I will not take sides, I think it was wrong, but you know what America is about freedom of speech.....contrary to what a lot of people think it's not only the land of opportunity but the land of completely racist based codes, offcolor jokes and disregard for people of color that really are using all of their talents to try and get ahead......why did I say that?...in my daily goings I probably come across a few assholes a week if I didn't have thicker skin I would be locked up......, its cool that the focus is on this one topic, but if any of you cats that live in America know what I am talking about......THERE TONS OF TALK SHOWS that have completely RACIST and Tasteless commentary, they talk about Blacks, they talk about Whites they talk very derogatory and because of FREEDOM of SPEECH in AMERICA they can do it.......I mean I won't take sides but i think its stupid to sit there and ridicule 1 radio station....and some of you are going to be mad when i say this.....YOU DONT EVEN LIVE HERE......feel me, I mean we put up with that bullshidd for Hundreds of years man.....don been called a N*99a to my face twice by some rednecks when I was too young to do a fuggin thing about it....go get a petition?...and trust me there are many that are at their dinner tables right now teaching their kids that same crap.....so I am against it.....but I ain't signing a petition....theres way too much other nonsense on a politically correct level we have to put up with a whole lot more, racial profiling, getting beat down by cops, denied jobs based upon the a primary color.....I am in no way agreeing with this but man theres millions of things you can sign a petition for.....but really what will that do but get a few people fired......WOW......it won't change anyones mind or anything like that.....I mean I know lots of people when they are out with their friends laugh at off color shidd.....come on man.....lighten up......I just want any of you the next time you out with friends on a Friday or Saturday night when 1 of your ignant friends might make an off color joke try and an play the politically correct role in the group.........go ahead and tell em.......Jimmy or so and so thats not nice, I don't want to hear anymore of this talk, I am going home and you can have my beer.....LOL....oh and furthermore out all of the joke what they were saying is the media and everyone Else completely minimized the loss of the people on the African continent.....I think some of us are a little to educated to understand the real point and yes how they did it was completely tasteless but I just had to play a lil Devil's advocate and go against the grain on this shidd.....don't be hypocritical