Response to Racism: Petition against Hot 97's Broadcast

  • beat this! voting starts in...

Carpe Diem

woah...thats harsh...anyways, im on gonna sign it now...., einz, wateva....


Carpe Diem

Guest people still takin the piss on the petition...

4946. Steven Lee them damn n166ers!@!!@, all they are is obselete farm machinery

not good.....


ill o.g.
IM not Signing it Because Im not American I dont Agree with it but Really If THEY wanna let shit like that happen in there own Country Then there Free 2 Do So . I just Find it Fucked up Cuz I Would Expect Something Like this From KKK Radio Or Some HillBilly Country Station .

The Bastard

CampO said:
IM not Signing it Because Im not American I dont Agree with it but Really If THEY wanna let shit like that happen in there own Country Then there Free 2 Do So . I just Find it Fucked up Cuz I Would Expect Something Like this From KKK Radio Or Some HillBilly Country Station .


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 38
CampO said:
IM not Signing it Because Im not American I dont Agree with it but Really If THEY wanna let shit like that happen in there own Country Then there Free 2 Do So . I just Find it Fucked up Cuz I Would Expect Something Like this From KKK Radio Or Some HillBilly Country Station .



Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
see the problem with this shit is that if it was aimed at white people no one would really give a fuck. there would be no petition or nothin.

The Bastard

Rhythmikal said:
see the problem with this shit is that if it was aimed at white people no one would really give a fuck. there would be no petition or nothin.
i guarentee if it was aimed at white people theyd be 10 times the people signing the petition


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
i guarentee if it was aimed at white people theyd be 10 times the people signing the petition

hmm yeh ok if it was extreme enuf, but iv heard some pretty bad shit come out that radio in the past.

the only dude i really respect at Hot97 is Flex.


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
flex? oh, yeah, the guy who admitted to playing (or not playing) certain people for political reasons? that guy? yeah, i got mad respect for him too.....


ill o.g.
we are definitely making some progress. last i heard:
- a NYC TV station covered the incident, and several local councilmen have spoken up against the radio station's actions and lack of sincerity with the weak apology issued.
- the incident is on the headlines in both Europe and Asia; people are definitely finding out about this shit outside of North America.
- articles have been written about this incident in local papers all over the country, and even more articles will appear in the coming months.
- Hot97 and a few of its sponsors have been forced to completely shut down their phone lines for the overwhelming local response pouring in.
- Miss Jones apologized ON-AIR yesterday for her poor discretion in not only writing the song, but broadcasting it multiple times.
- the FCC has been made aware of the incident, and will be looking into it. i say, keep filing complaints to the FCC so that they don't take this lightly.
- the 60-hr-old petition is currently at 14,000 signatures or so. looks like i'll have a considerable number behind my letters for the FCC and corporate sponsors of Emmis Communications in a few days.

each one teach one, keep spreadin this word out by any means possible/effective. we are all behind this, and we, as human beings, are all responsible for tryin to shed light on this travesty. its cool to see some real cats up in this joint, for real. peace.


I refuse to front... I'm usually laughing at people who get fucked up in one way or another but when it comes down to life , death and racism, fuck that... That shit is played out man. Simple and plain.

You got my sig...

i guarentee if it was aimed at white people theyd be 10 times the people signing the petition

I remember a while back on DEF POETRY JAM some lady included the line "FUCK YOU CRACKER!" in her poem and I never heard shit about it... BTW this was broadcasted on HBO, multiple times.

I have never heard or read a word spoke about that ever, but it was blatant racism on TV. I mean granted HBO isn't "public" which is probably why you never heard of it ...

I basically just gave the main reason while i'll never be able to prove my point so I'll shut the fuck up now.

YEAH So... FUCK HOT 97, thats what this is about right...


ill o.g.
aside from the numerous smaller news sites that have reported it, the following television stations have apparently covered the incident up to this point:

- Fox news did a six-minute feature..
- BET did a shorter feature..
- you can now watch video footage of various NYC council members speaking out against Hot97's actions at - TV coverage should follow shortly
- BBC (UK news outlet) is apparently "looking into the incident" and should be broadcasting it over the next 24 hrs..
- local TV stations all over the US have brought up the news piece briefly, basically regurgitating the earliest news articles that came out online.

i think the most important thing now is to sustain the pressure to keep this ish moving.. one of the radio station's sponsors has already expressed their discontent for how the station handled the situation, and has withdrawn both its support and advertising dollars from the show. the FCC is "looking into it" but they've been rather slow in terms of responding to this ish, continued complaints filed to them wouldn't hurt ( )

besides that, good work to all those who've been tryin to get word of this out, for real.. i'm tryin to stay on top of all the emails i've bein sent, but there's an awful lotta shit to follow up since everyone seems to have a billion suggestions.. the petition itself is at just over 20,000 signatures - reached my 7-day estimate in just over 3 days.. not bad, should be a good sum when i finally send out the letters.. i think i've touched on everything for now.. hopefully there'll be more good news to report when i wake up.

peace. - sign, and send.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Cold Truth said:

fuckin bravo, all i got to say. much respect.

THat shit was ill, i have a new respect for this cat.

I singed that petition by the way, that shit was horribale i cant belive they did that. I was speechless


P.S does anyone have another link to the acutal tsumai song(the one it the petition is dead). I want to sent that link on a mass email to all my fratbrothers along with the petition. If u can send me the MP3 i would host it myself