Producer_GyaL interview!

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IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
WingsOfAnAngel said:
she might be VERY UGLY (and she's not - sorry for the demonstration MS.) but what COUNTS is her talent + personality. that's what i like about her. I couldn't care less whether she's sexy\hot\naughty, what i do care about is how talented she is, how nice she is and how sweet she is. and (from what i can tell) she's all that.

aaaaaww Wings!!! thank you so much for you kind words!! Really!! But yes, as you said appologies accepted Wings for your demonstration LOL im not ugly.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Congrats on your winning, you really deserve it...

and with old beats at that.... daaaaaaaaaaanm!

Good job!

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
Producer_GyaL said:
Thanks Roy, i really appreciate!!! :)

Ok Hoppa, your comment is not necessary. I enjoyed every interview that fade or Wings have made, im not a DJ, i dont use equipement, i dont have any picture to show my set up or even myself. So, lets speak music, not about the fact that i am a woman.

Gyal , you've mistaken the point.

The comment i made is backing up your opinion, of how the fact you are a woman SHOULDN'T matter... thats why i made that comment... so in fact, my comment was necessary

being a DJ, having equipment, or having a pic of your set up has nothing to do with anything, i dont know why you added that in your reply.

Anyways, i've spoken. I stopped reading half way due to lack of interest. No disrespect to anyone, just my three cents.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Hey most of those female-related questions is Wings! My questions are the 2nd half! Hoppa, you missed the best questions - mine. LOL j/k Wingsy.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.

naw just playin

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
haha Fade understands, Im mailing you a kitten!


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
speaking of kittens, I've stopped feeding all of my cats past 6pm, so they will wake me up early in the morning due to their hunger... then I feed them plenty. Hey, if I don't do this... I never wake up. I could literally sleep through an entire month. Seriously.

By the way, ProducerPerson(the gyal is irrelevant, we've all agreed lol) I was messing around with your picture... check out the attached text file and make sure your font is set to "courier" and size 6, and wordwrap is set to "off"... people, send me pictures of yourselves... this is fun


  • producergyal.txt
    23.3 KB · Views: 240


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
Dantson said:
By the way, ProducerPerson(the gyal is irrelevant, we've all agreed lol) I was messing around with your picture... check out the attached text file and make sure your font is set to "courier" and size 6, and wordwrap is set to "off"... people, send me pictures of yourselves... this is fun

Danston, thanks for playing with my picture..... it is cool...
but right now, you guys are getting seriously ugly and i dont appreciate it. ProducerPErson is right now telling you guys to respect my privacy. Im planning to meet really soon some people that i respect from illmuzik, and as far that im concern, for now, theres no way im going to feed your curiousity. Not this way.
End of story.



ill o.g.

Sorry for my absence..

What's goin on here? Why the hostility? Who's Beefin? Gyal, u changing your name? Hun, you are a GIRL! And, you're a PRODUCER. Don't deny yourself. Besides, if anyone is perturbed by that fact, we might be dealing with an ounce of jealousy. I mean the fact that you are a Female producer will impress and bother anyone. People will be impressed because it is a rarity. Other's will hate because that is one more person ahead of them, getting the attention.

Point is, if she were a wack female producer we'd prolly give her props on her efforts and being a girl. BUT we know she's not wack. She's pretty dope and still learning. She's humble and knows that she has ways to go. YES she is a girl. YES it's very uncommon to even 'know a good female producer'. I'm in the industry, and I don't even know of many female producers that are 'good' let alone hot. PG is our homie on this site, a sister. Embrace her, show her love. Don't hate. This is PG's moment. Let her Live.



I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
SuPa'PrOduZa said:
Sorry for my absence..

What's goin on here? Why the hostility? Who's Beefin? Gyal, u changing your name? Hun, you are a GIRL! And, you're a PRODUCER. Don't deny yourself. Besides, if anyone is perturbed by that fact, we might be dealing with an ounce of jealousy. I mean the fact that you are a Female producer will impress and bother anyone. People will be impressed because it is a rarity. Other's will hate because that is one more person ahead of them, getting the attention.

Point is, if she were a wack female producer we'd prolly give her props on her efforts and being a girl. BUT we know she's not wack. She's pretty dope and still learning. She's humble and knows that she has ways to go. YES she is a girl. YES it's very uncommon to even 'know a good female producer'. I'm in the industry, and I don't even know of many female producers that are 'good' let alone hot. PG is our homie on this site, a sister. Embrace her, show her love. Don't hate. This is PG's moment. Let her Live.


