New dope track by Lauryn Hill!


Lake City Productions
Daamn.. 1st it was Wesley Snipes now Lauryn Hill.. when will they ever learn? lol.

Btw, nice catchy title Fade, lol.
Apparently the judge orderered she had to have "re-education" because of her political views. What political views have to do with tax evasion, i just dont know.

Lauryn Hill is the shit. So are my marketing tactics.
I dunno. It depends on what you are marketing.
If you are marketing music you should concentrate on the music.
If you are marketing your sexuality/appearance then you should concentrate on that.
There is nothing wrong with playing on your sex/looks to get publicity, it is highly effective.
But, be careful not to muddy the waters. You want to be taken seriously. Thats already hard enough as a female.
Remember though you want the right sort of people listening to your music. Not people that are just interested in trying to get laid.