Producer_GyaL interview!

  • beat this! (mar 5-6) signup begins in...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
What A Loving Family, Daddy's Proud!

SuPa'PrOduZa said:
As you can see I don't take the thought of 'rumors' getting started too well. Mark's question about..'what's the deal between you and Supa' just seemed like the begining something. My apologies to you Mark if I came too strong.
We all know PG to be the best kind of person we can encounter in music. I know Producer Gyal personally and she's an amazing human being. I'm very protective of the people I care about. She's no doubt one of them. So the thought of a rumor starting against her got me tight.
Mark, I hear you're a cool cat. Please accept my apologies. I'm also sorry to the room for my spaz.

A very noble response indeed ;)
I KNEW that this is just a misunderstanding, so i kind of waited for this to end the way it did.
I understand your point of view SuPa, but you GOTTA make sure before you burst.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
SuPa'PrOduZa said:
As you can see I don't take the thought of 'rumors' getting started too well. Mark's question about..'what's the deal between you and Supa' just seemed like the begining something. My apologies to you Mark if I came too strong.

We all know PG to be the best kind of person we can encounter in music. I know Producer Gyal personally and she's an amazing human being. I'm very protective of the people I care about. She's no doubt one of them. So the thought of a rumor starting against her got me tight.

Mark, I hear you're a cool cat. Please accept my apologies. I'm also sorry to the room for my spaz.



See, now unlike most misunderstandin's here @ illmuzik,,,,this is how it's dealt with. Like ADULTS! I wish everybody can be grown here, but well,,,,,lets not take away from PG!!!

Gyal is that SHEEET! Congrats again! Canada got some true heat!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
SuPa'PrOduZa said:
As you can see I don't take the thought of 'rumors' getting started too well. Mark's question about..'what's the deal between you and Supa' just seemed like the begining something. My apologies to you Mark if I came too strong.

We all know PG to be the best kind of person we can encounter in music. I know Producer Gyal personally and she's an amazing human being. I'm very protective of the people I care about. She's no doubt one of them. So the thought of a rumor starting against her got me tight.

Mark, I hear you're a cool cat. Please accept my apologies. I'm also sorry to the room for my spaz.



apolagies accepted man, sorry if you took it the wrong way but obviously it woz never intended as such !


ill o.g.
Producer_GyaL said:
:D thanks Stress! Im happy everything is clear now.

Supa, what [R.N.D.R.T] stand for?? lol ? I'd like to know!!

PG, I'll tell you later :-D .

Thankyou for everyone's kind words. I'm not an internet thug so there won't be any need for the theatrics and the like.



tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
thanks for the props gyal. ;-) . overall, i'd say it was a damn fine interview from a damn fine lady. haha. i'd like to not only give major props to gyal, but to wings and fade for conducting it. damn good job with the questions. but back to gyal, keep up the good work girl, i'm sure we'll be seein your name everywhere eventually. just keep makin those bangers.

oh, and i'm with bigd on this one. gotta see what she looks like.


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
SuPa'PrOduZa said:
PG, I'll tell you later :-D .

Thankyou for everyone's kind words. I'm not an internet thug so there won't be any need for the theatrics and the like.



That RNDRT shit is the name of an old atari st virus.... damn you supa!!! I LOVED THAT SYSTEM TOO!


DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
"Can you try to analyze me and my character? Who's Wings Of An Angel, as you see it… What about my music?"

HAHAHA, that shit had me laughing...

good interview, but yo, who really cares that she's a female?

Got a lil frustrated noticing so much attention on gender....

And that "deserted island" question was just comedy.

who cares?

I guess people wanna know, hah.


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
DJ Hoppa said:
"Can you try to analyze me and my character? Who's Wings Of An Angel, as you see it… What about my music?"

HAHAHA, that shit had me laughing...

good interview, but yo, who really cares that she's a female?

Got a lil frustrated noticing so much attention on gender....

And that "deserted island" question was just comedy.

who cares?

I guess people wanna know, hah.


i wish people would be interrested more in my music than my gender. But hey, the question was fun and interresting, its not like i was interviewed by MTV..!
Indeed, i hope all the girls out there will make a difference in this rap game. Big Shout out to Nigma and Storm element.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Hoppa, while you have a valid point, you're also quite wrong (at least, in my opinion).
Although, basically speaking, gender plays no role, on the other hand, it's pretty rare to meet female producers, and if we already have one, why shouldn't we have some fun as well?
Music is, of course, top priority, but there's nothing wrong with some polished humour :clown:
I do not understand why you got so frustrated...



ill o.g.
Nice interview PG. I like the fact that you continue to remain humble, you dont get that from many people as talented as you.

Keep it up.


DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
WingsOfAnAngel said:
Hoppa, while you have a valid point, you're also quite wrong (at least, in my opinion).
Although, basically speaking, gender plays no role, on the other hand, it's pretty rare to meet female producers, and if we already have one, why shouldn't we have some fun as well?
Music is, of course, top priority, but there's nothing wrong with some polished humour :clown:
I do not understand why you got so frustrated...


hey Wings, no hard feelings bro, you know i love ya, it was just a "turn-off" to me, reading that. Maybe Ill conduct an experiment and sign on a new account as a female and see what happens...


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
Royal said:
Nice interview PG. I like the fact that you continue to remain humble, you dont get that from many people as talented as you.

Keep it up.


Thanks Roy, i really appreciate!!! :)

DJ Hoppa said:
hey Wings, no hard feelings bro, you know i love ya, it was just a "turn-off" to me, reading that. Maybe Ill conduct an experiment and sign on a new account as a female and see what happens...

Ok Hoppa, your comment is not necessary. I enjoyed every interview that fade or Wings have made, im not a DJ, i dont use equipement, i dont have any picture to show my set up or even myself. So, lets speak music, not about the fact that i am a woman.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Hoppa, one love bro :)
{why should there be any hard feelings yo? you just expressed your opinion and you have the full right to do so ;) }

you've read my previous interviews; i'm not trying to just interview and that's it. i'm trying to create art; something deeper so that people will learn as much as possible about the interviewee. i'm trying to showcase my interviewees from every possible angle. and what can we do? Gyal is a girl :laugh:
I wanted to play around that... we're all attracted to women :lick: [AT LEAST, I HOPE SO!!! :nanner: - no disrespect towards the homosexuals out there. we all choose our own individual path, after all!], and it's only natural to talk about it and so forth. plus, it's not like we've actually seen her picture.
she might be VERY UGLY (but she's not - sorry for the demonstration Mademoiselle) but what COUNTS is her talent + personality. that's what i like about her. I couldn't care less whether she's sexy\hot\naughty, what i do care about is how talented she is, how nice she is and how sweet she is. and (from what i can tell) she's all that.