Producer gyal is a dope producer that just happens to be a girl. Its crazy that people think that shouldent matter. IT dose matter!! becasue your personalitiy reflects in your music. You take things from your envrioment, etcc... and incoprate them in your beats. The fact that she is a girl is differnt becasue its not common. But its not her cruch , its not like we are being nice to her just becasue she is a girl. Shit ,she has hot tracks. period!!!!(and dose it without any equipment at all)

With that beging said, man or women nobody can deny the girls skills , so like super said this is her moment, let her have it. Save this man women ish for the birds!!


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
whoa, whoa, whoa....... lets chill for a minute.

p gyal, im sory, but i think you are taking things a little to harshly. nobody is hating, nobody is getting ugly. what exactly has been said? everybody here has shown you nothing but love- and the interview had female related questions at that, so its entirely appropriate to discuss that element...

anyhow, i can see if you are *irritated*with everyone being so fascinated by it at this point, and if tahts the case, then say so. but yuo are getting a bit hostile when people arent even doing or saying anything bad towards you- you are taking things the wrong wa. i for one, havent seen what anyone has said that could be offensive....

and supa... nobody is hating on her, saying she is wack, nothing like that, eveyr guy here respects her and appreciates her contributions.

gyal, please dont take this as an attack because it isnt, but you are getting upset over nothing, and if i missed something i'm sorry but i just dont see it. dantson remade your picture out of letters..... what was so "ugly" about that? come on, its a positive thread but realistically you two are the ones getting upset over nothing. even what hoppa said was misconstrued. nobody is maing an issue, nobody is saying "oh, shes nice, for a girl i guess"... everyone has shown love. everyone.

*sidenote: since it is obviously bothersome to her for us to focus on the female aspect of this, then lets just let it be and focus on some other element to the interview.


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
Yes, the picture of Dantson is cool, no doubt, it is not about that.

Cold, im chill, its just that i dont like the way they turned the thread on how i may be a guy now, "ProducerPerson".
And i dont feel like prooving myself by showing a pic of myself. Not right now anyway. I just dont want them to start a rumor that i may be a guy, understand me, this is so frustrating.
Im sorry if Dj hoppa didnt like the interview because it was too much related to the fact that i am a girl. It was a cool interview and i just hope people will appreciate me for other reason, and not because of my gender. Really Cold, theres nothing else.


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
what? nobody is saying anything about you being a guy..... nobody. "producer person" was dantsons way of *JOKINGLY* being politically correct - hence the "the gyal is irrelevant, we've all agreed lol" part right afterwards.


seriously, you are being way to sensitive. nobody said you have to prove you are a girl. nobody questions that. there are no rumors. you are reading WAAAAAY too much into things.

all due respect, everything that you have takin offense to has been a misunderstanding on your part.

nobody appreciates that you are "the girl producer"; they appreciate that you are a good producer.

the simple fact is, a female producer- a GOOD female producer at that, is a rare thing and thus a natural curiosity. its like the country ass white kid who goes to the ghetto and kills everybody at the basketball court; everyone respects dude and his skills, and they are like "damn, no white dudes around here ball like that. i want this kid on my squad next run"... its a natural curiosity. an anomoly. something yuo dont expect. of course that plays a role but nobody doubts your abilities.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
*whew* im sitting here, like, i KNOW somehow im gonna look like a jerk here.....

but i'm glad it worked out o.k.

anyhow, on with the interview!

to be honest, i dont really get the rnb/hip hop thing... because its really ambiguous nowadays, in a lot of ways, and your "r n b" sounds hip hop to my ears. what tunrs it from one to the other will be the artists you work with.


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
nope COld, you aint a Jerk, you are a GREAT moderator. Dont ever Doubt that. Your intervention are always needed. I honestly thought you were mad lol. Man your avatar is so scary you know... lol

Yes, i know that i confused a lot of people with my issue about R&b vs Hip Hop. I just want to learn to make a beat without the smooth feel. Im on the learning process to make it sound more RAw. I guess this is what im going to learn and improove in the showcase for the next couple of month. I really would like to make some collabo with people who has totally opposite style. This would be so great for me, for my learning process.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i wasnt mad, but i read the thread and couldnt really see what was bothering you so much. it didnt even concern me, really. i just didnt want this to get out of hand, so i did what i could.