had to show em cuz if i was like what up my spik they would have something to say


ill o.g.
wings used the word nigger so u know he from texas, lol

dont really use the word nigga much, as it is certainly an american trend that has since spread.

currently I tend to use the word nigga in refrence to black dudes that seem unwilling to think or make any progress in life. u know them ignorant ass black folks that just hang around but dont really have no purpose.

hope that helps, lol


none of Y.G.D.B
ill o.g.
its maybe an american trend in rap music but i'd have to disagree with it just being an american trend dat everybody has just picked up on its just now every creed and colour listens to some form of rap music mainstream/underground so now they mimick what they here in alot of films to training day i love dat film but the director breaks down the use of the word nigga and nigger so peeps try and be smart and say it

but one thing that has bothered me is for a year or two now radio stations out here like radio 1 rap so yes white wood will dub out the word bitch/ho and just let the word nigga go uncensored now if the radio don't dub it peeps are gonna think its ok and radio 1 is broadcasted all over so go figure


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
intersting stuff some very wierd(from my view) persepctives.

I appericate people being honest and stating their views

I still firmly belive that no no-black person would ever go to a black area(they arent familure with) and start using the word publicly. In my view the non-black people who are using this word are fronting, basically for a lack of a better word they are being "wiggers" I dont care how down you(think) u are , its bullshit

I dont care how many black people you grew up around or how many rap records you have, a non-black person would NEVER use that world in a new enviroment. That should say something right there.
If u are non-white and use the word,u better be careful casue i have seen plenty of whiteboys who thought they were cool get stompted out over that ish....(it happend in my barbershop last month)

FYI: i get just as pissed when black people in the UK (or anywhere else outside the US) use that word as when white people using it.
THey dont have context, its the exaclt same as white boys using it. i remember when i was in the UK had to check a couple of people on that shit.

It erks me when hispanics try to use it too. Thats some bullshit also, i mean yea they had it kinda hard in the US, but nothing compared to african americans, i think people let them slide with that shit to much. Again if ur histpanic and use it ,be careful, casue ive seen alot of new york hispanics come down south and try and use that shit and get checked real quick.

just my 2 cents
